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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Finished the truck with Patrick. I think rebuilding the Lego truck was more difficult than building the little circuit for the flashers.

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  2. I could c that workin

    I'm not trying to sound like a smart a$$ but watch your spelling and grammar. I've only read two posts by you and both had errors. When you're dealing with customers they more than likely own the house or building (which usually represents a great deal of money) you are bidding on. If I saw a bid with these kind of errors on it I would move on to the next powerwashing bid. Just my thoughts.

  3. I'm responsible for city sidewalks in front of the stores I snowplow the parkinglots for. the snowbanks are way taller than the snowblower itself. Must look funny to someone watching, just a orange snout sticking up throwing out snow. I've got to get a picture of what my front yard looks like. The snow is so high.

  4. It sucks now!! Over four and half feet for the month of Jan. My kids have been out of school since the Holiday break it seems and a foot is a possibility next Tues.

    This is nuts. I haven't heard much about Tuesday's storm the weather guys are just saying more on the way. At this rate we will be in school until July. Kinda cuts into my powerwashing time.
