The best forms of networking is with other service people, either directly related or indirect. Truly the leads an refferals come more from direct for my company more often that indirect.
To play the refferal game you have to actually give them too.
I have 23 guys that meet once a month and we all look and reffer to each other. Here's a couple of the tradesmen. Carpet & tile, builder, Window cleaner, pest control, dentist, countertops, Glass guy, janitorial, ect.
We started meeting around sept of last year, aside from some jobs I got alot of great ideas for marketing from some older and more mature business people than even myself.
Rick, that great that this is working. I recently put a bid from a gentalmen that came to a roundtable meeting for over 250,000 feet. They want the job done in three days, fourtunatly I'm one of a few that could actually get it done.
Keep up the netwrking guys its a great thing, its one of the main reasons i started meeting nationwide so guys understand this more and more. Truly benifits all.......