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Posts posted by Jude

  1. Heey,

    I am new... and i dont know what to dooooo... (joe dirt quote)...

    I have a bid on 8 gas stations in about a 50 mile radius, they are wanting the pads and sidewalks done at each station once a month for the warm months probably thru October for now (I am hoping to extend it to a full year, giving him the benefits of all year round cleaning, as soon as I know what those are, lol..)

    So basically I have a total of 40 jobs I need to get done now thru October. I have no contract forms at this time, and have no idea how to make one, so I am needing some help on this, basically up till now, I have only been doing some small residential jobs with a small pressure washer, and plan to upgrade to a decent rig if I am able to land this contract.

    My main questions are going to be, how much should I charge, or how should I go about deciding what to charge, how do I put together a good contract, how much should I ask for upfront?

    I have extensive experience in sales and marketing, so I have no issues with presentation and closing and actually enjoy that process, so that I wont need help with, I just need help with putting together what I am going to present to close the deal.

    Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, and SOOOOOON.. as I will probably be submitting my proposal on Monday.

    Thanks in Advance..

