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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    Rich, What are we looking at there?... a nights worth of needle point? Carpets and everything is ok now from my flood. Thanx fer asking. Trick with carpets is to get them dry within a couple day. Just a day even can see a place stinking to high heaven. I do combat with the 10% strength Lysol, heater, and snail fans. Was scary though as there was alot more then I bargained for. Water went through a few walls into two other areas of house and I really should of just thrown the lysol down into the flood itself for it to get into the wall framing prior to sucking up although that can make for foamage and more headache.. Michael, Missed the pics the first time around..Where's your bike?. Shriners does good stuff, I commend you on your choice of charity work... My little ones are all in good health and another comes in less then a week. Can hardly fathom any them in need of a childrens hospital. Gotta count our blessings there.
  2. Startup

    Haha Rich.. that why I for one said "after said and done"..knew we would get technicals throwin in soon enough. :) Some fields you can pretty much take the cogs and use a multiplier on it. Higher the better of course but I get by decent with about x10 on some jobs and down to about x4 on others. Depends on which field or chem level being utilized and how big the job I doing at the time too.
  3. Startup

    Bueller, Bueller..I mean Fenner, Fenner... Ya got to wait for Fenner on this. :) Layman like myself just say things like "I need 30-40% after it said and done".
  4. Daycare Playground Equipment

    Wonder what they normally cleaning with. Them bugs probably super bugs resistant to common chems
  5. Real difference between 4 and 5 GPM?

    Aside from the 2 wire option don't you guys with larger setups in the 8 gpm and up sizes use larger diameter/ heavier hose, boiler coils, etc.? Please correct me if not so. Would be nice to know what can be used off a 5 on say an 8..
  6. Evening out bright spots

    Fantastic pics!!.. Wondering if Vseal or Scott can jump in here to say anything of their products duplicating the seal seen here...Some slabs can look blotchy as such due to moisture for days or weeks during rainy weather.
  7. Real difference between 4 and 5 GPM?

    As most are saying..a 5gpm is never said to be too fast. In other words you could take that to mean it just isn't and you'll want more. Get at least a 6 for commercial flat work when the jobs or over a few thousand feet in size. By all means ya have to have heat with any choice for flat work. 5gpm is considered a do all middle of the road machine. Feels plenty if not too much for resi house work or deck work but weak when staring at 20k feet or plenty of rinsing. GPM is what moves water and debri and the more of it you have the wider fan you can get away with using too. Lots of rinse work is done with bigger machines around here to where I hardly consider it pressure washing really as the fellas hold their wand tips feet away from surface rather than inches. To be able to do this on fairly clean maintenance accounts ya need about a 6 I would say. I can't do it with my 5. Am just too anal about it as I know I am not quite getting enough the dirt. Have to be right there up close with a 5. To digress a tad though my 5 pushes a surfacer fine. A 6 or 8 would do that much better due to shear power hitting surface. If it turns fast enough to not outwalk your pace then yer good to go. As you go up in gpm though I imagine you have to allow that some parts..maybe hosing, burner, etc. is going to be more robust, larger, or cost more. With an 8 I assume there will be plenty more locations that just can't supply it with their onsite supply without you having tank to feed it. Doubt a small float tank could make much difference less you let go of trigger regular to let the supply catch up. I still have no full size tank and that is why I don't move up in size. Never heard a 6 being overly limited to being tank supplied though. Just depends on the volume available at the location really and whether they up to snuff. More and more these days they putting these hose bibs on that limit flow in the commercial jobs that would other wise be small enough to do without a tank. No tank leaves door open to complications or being limited.
  8. Daycare Playground Equipment

    Sorry don't know any specifics but have seen that there are crews that go around doing all the McDonalds or Carls JR. playgrounds. Talked to one of the guys and they said to the effect that they change out any messed up foam protectors or plexiglass besides just cleaning them. So them type jobs there is a bit more involved. He had a hotsey machine.
  9. Custodial contract reviewed

    Learn a foreign language?? Nah.. part of my gig is to entertain the Indians..Not knowing what they saying can make for some fun times albeit usually at my expense.. :) For instance I had an Indian teach me how to say "I want to get with yer sister" ...you know to be able to play around with some the guys at other locales that enjoy shootin the breeze in true guy fashion. Some them like crude humour. So this guy teaches me something sounding like 'mary bonda morrow' and I head out into the world all proud and armed with another addition to my small repertoire of Punjab/Hinde slang. Come to find out monthes later that all the while I thinking I been dis'en them about their sisters I really been telling them I want to bend male men over and have at them in a frisco sort of way. Is no wonder many were choking on their kava(sp?) drinks and about falling off their stools in laughter. ... I'll stick with English cause that is the official American language isn't it?
  10. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    Amen to all that Brothers!..focus on the good and encourage new course.. Share up yer stress relieving acts and enjoyments of the season folks!! :)
  11. Custodial contract reviewed

    yup Alan..that about it. My famous last words to competitor would be "Hows yer girlfriend doing Randy? "
  12. Happy Holidays!

    Happy Holidays everyone and all! That also means a very special thanx and appreciation to the vendor/suppliers out there. I for one appreciate the Xmas cards!! .. :)
  13. Custodial contract reviewed

    They want good work they might want to make sure they got none of that bs going on where they favor minority owned company and basically discriminate wrongly... What the word I looking for?..sounds like apartide/descrimination..oh yea it just popped in my had..AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.. YUK YUK! :)
  14. Another Craigslist Ad

    something was floating around about them charging starting in Nov. for employment section... unsure what became of it.
  15. Another Craigslist Ad

    If your not using Craigslist your missing some opportunity to hook up with some quality customers. Just cause every lowballer and their uncles nephew (lol) frequent the place and may be the majority doesn't at all mean cheap customers are the norm. Depending on area the ads may run a week or may run 45 day. On the short ads in same catagory you can get another exact same ad in after a few days when yer coming up near the end of the first ad running out. You can also get away with placing same ad in multiple catagory if you first create them and but click your publish buttons on them around the same time. Other then that, just changing a couple word on small ads tend to let them through. Sometimes I have about 5 running at same time. May sound like alot but they are in different catagory or areas. Some other folk are very active and you can see their ads mulitiple times in same catagory on same day. This pisses everone off and sometimes people will do ads chastising the idiots that do that..
  16. Former president's mold-ridden structure torn apart

    Why sorry for the owners?..Apparently they wanted to pay 3 mil for this delapidated house and spent 3 years working the deal. Sounds like a dumb deal if the value of the property as a whole does not end up being way more after they get the new house up. Either they luv the property for persoanl reasons and money doesn't matter to them or they have it figured out to make a profit..
  17. A few more things...Do make it known and alllow for possable furring. Anytime you do wood this done in ya could get some fur that could up your labor. By the amount of stain that seems left in yer pic I would think what is going to come off with a real mild cleaner or weak bleach is going to be about that of just the washer alone. Is there and areas that are holding stain better like on north side verticles or trim?..With that said whatever you do just make sure to use enough to kill it. Why use a clear sealer? Same time for a semi trans and it will look and last 10 times better. If you sell it on fact that clears offer no uv protection from graying any smart person will choose the little extra expense for the stain price compared to say a big box store water seal.
  18. Some could clean and stain that deck at $1.25-$1.50 (counting all the wood).. and wash the house fer 10 cents per sq. ft. of wall. What ya plan on charging for the house and concrete? ps- you say below that would has stain?..bleach it. It can be argued that percarb is effective but I think that level of mold you may have to boost it too much compared to a simple hypochloriting it..
  19. Nasty Oil Stains on Block Paving

    Well first he made sure he was topped off good and proper then he reached down with a wrench right before pulling in and turning around.... What a way to get business..hehe :)
  20. Pressure Washing secrets E-Book Reviewed

    Where ya at Ron?.. Ya missed this part of the marketing strategy.. haaaaa
  21. Pressure Washing secrets E-Book Reviewed

    oh thanks Michael!...suspected some bad info was involved but without my own copy I figured I'de get in your craw so ya talk about yer real feelings on it...haha.. Some reason I luv to make some you guys shine by leaving open doorway or just straight up being devils advocate.. I feel ashamed for it sometimes but I get so much humor back out of it ya'll being so easy...lmaof..kinda backfires though when no one speaks up on occasion. Hey Louis, I really got to ask man...Did you write the thing or what? If so, why not use it in some other fashion as Fenner was saying...you know like a report or such. Also, you know that certain chems in airtight container will offgas and explode a person right out their shoes?
  22. Pressure Washing secrets E-Book Reviewed

    Ah come on guys..give time with humble heart. Product isn't really geared or discretely being pushed towards pro's alone. Lot's of newbie's come here and may want a packaged deal to browse through before getting deeper in. Maybe product is abit wanting in areas but who if any of us have a product that isn't in some aspect? As for Louis...let's treat friends to what we normally do (you know lots of banter..lol..j/k) He is not foe and he surely is bonafide at some level like the rest of us.. :).. carry on..
  23. Read any good books lately? Post your titles here!

    I'll await your report as I could open up to reading a business book here and there... The idea of competing on value based around quality and 'our' product rather then others price or inabilities always seems important to me. I still make the mistake of addressing others price or what others do during sales or when writing copy. Hard habit to break when there is sloppy unprofessional results staring at ya while visting an establishment though. Btw..Happy Holidays :)
  24. Read any good books lately? Post your titles here!

    good books?... thought there only one "Good Book"..authors are John, Paul, George, and Ringo..um er.. I mean and Luke, etc. ..haha Seriously though...Can't say I ever actually got all the way through a whole business book. Would rather read motivational or spiritual minded books that feed the soul. Closest one to being a business book I can recommend would be "Who Stole My Cheese". Reads in about a half hour and is good stuff!! ps--"ESO" in the friendly relations section is good stuff too.. :)
  25. 24" larger surface cleaners

    Btw John, The wheel versus hover discussion of this thread has a role in being able to show us proofs either way in our side discussion of spin inducing something more. On hover type surfacers we can ask do they ride lower to the ground if you were to lock down the spin? Increased spin by way of a 3rd party motor and tip angle being same would have to show an increase in ride height. Could lock a bar down with a screw driver through a hole in deck to check out. A clutch or flipper system similar to when we used to put playing cards on our bike rims could be utilized to show the differences if present also. Such invention would be considered as a height slash power adjuster if so.. Hey I just invented something...lol.. not really, as I don't think its sound.