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Red wine accidentally spilled all over your carpet. Don’t bother, I mean it is sad to see your favorite thing soaked up in stain, but what I mean to say is that you can easily remove them, without any mark being left. Once the stain has been removed, your carpet will again start looking fresh as ever. 

There are many ways in which you can clean up the mess made by the spills. 
Read along to know how the stain can be removed
It is always better to clean the stains as fast as you notice one, also better would be to taking out the stain before it gets fully embedded into the carpet. 

First of all start by wiping it with a fresh or clean white cloth, so that most of the stains are soaked up. 

Post this, pour little water which is cold on to the stain. By this, the stain which has been left will saturate, making it all the easier to clean, since it will be blotted. 

Keep doing blotting until the stains come out completely. 

After which what needs to be done is making a soda paste, this can be done by adding 3 cups water to just one cup baking soda and then applying it to an affected area. Once the paste dries up, you can easily vacuum clean the stain.
If this method doesn’t work on your carpets, or else, if you are not the DIY person, then you can simply pick up your phone for calling carpet cleaning services in Dandenong.

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