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Dan Stapleton

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Posts posted by Dan Stapleton

  1. The white powdery substance you are referring to may be effloresence. We would wash with an efflo cleaner. Then wait until it is comletely dry. Any moister can cause a whiting or hazing effect. If you happen to put to much on,and cause a milky effect,just mist it with xylene and it should vanish. No point me talking pricing as I'm north of the border.

    Some people swear by water based, others solvent based. The USA has a much wider array of suppliers.

    I was wondering if it was effloresence. Seems too chalky and topical. Plus they're new. I'll have to test it out. Mel, I'm familiar with what you use. V-seal is pricey but ...20 yrs.

  2. A 0030 will shoot further. 2510 and 2512 should put you at around 1000-1300 psi. I usually carry 2540, 0030, for soaping and 0010 and 0080 for rinsing up high and 2510, 2512 for low rinsing and 4008 for rinsing concrete.(4008 is still easy to hang on to but powerful enough to move the water.)Same machine specs as yours. I don't use more then 1200 psi for building/housewashing.


    Holly &^%#. I have to move.

    Most Pw around here don't do tiles. You use more chemical, It's much more risky for the operator and you can break tiles. It should be more. I grew up in Lauderdale and know there are a lot of flat tiles. Washaway, what's the norm down there for tiles? I use to ride dunebuggies as a kid at a place in Boca called Hidden Valley. Ever heard of it? This was in the early 70's when Boca was real small.

  4. I don't target roofs heavily but I do clean them. No less then 15cents a sq ft for shingles and 20cents for tiles. If it's steep or very black it's more. If they won't pay my price, they'll have to find someone else. . Sodium Hypochlorite 50/50 is a good place to start. Some like to add tsp some don't. Don't use degreasers.

  5. I have submitted a proposal to do a 95 unit inium complex. I have met with the property manager, who took my proposal to the community board meeting for approval. All of the condo units are 2 stories. The building rep suggested to the board that they NOT be cleaned from the ground (ala X-Jet) because it will damage the siding or go behind the siding. Using a cherry picker is out of the question because of the terrain, plus I've never used one, so I'm uncomfortable with it (it will also increase my price significantly because I would have to rent one). I want to sell them on the XJet...any ideas or literature that will help make the sale? Thanks folks.

    - John

    Downstream the chemical at low pressure and rinse with low pressure. Try to sell them that.

  6. Tim,

    My guess, from seeing your PW is that it is about 4gpm. As long as you have a water spigot available why not just connect the water supply hose directly to your machine? Most residences have 5-7 gallon a minute ouput. It would free up a lot of room on your trailer for a hose reel or more hose in a figure 8. With 200-250 ft of pressure hose you can leave your machine on your trailer the majority of time. Just my 02.

  7. I understand completely. I asked a few other profetionals who use the product in my area and they said its harmless to plants. It hasn't harmed plants so far. I even sprayed it directly on them and left it. I've used it on a few houses now and have removed mold, mildew, and algae from siding and Brick. It brightens concrete and removes stains. Well, Thanks for the input!
    Well, you can listen to the input and search this forum for professional advice or keep spending 6 bucks a gallon for bleach.