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MaxxClean Induction System – includes water blasting induction system and portable vacuum system. 


 contact me at 979-324-0375 if interested. 


Portable Vacuum System.  Gas powered pump, Portable media filter, Vacuum hose, Vacuum head and pole.  Allows for excess media to be vacuumed out of a pool so as to not overload the pool filtration system.  Media needs to be removed during vacuuming so as to not harden on the bottom of the pool.

Water Blasting Induction System. Increase production with abrasive injected water blasting. Operating pressures from 3 to 20K PSI. System includes the 15 Degree induction nozzle, siphon hose, and abrasive pot to supply the media of your choice. (Does not include gun and wand assembly or Media)

Used for Removal Of:

  • Oil and scum buildup
  • Hard water deposits
  • Rust and mill scale
  • Mold and mildew
  • Multiple layers of graffiti
  • Paint from all surfaces
  • Contaminants from natural stone
  • Stains from concrete and bricks

Included Maxx Abrasive Pot:

  • 150 lb.Capacity of Soluble Abrasives
  • 225 Capacity of Hard Abrasives
  • Polyurethane Pot
  • 15 Degree Fan Nozzle
  • 50 Ft of Siphon Hose
  • Heavy Duty Welded Steel Frame Construction
  • Can Be Used With All Conventional Media
  • Good for various types of sand blasting media



I recently used gutter zap on some concrete before I used my surface cleaner and noticed it was bubbling and turning red before going over with my surface cleaner. My first thought was that I had accidentally put muriatic acid in the pump instead. In any case the water pooled after rinsing the surface thoroughly and after it dried I think it left a stain on the concrete that I cannot get off. I say might because I don't remember a stain being there before. I have a pic below. Can anyone help out with this? And if did cause that stain, other than a grinding wheel, any ideas for how to remove the stain? Pressure and a wire brush have done very little.

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