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Dave O

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Dave O last won the day on October 2 2019

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About Dave O

  • Rank
    TGS Platinum Member
  • Birthday 08/23/1972

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    Gone from forums
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  1. Heat Stroke FAQ's

    Bump bump again
  2. How much sleep do you get?

    I thought this thread was about how many days I could stay awake. Oh well
  3. A strange thing happened yesterday...

    tools, cell phones. guns, purses, wallets, clothes, dead animals, mattress and pillows, many homeless, thieves, and much more
  4. Need Help with Categories for Directory?

    Deck and fence cleaning and staining,building and repair. Window & screen cleaning. Driveway and sidewalk cleaning. Dryer vent cleaning.
  5. Your belt driven pump will suck that tank dry where it is at, and will not have a problem. Our trailer units have always sucked 2 large tanks close to dry So in another words it is fine I do not like that unloader on the side of the pump. Alot of weight on the pump head with vibration from hoses, unloader, and travel, or even someone smacking it. Put it on a block mounted on the machine base Run your bypass to the top of the tank neck with nipple, and also you feed hose to top with a hudson float valve. Hudson takes the slosh of water better if traveling full. Run your feed from the bottom of the tank (You should have a drain there) and then to you pump with a 3 way ball valve for draining tank when needed. I also do not like the straps on the tank. Chemicals and sun may wear them down , so you should use the horseshe clamps around the tank. Point that burner up and put a cap on it within the specs to keep the burner breathing. This will keep rain our of it, and it wont be pointing at your vehicle heating things up in the back. Also point the motor exhaust away from that battery box. They get hot and will melt things
  6. Not since Atari.... 360 live !!!!

    What is thing called Atari
  7. Pawn shops are a great place to find: Things that contractors have sold when they are desperate for money, and can collect for a cheap price. Things that have been stolen from your trucks or shops Things that have been stolen from contractors job sites and other
  8. I grew up in reno beach but my dad had a junk yard and a used car lot on state line rd for 60 yrs. Chucks State Line Auto. On Telegraph and stateline rd

  9. Yes we are there just about every day, and will be bidddimg on a Clarion there tomorrow. Also work in Indiana, and have been asked by a few fire inspectors that I have trained to come into Chicago.

  10. Do you do any work down in Toledo? It's my home town

  11. Nah maybe I shouldn't stir up a nice quiet forum How about using a surface cleaner to clean it Or wait I have a good one How about cleaning with bleach There this should put some wood in the fire
  12. You are all wrong. Best is elbow grease
  13. Track Santa on Norad

    Very nice Kids will love it
  14. Who has a copy of the yellow pages?

    It goes in the recycle bin, or gets used for fire starting out back
  15. Does it run the same on and off the trigger? One of my machines has a 18 HP B&G The reson I ask is the machine starting running rough about 10 minutes in. It would act like it wanted to shut down, or it would shutter, and then in the end after it finally shut down it would backfire and sputter when restarted. Then it would run fine again for a few then the same. Changed everything from filters to plugs and even the oil since it had a low level shut down sensor, and then checked choke, and other. It still did the same thing after all that was done. In the end it was my unloader straining the engine even when on the trigger. Just a thought