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After nearly 10 years of offering just pressure washing and roof cleaning in the Katy and Fulshear area I have decided to take customer service to a new level and start a construction company in Fulshear. I seem to get asked on a nearly daily basis if I also offer painting, or if I know a good roofing company and up until now I have always just said I didn't do those things - I just stick to what I know best.

I realized that what I really know best is customer service, and helping customers take back the pride in home ownership. I also understand that you don't have to know everything, but it's good to know someone that does. I can actually help my customers more by finding the best custom pool builder, custom cabinet makers and outdoor kitchen construction company in the area and creating the home the customer has always wanted - but never knew how to get.

I am very excited to start my new endeavor and I have several great friends that have a decade or more of experience in construction but aren't as knowledgeable about marketing and I think together we can really successful and help a lot of great people create the house of their dreams.

Daniel Simmons

Pressure Washing America, LLC

Performance Construction of Fulshear


The idea of "eco-friendly" power washing is over used, misunderstood and well - kinda silly. Everyone wants to "go green" these days but what does that really mean? I have actually thought about this quite a bit, studies and researched the topic and have come to some conclusions that may not be popular with the green crowd or those who stand to profit from the green crowd or the free green money the government likes to give to its friends.

Lets take a simple device designed to save the planet - the automatic paper towel dispenser. In the old days (2 years ago) nearly all paper towel dispensers in bathrooms across this great land were manual - meaning you either had to pull down and get your paper towels or crank a spool and unroll your paper towels. Well, apparently we can no longer be trusted to only use a 6 inch piece of paper towel to clean our hands off with....the solution is simple - make it automatic, motion activated and only allow for a 6 inch piece of paper at a time! YAY we've gone green! Well, not really. Lets suspend our disbelief and pretend that everyone doesn't just end up getting two or three of these 6 inch pieces of magical hand drying paper....got that covered? Okay good we can move on (although this story could end here but what fun would that be).

Where does the old paper towel dispenser go? What was it made of and how harmful is that stuff to the planet? So in there we have either painted metal if it was really old (lead paint?) or a plastic housing, some small metal parts and small plastic parts. Plus the resources it took to produce those parts and assemble the unit. Plus the carbon emissions used to manufacture all the parts, ship them to assemble them, then ship them to a distributor and then to their final location. And we're just going to throw all that away? It is already starting to sound like we're not really saving the planet and I haven't even gotten to the new dispenser....TO BE CONTINUED.

Daniel Simmons

Pressure Washing America, LLC



Challenging weather conditions can make life difficult - even if you are an seasoned pressure washing contractor. In South East Texas as an example - we may take on wind chills dipping down to the teens during winter, and searing temperatures above 100 degrees during summer. Sprinkle in gusty winds, relentless humidity, unpredictable rain and you end up with a powerful mix of weather "challenges" for anybody that works outside.

As an example, washing outside windows during a high chance of rain isn't a great way to use your time - and it will likely not make the home owner too exited either. Have you washed a really steep roof during high or gusty wind - it isn't much fun!

However, on the other side of the coin cleaning concrete is generally going to be okay with high wind, some rain, lower temps or higher temps since nothing is probably going to have much effect on end results and it is pretty simple for the workers to take easy steps and make sure everyone is relatively comfortable and as safe as possible. During Summer, when it is constant and apologetically hot in the Houston area - dress accordingly, take in lots of fluids, be sure to make time to take short breaks and keep an eye out for shaded areas to chill when it is needed.

What do you do if your are a professional cleaning in Missouri City?

Make sure to have open lines of communication with customers. If there isn't a good way to contact your customers, it will not be possible to notify them in the event that you have to make any changes to the daily schedule. Next - understand what projects can be performed in what weather conditions and make an attempt to schedule them on the days that they are possible. Last, be prepared for changing weather conditions during projects. Keep a poncho inside the truck for surprise rain, have a lightweight jacket and/or a heavy one in the event that a cold front comes in, pack an ice cooler of cold water and light snacks for the especially hot afternoons and make time to remain safe - you wont regret it!

Daniel Simmons

Pressure Washing America, LLC

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