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Jeff Robison

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Posts posted by Jeff Robison

  1. I had a generator stolen off my trailer as it sat in my driveway during the day!! It was bolted down, nice neighborhood. It happened the same day my neighbor was getting some gutter work done. The contractor had all his tools on the back of his truck and was working at the back of the house. Came back around and it was gone.

    Jeff Robison

    Clean Up Atlanta, Inc.


  2. What do you consider a decent referral fee? Say I give a deck guy a lead that I do not want, or they give me a referral on a big commercial job.

    I am thinking 10% of the total job if they get it. Is this too low? Too high? Or just keep it a good gesture amongst friends in the industry and nothing gets exchanged?

    Jeff Robison

    Clean Up Atlanta


  3. I am interested to see how many hours behind a wand or surface cleaner people are putting in a week? Trust me I know about the thinking, mailing, marketing, and other hours.

    But how many actual pressure washing hours per week are some guys averaging a week? It may be employees or yourself.

    This was spurred by another How much per hour thread. Just curious.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior


  4. I agree about the equipment. I have an 8 gpm machine, hose reels, great chems and there are not too houses that take two guys over an hour and a half from roll up to roll out. The price stays the same and hourly is well over $200.00.

    I also have a Swabby for flat work. 10x faster than normal surface cleaners. Typically I am well over $300.00/hr on bigger jobs, but we do everything faster than most companies can.

    This random price per hour stuff does not mean much, it is all on an individual company basis. I feel a company needs to work up total volume by any profitable means necessary and then purge the less profitable accounts.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior


  5. If that happens it will be ironic how the person that is never sick and rarely misses work will be sick 7 days a year. How about the small business man that is struggling to make his own ends meet while giving meaningful employment to people, I guarantee he or she won't be sick 7 days a year.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior/Clean Up Atlanta


  6. I have thought about mace as well, I have seen some that comes in a bottle that attached to your leg. Kind of like Dog the Bounty Hunter. It would give you enough time to call 911 or grab a wrench and beat somebody with it. It would be visible so if anyone really approached you to start trouble you know they would have to be serious about it.

    I was very upset about a situation a couple of months ago in Atlanta as well in broad daylight. A very intimidating man approached me and wanted a couple bucks, told him to get a job and it escalated from there, basically grabbed the fire hydrant wrench and he walked away. But, it was scary none the less

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior


  7. I am trying to broaden my horizons a little and looking into why products work the way they do on certain surfaces. I know basically what product to use in various situations, but want to know WHY they work. PH levels, Why concrete actually brightens, Why percarbonate works the way it does. Etc.

    Are there any starting points for this type of information. I am pretty familiar with chemistry. Can anybody help?

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior


  8. I put a surface cleaner to a stone walkway that had been coated with a sealer. Multi million dollar home, he wanted to keep the walkway looking perfect. It tore the stuff right off the surface. He told me on a later cleaning that it was $250.00 to fix, but did not make me pay for it. I had done a couple of other things that day and just told him not to worry about it. I am at his house every 6 months for a cleaning of something.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior


  9. Do oil based paints collect mildew faster than water based? Just curious as I have a reoccuring house that I have had to clean every year. A lot of shade, trees very close to the house, creek no too far away. He complains like crazy, but it is just the situation I think.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior


  10. Going to start building my website this weekend and need to insert some good before and after pics of residential and commercial. I have a few but more when I first started and my camera quality was not that good. I just got out of the habit of taking before and afters (not anymore)

    My question is, does anyone have any good pictures that I could use for my website? I am based in Atlanta, Georgia. I do very high quality work in mostly high end neighborhoods.

    Siding, Concrete, Driveways, and Decks are primarily what I am looking for residential wise.

    I have some good commercial ones, but could use some more. I just want a good looking website with knock their socks off pictures in a hurry.

    Thanks in Advance.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior



  11. I had no problem with the posting of the business for sale. Just the digging up of the contacts and cutting and pasting to the forum. No sweat for me, I do not know the guy or anything about his business. Just the posting of the contacts, like I said anyone could have found them by digging deep, but to cut and paste to an open forum like this with many of his competitors here to pick him apart?

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior

  12. I am in Atlanta and I feel posting this on this forum was kind of shady, not real professional. The guy is probably hurting a little anyway and boom you post all his main contacts all over this board. I know they are out there for the public on his website, but you would have to dig pretty deep to stumble across it. I am sure some wolves have already called everyone of them and said the guy is selling or going out of business, but we can take care of you. Just putting a nail in his coffin so to speak.

    I just did not like seeing this on this board.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior

  13. I am not sure how knowledgable he really is, but he is the only guy in ATL that had one in stock and I told him my specs and it works out great. I would have to look at the nozzles, it has been a while. I believe 2.0 or maybe even 2.5. I showed up and he had everything ready to go.

    He even said he was not sure if it would be better or not, but it did!! I will try just about anything to increase efficiency and this one worked.

    Jeff Robiso

    Titan Exterior

  14. My bar broke and I picked up the 4 spray nozzle version. The difference is night and day. I was shocked at how much faster I could clean, No and I repeat No overlap marks. I run 8gpm and on most concrete it would be difficult to get it to tiger stripe. The guy who sold it to me really did not think it would clean a lot better, but trust me it did. He did say about 8gpm is necessary for the 4 nozzle set up. Well worth the money.

    Jeff Robison

    Titan Exterior.
