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Roof damage from grease run-off is not an uncommon problem among restaurants. In fact, grease regularly trickles out of a drainage spout or leaks from gaps of the roof top exhaust fan. If there is no protection in place around the exhaust fan, grease will leak to the roof and cause expensive and hazardous damage. The small investment in grease containment maintenance services by a professional hood cleaner will protect your roof top from thousands of dollars worth of damage and keep you in compliance with fire codes.

Roof top grease is a significant concern for restaurant owners for various reasons. When grease builds up and sits on your roof, it can cause cracks, swelling, blistering, and deterioration. The roof may even become unsafe for walking by hood cleaning and maintenance workers. A grease damaged roof may be a violation of insurance requirements, OSHA standards, and fire codes.

One of the worst consequences of grease roof damage is a significant and increased fire hazard. Grease is the most common fuel of restaurant fires. Restaurant fires often start in the kitchen while cooking and get diverted into the hood/vent system. If that system has excess grease build up as well, it becomes a vehicle for the fire to travel to the roof top instead of providing some sort of fire containment. If grease has spilled on the roof, the fire will travel on the roof and do serious damage putting the rest of the building at risk. Maintaining your grease containment system is an important part of fire damage control in the unfortunate event of a kitchen fire.

Preventing grease damage requires regular maintenance that can conveniently be combined with your exhaust hood cleaning schedule. Your hood cleaning service provider should be knowledgeable and trained to assess your grease containment needs and make suitable recommendations for your system. Your hood cleaner can also install a grease containment system and regularly replace the grease absorbent pads that sit in the grease containment tray. The minimal investment in this important fire safety and roof protection service will keep your roof in good condition and prevent excess damage in the event of a grease fire.

If you are unsure of your roof top condition or do not receive regular hood cleaning services or are not confident in the quality of your current hood cleaner‘s work, then you will want to have your roof and exhaust system inspected immediately by a professional, certified hood cleaner. A professional hood cleaner will not only clean your exhaust system, but he will also inspect, install and maintain your grease containment system. He may also be able to remove the grease that has already come in contact with your roof with specialized, environmentally-friendly chemicals that can be used to dissolve the grease.

For restaurants, schools, hospitals, gas stations or commercial kitchens located in South Carolina, North Carolina, or southern Virginia, Grease Pro, LLC hood cleaning service can inspect and service your kitchen exhaust system and grease containment system. We are certified, licensed, and insured. Your safety and satisfaction are our highest priorities. We are hood cleaning Charlotte NC.


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