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Posts posted by Keth

  1. I have the mid-sized Little Giant (22'??) and love it but dont have a stabilizer for it. I am thinking of putting a 24 Werner with stabilizer on the trailer instead. The Little Giant is the best ladder made but man it is heavy. I think mine weighs over 50 pounds. At the end of the dayI think I will not be as tired with a 24 Werner.

  2. Actually death and life sentences in Iraq are appealable so it may take a bit longer than you think. If convicted after a second trial in appelate court then the President has to sign a decree to actually make it happen. Considering the fact that Iraq is mired in a civil war right now the sectarian violence that would erupt should he be hanged would probably cause this process to slow down and let him rot in jail for awhile until things appear to be calming down. The fact that the verdict is read two days before our mid-term elections smacks of US Executive Branch "pressure". He is in jail which is a good thing at least.

  3. I pay about $110 for a 55er of 12%-14% SH. That is delivered. The guy brings it in a pickup truck with a lift gate, rolls it into my garage and takes the empty one away. They also deliver the same day most of the time if I call them in the morning. I also have to fight the guy to not switch the pump for me. :seeya:They are great on customer service and I am very happy.

  4. If I could rinse with my 4040 tip all the time I would but time restraints have me putting in a 25110 tip for rinsing when I am not near the trailer. Putting in a higher pressure tip just seems to reduce the flow too much and rinsing takes longer than it should. I will lay chem on a house side and, if it isnt the sunny side, will stroll back to the trailer and close the injector. Better, faster rinsing and low pressure. I am working on something to do this remotely and will post when I am done. Unless I am cramped for space I use a 79" aluminum wand for walls and have a new short 12 inch gun that I use for decks, screen porches and railings.

  5. Welcome back King. Glad to hear things are going well and sorry we didn't hook up last weekend. Once you are settled a bit more we should get dinner.

    Keep a close on the post partum stuff. It can hide so deep that it is hard to see how bad it is and getting to talk about it openly in front of a qualified professional is suggested.

    Sounds like biz is rockin! Keep up the good work.

  6. Wow, that is a real stretch. Think if you could find a connection between Haggard and Foley being part of some super secret liberal underground setting up decades of secret plans and you would have a documentary that may win an Academy Award. Haggard has spent decades building his church. I doubt, if he were a true liberal in disguise, that he would wait so long to "spring the trap". He confessed to "immoral sexual acts" in a letter to his church followers this morning. I can't see where this helps liberals in any way or gets his flock to stop voting for conservatives.

  7. Let me clarify my position. I mistakenly voted for GW Bush. My best friend's son died in Iraq. He was like a son to me. Until you see someone hand a mother the flag from the coffin of their dead son you will never know the pain we have felt. George Bush has decimated this countries reputation by invading a soveriegn nation that had no connection to 9/11, had destroyed one of the greatest freedoms we enjoyed by eliminating habeus corpsus, has reduced your freedom with the Patriot Act and continues to think he understands tribal cultures and how they would react to an invasion of their home soil. Our policy in the Middle East has been flawed for 50 years, Democrats and Republicans alike, and it is time to find leaders who realize why they hate us so much and turn the tide.

    Those of you who have never traveled to a Muslim country go on with your misguided hatred. Killing 300,000 Iraqis, many of who were women and children is never going to be the answer. Open your mind and realize that we voted for the worst president to have ever been elected to office. The United States should hang it's head in shame for allowing this to happen.

  8. After listening to opinion after opinion today on the talk radio station (only station we could pick up well on the jobsite) I came home to this photo in my email box.

    I think Kerry is a pompous ass...He hasn't even bothered to try to retract, back up & punt...nothing.........and this picture is HILARIOUS!

    Yeah, Kerry's comment was almost as stupid as these....

    President Bush: "Peter. Are you going to ask that question with shades on?"

    Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times: "I can take them off."

    Bush: "I'm interested in the shade look, seriously."

    Wallsten: "All right, I'll keep it, then."

    Bush: "For the viewers, there's no sun."

    Wallsten: "I guess it depends on your perspective."

    Bush: "Touche.

    --an exchange with legally blind reporter Peter Wallsten, to whom Bush later apologized, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006

    "You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

    "We recently found two mobile biological weapons facilities which were capable of producing biological agents." Source: President Talks to Troops in Qatar, White House (6/5/2003).

    "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." Source: Interview of the President by TVP, Poland, White House (5/29/2003).

    "Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production." Source: President Delivers "State of the Union", White House (1/28/2003)

  9. Keth,Do you premix 30 gallons of house wash.I like that idea but my concern is weakening of the sodium hypochlorite either from whats in my mix or being out in the sun in that clear tank.Are these issues for you or do you go through house wash so fast that it dose'nt matter? Sorry for the hijack.

    I premix what I think I will need for a job and put a little extra in. I can usually estimate within a couple of gallons so I don't have to worry. Most typical houses are 7-9 gallons so I will put 5 gallons of SH and 5 of housewash detergent. Since my trailer is stored indoors I don't worry about the UV problems and if I know it is going to be sitting in the driveway for a few hours before a job I just throw a moving blanket over it. It has about 20 gallons in that picture as I was about to do two houses that day which for me is rare since I usually try to only schedule one a day but they were next door to each other.

    I also have a 5 gallon jug that I always throw in the truck bed. This is usually a heavy duty Wando Bomb mix that I can x-jet. Usually contains about 8 ounces of Potassium Hydroxide, 12% SH and housewash mix. On a house that hasn't been cleaned in awhile one side is usually real green and I hit it with the Bomb to save me having to downstream it two or maybe three times. It has saved me a couple of times when I underestimated the amount to put in the 35 gallon tank.

  10. That tank looks like it is meant to be standing in a garage and not on a trailer. Imagine the torque of a full tank as you go around corners with the weight up so high. That would scare me.

    Here is my chem tank, plumbed with a three way valve. Turn it one way and the injector gets the housewash mix, turn it the other way and it sucks fresh water from the big tank to flush and rinse the injector at the end of the job. No messy hoses to deal with at all.



  11. I have had this happen. My best guess is that my surface cleaner uses pressure to remove dirt and mold on the concrete but there is a fine line between removing what you want and taking a smal bit of the concrete top surface at the same time. The streaks are caused by the fact that your overlap is an area where the top surface of the concrete has been blasted twice. Take a look at it with a magnifying glass and will see that a slight bit more of the concrete has been removed in the overlap areas and leads to a streaked appearance.

    I have a 4.8 GPM machine driving my WW Classic. It came standard with 2520 nozzles. I changed to 2525 nozzles and the streaking was diminished but on some "softer" concrete it reappears. Was thinking of going to 2530 nozzles to see if I can reduce the streaking even more yet still get the mold, dirt and mildew up. Doesn't happen on all driveways. just the "soft" (for lack of a better term) ones.
