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Everything posted by RGilliam

  1. Paint Prep

    Anyone have any suggestions on removing loose paint? I figured TSP, bleach, hot water? Its on a brick home. She said half was newly paint and she wants that clean. The other half is going to be painted next week. Any input would be appreciated!
  2. Looks like its been beat to death. I see the filter in that one picture, it looks like thats broke in half. Im careful purchasing used stuff, especially if I cant hear it run, honestly you can probably keep looking and find a better deal.
  3. I guess it depends on what you do. We wash trucks, we run all 8gpm skids. As far as brands, there is alot of good ones out there, hydrotek, landa, hotsy, largo, pressure pro, and the list goes on and on. I currently have a couple Tuff PWs, a hydrotek, Landa, and some others I put together. All have held up pretty well. I know alot of guys buy pressure pros. I think they are a little cheaper than most. Hotsy and Landa are pretty expensive. My hydrotek has ran like a tank. If your on a tight budget you may want to look for something used. Especially right now, alot of people trying to sell stuff for extra Christmas money.
  4. Who has Worker's Comp?

    The company I have workers comp threw asked if I done roofs, said they didnt do workers comp for companies that cleaned roofs. Originally I tried the pay as you go workers comp threw quickbooks, er hartford institute, whatever it is, and they said they didnt do workers comp for anyone that washed trucks. crazy..
  5. what are yall using that thing for? Didnt you say u used to do alot of hog barns or something?
  6. yea id like to have them, itll be first of the year before ill be able to buy anything else tho.
  7. ive been buying buying buying. This is the perfect time to get good deals. In the last month I bougth another box truck, 2 8gpm cold water machines, 1 hot water skid, 1 tandem trailer, and a couple other things. Im debating on trying to get some hot boxes for the 8gpm cold water machines. Wifes ready to kill me tho.
  8. ah its junk, but for 800 bucks, id buy it, if its in good shape.
  9. you build that urself? I went to look at a kubota in indianapolis today, im dying to do something like that i can put in my box truck, a couple pumps, and a generator
  10. hows ur cousin doing? didnt he start a wash business in morehead?...... Ive been wanting to build a machine like that, wanted to do 2 pumps and a generator for fleetwashing.
  11. you got any pictures of it? I'd like to see that baby
  12. Thats kewl. post some pictures of that.
  13. Thought I had it figured

    sorry Matt, thats 859 area code
  14. Thought I had it figured

    call me, 595 5173
  15. Unusual cleaning job

    well I guess I still do have one, its showing now?
  16. Unusual cleaning job

    huh? I had one
  17. Unusual cleaning job

    Did you ever do this job? I think with bleach you'd prob. still have to do lots of scrubbing.
  18. Ron! Whats up with PWI?

    lol I was wondering the same thing!
  19. Unusual cleaning job

    Two stepping is a method we use to clean trucks. Its applying an acid. then apply a soap over top of it. Then its like a magic trick,....now you see the dirt....now you dont! waaa laaa! maybe watch one of my videos. its really simple. you just have to be careful with the acid.
  20. Unusual cleaning job

    I'd two step it. Lol. ALways seems to work.
  21. best price

    Try Russ, southside, I bought my last couple from him. Not sure what model they are but theyve held up really really good!
  22. banjo is what I use. I use all banjo fittings actually.
  23. Help with name ideas

    unless of course you ever build it into something then decide you want to sell it. then bob wouldnt want steves pressure washing service. I think using your name is a bad idea. I'd love to change my company name....What is going to be your main focus of business? Residential Commercial? Fleets,? I'd try to find a good name that sets your apart from everyone else.
  24. see if you have a univar or something close by, if not, like John said, pools stores have it, btw fill out ur signature so we know who you are.