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Everything posted by jackthomas1

  1. Curbside trash can cleaning

    Trash can cleaning is a profitable business in the UK, as evidenced by online information and the availability of specialized rigs for sale. These rigs typically include a surface cleaner with swivel arms mounted over a wash pit with a mesh grate, a hot water skid, and a 225-gallon tank. The wash pit filters waste water, which is then pumped back to a holding tank. Homeowners are usually responsible for cleaning their trash cans, and many municipalities have trash collection services once a week. Offering trash can cleaning service on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis at $5 per cleaning for 100+ cans can provide steady income, even during slow months. For a similar concept, you can refer to services like Bin Blasters.
  2. I've been looking into the best ways to keep my waste bins clean and hygienic. Here's what I’ve learned from my practical experience: Question: How often should bins be cleaned to maintain optimal hygiene? Answer: Cleaning your bins once a month seems to be the sweet spot. Here's why: Bacteria Elimination: Regular cleaning helps kill harmful bacteria, reducing health risks. Odor Prevention: Monthly cleaning prevents bad smells from accumulating. Pest Control: Keeping bins clean deters pests like flies and rodents. I've been using BinBlasters for this, and they’ve been excellent. Here’s why I recommend them: Thorough Cleaning: They sanitize the bins thoroughly. Eco-Friendly Products: They use biodegradable cleaning agents. Convenient Scheduling: They offer flexible scheduling, making it easy to keep up with regular maintenance.