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Posts posted by ezdayman

  1. I was in mpls going to do a bid and I walked buy two guys bending over and then hear pshhhhhhhhhhhh noise it was some guy doing pressure washing on a public street with a 100 dollar pressure washer " rays pressure washer. granted you have to start somewhere but this guy was walking around with his shirt off going into the business with his shirt off and it really wasnt doing nothing to the ground a graden hose with a sprayer could have done better.. Im not knocking the guy just funny how it works out!!

    heres the link


  2. scott what specs did you miss? that sucks!! I know what everyone is talking about. I hate how people talk to you like they are better then you cause they hired you they feel like they own you for that hour or two. If I have someone asking me about INS and if Ill replace this or fix this if its damaged I just dont do the job Im not going to putting a claim in on my INS cause someone wants something done for free... I say to myself everyone puts there pants on the same who cares what they think about you and that no one is every better then who you are! makes my day a little better

  3. Ok is there anyway to make cement white again? you know how cement gets old and gray looking? well how come you cant just spray that white paint on old cement " im talking about how they spray that white paint on new cement" does that make since? I was just wondering why you cant reply on old cement or is it cause the new cement is wet? I was just wondering

    I hope I made since Cause I feel Like I confused my self :)

  4. you know what guys thanks! its hard to come on a site and ask questions and wonder if your going to be "made fun of" but how do you not learn with out questions! I not saying craigslist is the only way im going to spread the word I bought a website today etc... its all baby steps towards the future!! i was just more asking how many people get business off it! other wise I was going to stop posting cause it does seem to be a waste of time

    this is my last post in the tread I hope to talk to the rest of you guys someother time. by the way i might come off as an ass but im not im just trying to learn and grow for my family. as many of you know there are no jobs out there I use to work for the state got laid off and its about 3 months later now tuff times I bought the pressure washer/trailer/tank and im just going to go for it so thank you for the people that care and show people the ropes

    thanks again!


  5. WOW BRYAN oh god him self get a life, Do you know anything about me? I sit at home and wait for e-mails to drop in my lap? If you were a smart man which I dont think you are all my info is just under my screen name just click and read! see this is what I found by clicking your name!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About Bryan C Company Name Hydroblast Pressure Cleaning Inc. First & Last Name Bryan Corns City & State Westfield, Indiana Occupation Indiana Pressure Washing Contractor <LI class=profilefield_category>Signature Bryan Corns

    Owner, Hydroblast Pressure Cleaning Inc.

    Indiana Pressure Wash Services For Deck Cleaning, House Washing

    And More

    see that was easy and fun~~~~~~~~

    Now if you use that thing you call a brain you'll see I have photos and my contact info too.here is a quote for you read.Read it and understand it!!!! "Ignorance about an issue is said to be "rational" when the cost of educating oneself about the issue sufficiently to make an informed decision can outweigh any potential benefit one could reasonably expect to gain from that decision, and so it would be irrational to waste time doing so. This has consequences for the quality of decisions made by large numbers of people, such as general elections, where the probability of any one vote changing the outcome is very small."

  6. Wow is this like a website to get bashed on!! WOW.....

    I do have business sense don’t be a smart ass and dont talk to me until you know all the facts!... I don’t place my number in web site cause the only people that call are ass clowns looking to see how much you charge i.e. the other guys..... Did your mom not teach you any lessons growing up? If you don’t want to say nothing nice Don’t say nothing at all...

  7. anyone go see it? we were nerds and went and saw it thrusday night at 12:01 they had 6 screens showing and the place was a zoo.. great movie I would say best batman movie ever!

    Im not a comic book nerd I just like things that blow up and action lol i would go see it again!!

    How about the rest of you folks?
