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Showing most liked content on 04/05/2004 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    what do i do about stains????

    i washed my first deck yesterday. i though it went very well. the deck was in bad shape, tons of moss, mildew, dirt and graying. i used deck cleaner from olympic. the first pass got most of the junk off, but i ended up cleaning it twice. i went back today to check it out, and it looks like a new deck except for a few problem areas. the deck had a small step that was sitting on it for the hot tub, so i removed it and cleaned it off to the side. where the step was is a definate color difference from the rest of the deck. i'm not too concerned about it cause the step is going back. but there was also some flower puts that had done the same thing. is there anything that i can do to even out the color difference. would this be a good time to use a britener? i have a few days to work on it before i seal it cause it wont be over 50 until later in the week. any thoughts? and sorry about the novel