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Earlier this month we introduced a new product, Dyn-O-Coil, to a select group of customers and National Cleaning Expo attendees. We are now making this product known to all.

Dyn-O-Coil is a dynamic mineral scale preventer and remover that when added to water or the make up of a pressure washing mix, modifies the normal crystal structure of mineral hardness so that scale deposits never form or build up. Dyn-O-Coil prevents mineral problems first and fixes any scale problems that already exist second. If mineral scale has already built up in a machines pump or coils, Dyn-O-Coil will work to breakdown the scale and allow it to be flushed out of the system.

Simply inject Dyn-O-Coil into your equipment either mixed in just water or in a soap chemical mix and Dyn-O-Coil will descale the machines internal parts over the course of use. Dyn-O-Coil will not harm any machine parts including; bearings, seals, hoses, wands, nozzles, tips or packing.

Dyn-O-Coil is

  • Concentrated
  • Biodegradable
  • Safe on Equipment
  • Protects and Cleans While you Work
  • Prevents and Eliminates Scale Deposits
  • Easily Mixed into Water and Soap Mix For Usage
  • Only Costs Pennies per Day

For pricing and to order call 1-800-762-7911. The first 50 customers will receive special pricing and UPS Ground flat rate shipping on their order of Dyn-O-Coil. Call today.

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