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Posts posted by ezdayman

  1. I got a phone call today to come out and do a bid for a outdoor mall, they want all the gum removed and sidewalks cleaned they want it all ready for the GOP thats coming here in 2-3 weeks he said he knows its going to be busy and wants people to remember this area.

    so my question is this "outdoor mall" is about 2 city blocks long" store fronts/ waterfall area/ 18 feet from curb to street I need help.

    Thank you.

  2. GOOD STORYS! you cant even find any of those cars anymore!! I Know my dad had a 75 ford elite 2dr he kept it till 86 or so just drove it back and forth to work, Ugly car but that was the last time I have ever seen a ford elite


    Not becouse we were poor he just loved his car and he didnt mind driving it back and forth to work. Mom and a 93 Dodge new yorker "yawn"

    Oh my 2nd car was a 93 Ford probe Gt good car good times!!

  3. I notice "the club house" is quite lately so I hope you dont mind if I just ask questions. I think its a good way to keep people talking and the fourm alive.... :lgwave:

    That being said MY first car was a brand new 1994 chevy cavalier RS parents bought it for me May 16th totaled it June 1st. Lady in a 1978 corvett t-boned me at 6am... She didnt have her headlights on.

    So what was your car/truck?

    Do you know what happen to it? Or have you ever seen it again?:vroom:




  4. My pressure washer was being strang today I could only get it up to 3000psi but it didnt seem to have alot of power the pump or how ever you do the psi is made for 4000 psi.....I wasnt trying to go that high but it seem to be really low power

    4000 PSI 5.2 Gpm 20HP, Kohler Command Fuel Twin Cylinder : 15 Gallon Gas: 12 Disele 1200 lbs. Kero, #1 Diesel; 615,000 BTU 4.9 GPH

    this is what I have or the details? maybe the pump oil is low I didnt check that but Maybe?

  5. So I was at menards "home depot kinda store" and on there music they were playing a song didnt think much of it till i was driving and wouldnt you know its been stuck in my head for two dam days now.... are you ready for the song lol....

    Its by Connie francis.... V--a--c--a--t--i--o--n we're gonna have a ball... and thats the only part of the song I know lol..

    So wondering what songs have been stuck in your head while working or just driving down the road?

    V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N in the summer sun

    Put away the books, we're outta school

    The weather's warm, but we'll play it cool

    We're on vacation, havin' lots of fun

    V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N in the summer sun

    We're gonna grab a bite at the pizza stand

    Write love letters in the sand

    We're on vacation, and the world is ours

    V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N under summer stars

    Yeah, we'll hop in our jalopy to a drive-in movie

    And have a look at the show

    We're gonna hug and kiss, just like this

    And I can't wait to go-oo-oo

    We're gonna mash potato to a jukebox tune

    Park your car 'neath an August moon

    We're on vacation, till the start of the Fall


    We're gonna have a ball! Goooooo!


    Gonna have a ball!

    Oh-ho, we'll hop in our jalopy to a drive-in movie

    And have a look at the show

    We're gonna hug and kiss, just like this

    And I can't wait to go-oo-oo

    We're gonna mash potato to a jukebox tune

    Park your car 'neath an August moon

    We're on vacation, till the start of the Fall


    We're gonna have a ball

    Yeah! V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

    Gonna have a ball! (fade)

  6. I go every year for two week good times! im hope you guys get the rays stadum that place looks sweet..... but yes ill be back next year during daytona bike week... land in tampa stay in kennth city then drive to daytona for a 2 nights... there is some crazy ass poop that happens there... i like tampa area they just need to clean it up alittle bit you ever hit up wing house???? those girls there WOW... they put the hooters girls to shame... lol

  7. I have a florida drivers licence and the address I use is 78** 54th ave just east of bufflo city bar there... fun times hey did you ever drive by the extream make over house? me and my buddy helped install the mini golf corous in the back yard.. when they were doing the show there, We were both in school and the producer asked us a question she said she would be right bck she came over and threw us two shirts and said we have a job if you want to help...

    66th st isnth that right by mcdonalds or is that hwy 19?

  8. walks in and asks the cashier I spelt oil on the driveway about 6"x 9" what can I use to get it out..... I had to listen... The one casher says use salt reg table salt and it will eat the stain right out of the cement and the younger guys said use coke cola it will eat it right up!!! ok i have never tried any of that so I really cant laugh but does that work its sounds way to much b/s just curious if you ever heard any of those two?

    oh by the way I did walk up to her in the parking lot handed her my card and said this is what I do I would be more then happy to help you out... She replys for free" Uh noo but I could stop over and get it out for a small fee. she said she isnt looking to spend alot of money and a can ok coke only cost 50 cents.... I said well you have my number let me know!

  9. My brother and I went to go do a bid for our new sonics resturant this morning and so I went with and seen a guy pressure washing there driveway you could tell it was hot water cause of the steam. I asked the lady that is going to take care of the sonics in minnesota if they need pressure washing work and she said No, Sonics installs hot water pressure washers in there building and the connections are in a little metal box on the outside... She said all sonics in minnesota will have this feature! Nice but also sucks too. just wondering if you have seen this option on new buildings?

  10. it looks as if someone was just going back and forth with the wond.. trying to push the dirt ahead of it.. it must have been about 200-300 feet buy 30 feet across tisk tisk... I just wanted to post the pixs and see what you think. if its sumthing you think that can be fixed I was thinking about calling this place and letting them know what they did. Or would you just leave it?

  11. thats what it was! thank you for the name lol and yes thats why I sat there and watched he was bent over for about 10 mins looking at it... im going to walk buy the finish job on friday night when I go out and take some pixs if it looks bad :~|

    not to mock but I posted earler with the spray strips we cant have people going out and ruining peoples sidewalks!

  12. I was walking in downtown mps and came across a major business in downtown and it looks like someone did there pressure washing is that what the marks are or is it something else???



    how do you go over that or cant you fix it? And no I did not do this like I said Its in front of a major dept store in downtown kinda like bulls eye but not quite the same name;~)
