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Showing most liked content on 10/08/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Since the US Gov is "bailing out" aka buying the mortgage company's bad debt properties and holding them for a year or three until market stabilizes, WILL they need maintenance? YES! We need to figure out how to get in the position to clean these properties. It should be an easy sell if you can get next to one of the management company's controlling this. Question is who are the company's? Has anyone heard anything yet? I bet it would be a good idea to figure this out and quickly! This would be VERY LUCRATIVE if you could figure this out and should be plenty of work for everyone minus the hacks without insurance. If anyone hears anything or has knowledge of "how to" please share. Also I guarantee you that 810 BILLION dollars will be mis used and they will catch people paying people 1500.00 to mow a 50.00 single dwelling lawn every week, kind of like the 1200.00 toilet seat or 400.00 hammer from back in the day. Not that anyone here,,,,,,,would take advantage of something like that but this could be a way to keep or drive the premium up and keep us all here in buisness during the tight year or two to come. Again if anyone figures this out please get your share but share with the rest of us. Does anyone else see this idea or am I just day dreaming? Just a food for thought in planing 2009. That is all.........