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Posts posted by Keth

  1. John,

    Just an update. I used the rollover with a 2540 and 0040 tip for soaping today and just the M-5 for rinsing and boy it was a dream. Real fast and efficient. Thanks.

    I did pull out two other nozzles for the whole house. I still like my 4040 for soaping porches with ceilings and the owner asked if I could get an old wasp nest down from the highest spot on the house. I explained to him about the 0010 tip and that it might be too agressive and he said "I am not worried if you rip the vinyl off. I am sick of that stupid nest". I filled the hose with soap and then blasted it off. No damage and he was happy. Told him he couldn't sue me if the upstairs ceiling got a water stain. He said he was a drywall contractor for 10 years and could fix anything I could take down. Nice guy and he was extremely impressed with the job I did. A new customer for life!

  2. My M-5 is what I have settled for all rinsing needs. It may be a little heavier in my pocket than other nozzles. but the M-5 is perfect for pre-wetting shrubs, and high and low rinsing with its adjustable fan capabilites.

    With a 0040 for high soaping, a 2540 for low soaping, and the m-5, I can tackle most any house wash. I will carry the turbo nozzle if the house has a real nasty foundation.


    That is a good idea. You had mentioned it before and I just plain forgot. Until I find the right nozzles for the rinse rollover I will just pocket the M5. Thanks for the reminder.


  3. I agree with what most people here are saying. I started with what you are thinking of buying basically and immediately wanted more.

    As for surface cleaners the Whisper Wash Classic I got from Bob at PressureTek just plain rocks. It is so light and powerflul that I do the front walkway at the houses I do for free. I have a hot water machine but don't even turn it on and the Whisper Wash just makes it look like new. The easiest upsell in the world once the front walk is done. "Mrs. Jones, we always do the walkway from the house to the driveway as part of our Silver level service. If you would like the sidewalks and driveway to look the same please let me know and I can put together a quote" Tee hee. Another 50 bucks for tiny driveways and it only takes a few minutes.

    Best of luck.

    PS Dont get a water broom. Get a 2510 tip and you will be fine.

  4. Looks Great Keith, and how was your first downstreaming experience?

    Well, it was interesting and fun but I have a bit more to go. Firstly I used less chemical by about 35-40% which was impressive considering I spent a fair amount of time just experiementing with different nozzles. It took about the same amount of time as x-jetting for my first time as I was experimenting and the x-jet is just real easy for plant rinsing.

    My goal is to find a low and high soap and a low and high rinse nozzle that will take care of just about everything on a two story house. The reason for this is that I am building two rollover nozzles, one for soap and one for rinse and plan to carry a few other single nozzles for special situations.

    For low soap I have a 4040 which is fine. For high soap I have a 2540 but would like a little extra reach so may go to a 1540. For super high soap I have an 0030 and an 0040 which work fine.

    For rinsing I am a bit hosed right now asI am using a 2510 for low rinse which seems to work but would like a bit more flow but I am backordered on some #20 nozzles and don't know yet if they have enough backpressure to not draw soap with my machine. Hoping that a 20 orifice doesn't draw soap. Fingers crossed. If it doesn't I would go with the 2520 for low rinse and something like a 1520 for high rinse. For wetting down plants I have no idea what is best but the 2510 seems a bit agressive and would like something mellower for wetting them down. Maybe a 4020.

    For super high rinsing I only have an 0010 and have to be real careful to stand way back and waggle it to knock the core out of it. Hoping I can go with a 0020 except for everything but the very extreme. The house I did today was large and had a vinyl covered chimney that was about for stories. The 0030 soaped it and the 0010 rinsed it just fine. Had to time it when the wind gusts were down but in the old days I would have been up on ladders and sliding all over the place. Truly fun doing all of this from the ground. :)

    All in all I thought it went well and can certainly see some time savings down the road once I settle on a method. Time and chemical savings point me to doing this as my basic setup. For really messy situations I would pull out the X-jet and it will always stay on the truck for oxalic on driveways as well as a backup in case my downstream injector failed in the middle of a job.

    Wow, just looked and this post is too long. Sorry.


  5. Just got done with the house. The Flaming Cherry bomb worked wonders. I blasted them and went to work on the other side of the house. When I cam back there were tons of wasps just laying near the front door. Dead.

    Found one more nest behind some corner trim. Normal house wash had their heads spinning and everytime one stuck his head out he got a shot. Cleared the area pretty quick as it wasnt very dirty there.

    Thanks to all. The epi pen is still full!

  6. Hi All,

    There are different types of swivels used in hose reels. (the L shaped thing you thread your hose into). You need to check if they are full flow. Any pressure wash application requires full flow, no restriction. Coxreels uses full flow on all reels regardless of intended application.

    Regarding the wrap or unwrap when using hose

    reels new hose grows substantially when first pressurized. If it was wrapped around a body it would expand away from the person as suggested, but in the case of hose reels there are discs at both sides of the reel forcing the hose to stay constrained within the reel dimension itself, forcing the expansion inward against the drum. So always pressurize new hose off the reel only the first time it is used. After that it becomes a question of wrap, if the wrap is too tight or messy(criss crossed or tangled) this can create small areas of increased pressure on the barrel of the reel causing a crimp or denting of the barrel. If properly wrapped the reel will absorb all pressure and work just fine with hose on it. The last reason to unwind all hose is for flow. Going around and around is harder than straight. We have recently announced a new brawny option for our reels designed to protect against all the factors that could cause damage to the barrel or discs, including mis-use.

    Rod, on our reels we have an adjustable tension brake that can be used to lock the hose at any length when under pressure. The locking pin is inserted in the disc only when not in use to prevent the hose from off spooling when going from job to job. If you use the pin to hold a pressurized hose at a locked length you will experience either broken pins or rounded out holes. Maybe it's time to try one of ours?

    This all makes sense as my Titan Reel has a friction brake that calms down the unwinding and is firm enough to keep the wheel from going bonkers. I only use the pin lock when moving from job to job.

    All this talk about full flow is interesting though as you can have full flow fittings everywhere but what about the downstream injector? Pushing water through that little hole whether you are using it or not must slow things down more than a slightly undersized reel fitting.

  7. Soak em with house mix and blast them !!!!

    Thanks guys. I am glad you replied Jeff as you are near me and probably have seen the same exact thing. I am used to the mud wasp nests and house mix usually kills em while I work elsewhere but these are HUGE paper wasp nests and was just curious if housemix would get them too. I suspect it will but just wanted to walk in and deal with it like a pro instead of running around with wasps chasing me. It is a retired couple and they always watch out the windows.

    From all that everyone has taught me here my business is growing on referrals alone and I average about 3X more per house and use less time to do it. Gotta love it. Life is good.


  8. As you all know I am a new guy but have rapidly transitioned from the guy with the little machine climbing ladders with my soap nozzle and downstreaming Clorox to an experienced x-jetter and now doing my first downstream job tomorrow using all of the techniques you have all taught me.

    I have run across wasp nests before and I just blasted em away and ran to work on another side of the house for awhile but tomrrows job has four huge wasp nests and most are about 35 feet up. I can get to them easily with a 0030 nozzle but was thinking I would just blast them when I arrived with a strong x-jet mix and then go work another side of the house. Figured I would ask here what you all do when confronted with nests like this. Call an exterminator is not an option as the owner has a party tomorrow night.

    What do you guys/gals do? I have had luck blasting them and running but wondering how others approach it. Does anyone actually x-jet some sort of wasp killer mix or do you find that a strong housewash mix works fine? My downsteam mix is set to give me 1.3% of Sodium Hypo at the wall.

  9. You are gonna want to change the nozzles I suspect. The pros will have a solution I am sure.

    Well...I just bought a used 16" Whisper Wash and was wondering if anyone here had used one for wood restoration. My plan was to use it to upsell concrete and flatwork, but I have a big strip job tomorrow and it would save me lots of time if it would work without damaging the wood. I could practice on their sidewalk in back of the house before getting on the deck. Any suggestions or input would be appreciated.

  10. No it is not like your Suttner or any other dual lance wand.

    This one has been worked over and replumbed so that you can always leave your soap tip in wheter it be a fan or shooter tip it stays in the lance. You twist the handle one way and it draws chem, twist it the other way and it cuts the chem draw off with the soap tip still in the lance.

    So you can always leave your soap tip in it and draw soap or not draw soap without swicthing nozzles, or walking back to your trailer. It is all done with the soap tip in and by twisting the handle.

    I hope this makes sense. It is an awesome wand if they sell me one I will post pics because I am sure noone understands what I am saying(typing).

    And no it is not like a regular dual wand

    Interesting. I would love to see some pics because that is exactly how my dual lance works so perhaps I am missing something. My soap tip always stays on. The only thing I wish it did was cut off the high pressure nozzle completely when I unscrew the handle to feed the soap tip. Keep us posted.

  11. No it is not like a regular dual lance.

    You leave the low pressure chem drawing tip in the wand and you leave it there. You twist the handle to draw chems and shut them off. No switching tips at all.

    That's the way my Suttner Dual Lance works. One tip is high pressure the other low. Is your's different in some way and what do you do when you need to put a shooter soap or rinse tip in for second floors?

  12. sound good to me. You know what i have a rubber nozzle holder that lides onto my wand. So i can keep all my nozzles right there on the wand w/o reaching in a pocket or bag. It come with some personal DIY units but i contacted the makers and am going to order another for a buddy o mine. Whatever works right. Later man.

    You mean one like this?



  13. I am thinking that two roll over nozzle holders might be quite efficient.

    Single wand with a QC coupler on the end.

    Both roll over nozzle holders have QC plugs on the inlet side.

    One has a 0040 for high soaping and and 2540 for low soaping.

    The other one has a 0020 for high rinsing and a 4010 for low rinsing.

    Obviously the nozzle combos would be personal preference but you get the idea.

    If you had a special situation you just pull out a single nozzle, disconnect your roll over and pop it on. I wear one of those Lowe's aprons and it has a few nozzles in it, easier to get at than digging in the pockets.

  14. Illegals aliens actually contribute about 20 billion dollars a year to our tax rolls and they won't get a penny back via Social Security. They use illegally obtained SS numbers of minors and others who are out of the workforce. You can buy the number here in the states easily or even in Mexico. They hand that number to their new employer who has a vested interest in not checking it out. Cheap labor, has SS number, no problemo, your hired!

    I should add that our government is fully aware of where this 20 billion comes from and as you can see they aren't in a mad rush to deport all illegals. Have to pay for a war somehow.
