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Showing most liked content on 11/29/2008 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    This was Scary

    Trouble is there are folks out there that believe in perfection. The problem is an easy solve. On any new construction, we always state on our contract, the dry wallers must provide a level 5 finish. We stste the customer must sign and approve, the walls and trim. If not accepted, they must go back to work. We also provide so many hrs. for touch ups. If the customer has a bug, someone else has to fix it. After all, our work is to paint a level 5 finish. It doesn't get any better. We also use the National standards of the PDCA. This is accepted by the AIA, and many other organizations. This lets the HO know what to expect from us and what they will get. Again solving a problem. If after all this paper work and our perfect painting job, there is usually not a problem. If there is we work out the problems or stop work and go to court. Nothing is a given though. We all have to just be firm and do our home work. Hopefully one day, the ***** will offer such standards, etc. One bit of suggestion, Never burn bridges. If you insult the HO, they will smear your name. If they have any pull in your community, you may go out of business? Hope this helps. Thank you.