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Temple Depot Pressure Wash

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    Temple Depot Pressure Wash reacted to Ronw in Working with Contractors-Customer protection advice   
    We sell service and quality. We don't sell price.
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    Temple Depot Pressure Wash reacted to James in Working with Contractors-Customer protection advice   
    I like the 3 phone call system. If a person calls me 3 times I know there serious about getting the work done without competition.
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    Temple Depot Pressure Wash reacted to PressurePros in Working with Contractors-Customer protection advice   
    I agree with almost everything but the multiple bids thing. Comparing bids on jobs requires more than most homeonwners are capable of doing. They start comparing based upon price when material quality, efficiency at which project will be completed, time in business and reputation are much more important. Of course I am also biased. I believe once they meet me there is no need to look anywhere else.