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Everything posted by jgotterb

  1. Vette Wagon

    Thanks Adrian, let me know, and yeah I love suicide doors too, especially when they're factory!
  2. Vette Wagon

    Most if not all prototypes are scraped, never are any titled so I'd have to say it is a modification, vettes are fiberglass as I'm sure you know, so it wouldn't be that hard to do. But yeah, is the cont. for sale too? I'm thinking roadtrip to texas!!
  3. Vette Wagon

    Yeah I think you might be, but the Continental is VERY cool. Id love to find one around here. Collision and restoration is my current full time gig, and I'd love to do one of those old Lincolns painted black on the ground and with some big wheels. But yeah someone definitely ruined a nice vette.
  4. Our prayers go out to the families in the Tuscon Shooting

    Why can't we treat those Westboro people as "terrorists" and thus send them to gitmo or worse.?
  5. been reading, have some ?

    Oh and Bob's site has the mixtures for the house wash mix look under the simple cherry faq i think. Search for "apple sauce" for roof mixes. Again Bob has some nice roof setups even has the option to wire it for you. good luck! www.pressuretek.com
  6. been reading, have some ?

    Keep reading the answers to all your questions are on this site, I know cause I had the same questions.
  7. Good luck mike keep reading and researching, this site and bobs and rons have sooooo much to offer. oh and I would seriously try and find at least a 4 gpm machine. Its gonna take you forever to wash just about anything with what you have.
  8. What is your favorite thing about the Holidays?

    I love spending time with family (then complaining about it afterward) My little girl is 7 months old so next year is gonna be really cool.
  9. Mulch dam

    When washing sidewalks and underpinning around mulchbeds the mulch flies everywhere. I was thinking about cutting up a piece of treated plywood to pieces maybe 6"wide and 4 or 6 or 8 feet long and hinging two pieces together so as to cover up the mulch as I go. I think this would especially work well around underpinning because it obviously isn't being cleaned with the surface cleaner. Anyone else do something like this or am I overthinking?
  10. hard crankin'

    I too leave the oil sensor unpugged--but check the oil.
  11. 10th Today!

    Congrats to both of you, it's good to see marriages working!
  12. Cleaning for Heroes

    Application form worked this morning, I probably was the box at the end, sorry. Looking forward to helping out!
  13. Cleaning for Heroes

    Is anybody else having trouble with the application form? It keeps telling me I havn't completed all the required fields, when I in fact did. I guess I'll try again tomarrow.
  14. My New Giddy UP!

    yeah, that's a nice setup, how come there's no chem tank, and why do you have an upstream injector? I thought those where a big no-no? And yeah, nissan are nice.--much nicer than my 15 year old chevy- clunk-clunk-hicup
  15. Offering New Services - House washing and Roof Cleaning

    Russ- new rig looks good, is that a new truck too?
  16. I am currently running 2 machines. The main one is a TS2021 belt driven, then as backup, a 13 hp honda direct drive. I was thinking if I could find another ts2021, and a gear box, for the 13 hp motor, I could hook both to a buffer water tank, and run both at once. I am hoping that once spring rolls around I will be busy enough to justify a helper, then we will need to run 2 at once. Right now I run directly off the hose hook up at the house (no tank). Just wondering if it will even work.
  17. This will work, right?

    Thank you, Russ. I was curiuos whether I could Y it. Thanks again
  18. Unloader ?

    Mine did the same thing, and it was the unloader.
  19. Sodium Hypochlorite shelf life ?

    The guy I buy mine from keeps it in the freezer, I guess that helps the shelf life.
  20. Go Braves, Go.

    Gotta go with the Yankees. I know everyone loves to hate them but they are so much fun to watch.
  21. It seems everyone makes their own version of a turbo nozzle, with prices ranging from $40 to $140. I'm running 5.6 gpm, 3000 psi. Any preferences? And yes, I used the search button.
  22. pool furniture

    What chems/soaps are best for pool chairs and patio table unbrellas? I know not to hit them with anything that includes bleach, but what else will clean them? (They are fabric/vinyl/plastic)
  23. pool furniture

    Thanks for the help guys, I decided to make a very low grade house mix. (In a 5er I mixed 3 qts 6%, a scoup of simple cherry, 2 gals h20 and a good splash of f13.) I turned the pressure WAY down, and took my time with the fabric chairs. It took way longer than I figured but they came out great, the homeowner was very pleased so I guess it was worth it.
  24. pool furniture

    I read on an old thread that someone, I can't remember who used color safe bleach, is that worth it or can I just dilute the 12.5 down and be ok? Thanks