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Everything posted by James

  1. Garage Door Issue

    Scott I do a considerable amount of garage doors and they are probably the biggest pain in the sphincter . Small area many trips back in forth.. Once you get them down which takes a few times they are a nice reoccurring income source. Looks like old sealer remains. T-11 wasn't buffed enough but was not a smart selection of a highend door. Oil is easier to maintain and protects the wood better over time. Looks like the the way the weather hits the doors can be an issue . Sun and water kill garage doors mainly the bottom 1/3.
  2. Garage Door Issue

    Label the photos and scritical going on in each before I get critical.
  3. Who comes to TGS weekly??

    Coffee and iPad every morning ,like now! Can you smell the croissants burning and smoke alarm going off!!!!!!! The wife just killed my trip to Oven's of France a wonderful bakery..
  4. Just like all the old British Rockers assembled the other night for hurricane Sandy at the garden. We are a dieing breed ! Dead within 10 years. I do remember about 6 to 8 years ago the weather eliminated many wood care people because they couldn't survive the rain . I lost 50 to 60 grand two years in a row back then . Crap this year weather effected 30 grand worth of work. I couldn't do a bunch of scheduled work in the spring and put off a house till fall which was rainy thenput it off Till spring because I was too tied to do a difficult job even with good workers. Rick , you know me I do use ipe911 when some one calls with an emergency . Got too have fun with it !
  5. I had a longer better answer above but I lost half of it. Wood care takes a big commitment and the learning curve is on going. Still after over 15 years I'm still learning and developing new sealers and processes. I research history and historic wood restoration /preservation . I want to know how those ships didn't leak crossing the pond!
  6. I have had conversations about this with people . My point of view from where I live is that. Deck building has been way down in the last 5 years and those guys are hurting from the economy. Water based products blow and by the time they find some people like us the cost is way high to remedy the situation. Composite building is way up for the people who do re- build. People with ipe get sick of redoing yearly plus all the bad advice they have already recieved . The weather makes this business very difficult to maintain consistency throught a season. Also, every handyman, jack off all trades,painters,yea I can seal your deck, summer help, landscapers, you buy the sealer and I'll put it down people have sprung up with the bad economy. Which I have become accustom to solving these mistakes over the last 5 years. It has become more of a niche and I don't mind. I have started ipe911. !!!
  7. You could of just done a bleaching to get rid of the mold and re- stained. The Flood stripper was to strong for the wood and furred it up . Cypress doesn't take too much oil when new and gets better with age for oiling
  8. Trailer can hold 2100 pounds
  9. brushing gutters!

    I know a couple of pressure cleaners who start cleaning gutters 2nd week of November until they cant do it.High quality clean outs with sponge wipe outs as they remove the leaves. Here in Ct sludge forms from the decomposing leaves and the gutters get to heavy and pull away from the house if not cleaned. 2 man team can earn 20 to 30 k for 4 weeks of work or more doing 10 houses a day plus or minus. I just started adding this feature to some of the larger estates I'm maintaining . Spring and fall clean outs. Start earlier end later in the year.
  10. Mordy, been thinking of selling my back up unit. Always garaged, less than 300 hours on all new parts. Coil, cat pump,unloader, hose reel , trailer is newer too. This is a compact trailer 4x8 with a hydro tec 5 gallon hot/cold 3200 psi125 gallon water tank. Perfect for all aspect of cleaning! This sale comes with one week of training from Sir Knowledge Wood. This alone is worth thousands. Start 2013 fresh ! 3500 green ones...... Motor is new too and is bigger than the original 18 horse .
  11. If you are doing or have interior and exterior work going on at the same time it's very difficult to transition from exterior to interior. I tried to do it and always wanted to be outside and settled on just scheduling inside work for the winter. Very different pace and different style and approach with regards to attention of detail. Everything about it is different!
  12. Keep your interior job. Exterior wood I wouldn't recommend to do unless you get into all aspects of exterior cleaning.
  13. Black Streaks on Gutters

    Don't offer reprinting gutters. Get butyl from a chem house or a good potent degreaser has it in it. I tried touching a gutter up in my early days but you have to do the whole gutter because it stands out too much.
  14. Hot water on vinyl

    Had to use hot water today and made the difference of being able to complete the job. In the 40's for 4 ours.
  15. Black Streaks on Gutters

    Buy butyl straight and make your own solution . All chem's are etching the surface to rid the stains. I never noticed a dulling of a dirty gutter after thousands cleaned. The thickness of the paint is limited and I've gotten to the metal after a few cleanings of the same gutter.
  16. Black Streaks on Gutters

    Gutters ! Probably the most annoying subject concerning house washing on the BB .If anyone took anytime they could figured how to clean them in 20 minutes. If they bought a couple of the cleaners that clean gutters imagine the results? Just think if a pole had a brush attached to it dipped in a butyl solution...............say no more
  17. IPE help

    Too late in the season to do anything with ipe. Without photo's probably over application of product(flaking). The more more you spend on ipe the more expensive the fix. The more u try to put down a product that is tougher and harder the more difficult to fix. If you use a very expensive product learn howto maintain it.
  18. Sandy

    I was by the ocean this morning dropping off a lift . it was low tide and water was over the beaches smacking the walls and starting to come over some of the road I was on. Ocean front properties are going to be devastated .
  19. Yes , I heat it up. Industrial blow drier and a stainless pot . You can buy heaters with a probe that goes in the fluid.
  20. Heating the oil up helps too .. One wood job left to finish. Cedar roof.
  21. I bought a heater to blow under the deck. Pretty neat. Speeds drying of the wood in the morning and helps the with the oling.
  22. Honest answer . Cedar is very difficult below 50 and if the wood is less than a year old a waste of time unless you thin the oil. Pt between 40 and 50 temps on the north side of the house will take time to dry. Below 40 on old wood in the sun is ok but still take time to dry? Trick is spirits to speed dring. If u decrease solid content and increase applications it will work and better to get the job done. Still doing wood and it's brutal!
  23. Getting murdered by rain and frost coming. Wood care blows ! Spring is filled! Wood care blows more in spring! I'm getting to much wood care work. It blows!
  24. Having some issues with my stored photos at the wrong time