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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. 1) Broken battery charger for chemical sprayer deep cell... Check!

    2) Be sure the starter rope snaps on the powerwasher... Check!

    3) After charging deepcell with new charger be sure the pump make a loud noise and stops... Check!

    4) Buy a pump sprayer at Home Depot and pray the homeowner doesn't see you using it... Check!

    5) Attach trailer to truck and notice the trailer light adapter is missing... Check!

    6) Get a flat tire on your car while going to Auto Zone to get a new adapter... Check!

    7) Return home and find to toilet won't flush after reading a few pages of Car and Driver... Check!

    8) Blow out a high pressure line while rinsing HD80 from a deck... Check!

    9) Get HD80 on your hands while changing hoses... Check!

    10) Swear and scream "God *&$! this HD80 burns like a mother!"... Check.

    11) Come home and find your wife is home early. Hope she hasn't looked in the toilet... Check!

    Gotta love the first day back to work.

  2. I will pass this advice along. I really don't want to advise him what to buy, just what to stay away from. If I advised him to apply brand XYZ and it failed a year later because it wasn't applied correctly or whatever reason, I'm the one that'll come out looking like the bad guy. I think it's much safer to advise on what product to stay away from.

    The guy tried to clean one section himself with a powerwasher... Yikes! It's going to take a little extra time to fix those heavy wand marks. It's a good thing he gave up quickly. :)

  3. Once about 5 years ago while returning from Bulgaria alone I was seated between two rather large men making my seat somewhat less than comfortable. About 15 minutes into the flight the attendent came to me, asked me to bring my carry-on and follow her. She brought be upstairs (it was a 747) to the nearly empty first class seating and told me to sit where I wanted. Another A+ for British Airways.

  4. You're right about that place shaking all the time. I lived there for several years in the early 1990s in Osaka for a little while before moving to Wakayama. Minor earthquakes are something you get used to. In fact one of the first things I learned about that is to not leave your coffee cup too close to the edge of your desk or it will shake right off at any given time. I moved back to the USA shortly before the huge quake that destroyed Kyoto in 1995. I had several friends in Kyoto that I kept in touch with when I returned to the USA but I never got a reply from them after the earthquake. After a while I gave up trying. Sometimes I miss living there but then I look around and see how much I have going for myself here in the USA. I wish the people only the best in Japan.

  5. Areas of triangles used to worry my students at school for several reasons. Square x would start the worries because there wasn't any square in a triangle but mostly it was the formula 1/2 * b * h. Seeing a fraction and doing an operation with a fraction can cause panic in most children and adults. Lastly, how in the world can you multiply something and come out with something less than you started with? The solution was simple. Measure out the triangle as if it was a true square (or rectangle) and cut the answer in half; hence the 1/2 * X. Use tangrams to support the idea that a triangle is always exactly 1/2 the square or rectangle. It is much easier for the kids to understand it this way.

  6. Ok. So I'm reading that the greenery must be protected by wetting it down or tarps or both? I have a home that has 7500 square ft. very difficult to get to from the back. Lots of ladder work. I'm not sure if I want to venture forth with this roof?? I'm brave and like a challenge... but I'm questioning myself here.

    Blasting your mixture on the roof is the easy part and capturing it as it drains from the gutters isn't rocket science but it can get a little tricky. The part I'm always most careful with is the overspray when sprayinng the edges of the roof or the peaks. Careful with the peaks because that chemical will go sailing right over the other side of the house and land right on the ______________. Fill in the blank with grass, deck, restored 1965 Jaguar XKE, or award winning roses imported from the remote island if Tisjajik.

  7. Square feet is measured by finding the product of length and heigth (or width), this is your area. Volume, measured in cubics, is the product of length, width and heigth. When measuring the surface area of something, sidewalks for example, multiply the only two dimisions you can see; the length and width. When measuring the volume of an item multiple all three dimensions and answer it as cubic X (inches, centimeters, etc). There will be a short quiz at 3:30 this afternoon that counts as 10 percent of your final grade.

  8. Once in a while you will meet one that asks too many questions about what kind of chemical for this and what kind do you use for that. If the questions are being asked from a home handyman type and he starts asking ratios you can be sure he's just pumping you for information so he can do the job himself with a rented washer. Feel free to say any chemical that pops into you mind at that moment. Uranium 232 works great at removing those black streaks from the white gutters, I dilute it with 50% water, sometimes a little stronger if the stains are tough.

  9. The internet is a goldmine of information, not just for our trade but for anything in general. It really is a blessing. If there is a difficult aspect to the web it's sorting the useful information from useless. If you know where to look and what to look for the internet is really a great tool. 26 years is a long time but I think some of the members of this site might have you beat. Not me, this is my 18th year at it and I haven't witnessed some of the changes you spoke about. What made you get into it and what made you get out of it? You must see a lot of powerwashers in Florida. Whenever I visit X city or X state I always look in their phonebook to see what the powerwash business is like. Florida is just packed with powerwashers.

  10. I don't know if this might be related but I'll make a comment anyways... My 2 year old snowblower hunts loke a big dog (running lean) to the point that I have to run it at half choke. Here's the weird part; under a load, when you're actually moving the snow, it runs perfect. This started the second season I used it. After researching this I found there are two rubber o-rings in the carb that are dry rotted and throwing off the mixture. Maybe you have a similar problem.
