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Posts posted by mdmtexican

  1. Here is some pix of an 18 yr old deck with some old Behr on it. Funny things is, about 5 years ago, i was helping my stepdad put the Behr on this deck haha, if i would have known then what i know now....

    This is my parents Deck, just wanted to get in a little practice.... and there was a little compensation.

    Stripped and brightened, didn;t take much to get the old Behr off, and then resealed with Readyseal dark red (030)

    Sorry the pics have alot of shade in them, i need to go back in the morning and get some better finished shots, and i put one more coat on 'er, that old wood reallly sucked up the oil

    Tell me what you think guys, i really value ya'lls thoughts <--spoken like a true Texican.




  2. OKay guys, i'll get some pictures up soon. But i just got my 1st cedar fence restore job. The fence has no previous sealer, just 3-5 yrs old and gray. I plan on washing with 6% bleach/bit of soap and PW with my 45 degree tip. I've cleaned and stripped CCA/ACQ decks and cleaned SPF fencing with bleach, had no problems with furring, any pointers for the Cedar:confused: Its gunna be stained RS med red (020) and the entire developmet (around 3500) homes is required by HOA to have RS med red on any exterior wood.

    I want to do this one right and, hopefully the neighbors will see the transformation from gray to beautiful, and inquire about the contractor :D (me!!) Job is 1168 sqft (only the owners front fence towards road, and the inside of backyard, trying to get the other neighbors to do theirs)

    Thanx for any advice guys

    ~ Texican Mike

  3. Thanx Larry,

    I have been using Readyseal and have had no complaints and the workability of their stain is awesome. They also have some other products i can get a decent contractor price on. Hypo, brightner etc. Thanks for the tip though, i'm frequent customer at the Depot, but never their paint/stain products. Paint, i use ICI-Delux Brands, and stain is ReadySeal, and might experiment with Cabot's soon


  4. Thanx guys, appreciate your enthusiasm to help out. Now that i know what sodium percarbonate is/does....where is a good place to find some. I usually assume anything at homedepot (as far as coatings/cleaners etc) are worthless and a waste of time/money.....


    Do you know a link to find regulations per state or i guess i'll just get in touch with shane.

    And as far as equiptment goes, keep in mind right now i'm a weekend warrior for hire, and looking for some good niches, but i have 2 pump ups, some chemical brushes, a 2500psi PW'er and hoses, plastic etc, brushes...anything crucial i should have??


  5. Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to the business, i've done several fences and 2 friends decks. I've been using Readyseal to stain, and have been using bleach...and a maybe a teaspoon of soap(helps make it "gel" a little better and "stick" to the fences) to spray on fences/decks before P.washing to remove the mildew/mold/gray...i've heard alot of you guys talking about precarb/percarb solutions to clean etc. instead of bleach...what are precarb/percarb solutions and the pro's con's of using these V.S. bleach, And please forgive me for my ignorance on the subject, but that is why i joined this forum, to learn from you guys.
