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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    James, Why the mention of '2008 bailout' as reason? Many were for it including your candidate. Heck he pushed for and inspired the thing. It will go down in history as a failed 700+bil welfare expendature for big biz cause all the dummies involved didn't place restrictions or mandates on spending it...how clever that Obama, he's got immunity.
  2. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    Ant, Haven't seen the numbers but I suspect McCain lost because Obama was able to get a larger amount of new voters to vote for him...lol. Can't say whether the popular vote indicates a landslide but I think so far it doesn't. The early media charisma & money spent, wanting change whether good or bad, people wanting war over at any cost, transferance of Bush's economy upon McCain, and too much of lower class wanting the government to give or literally provide more for them HAD MUCH to do with a Obama win. That said, I have to give it up to my wife and her ideas why. She is very smart lady...Her idea is that besides him being an excellent speaker, the tele show 24 is the reason. People first saw a warm, calm, compassionate, and smart television president that listened to Jack and it opened a doorway to gain the white vote is what I assume she meant. :)
  3. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    LMAOF...Yea I too can offer congrats but as for considering him my prez.. noway no how for now. Why I LMAOF you ask?... cause I never seen so many brainwashed, happy people falling over crying about electing someone that has not even yet been proven eligible for the office. What a rediculous circus.
  4. Say NO to Gays!

    Prop 8 - Gay Marriage Ban 3% Precincts Reporting Yes 305,181 ---57% No 227,751 ----43% -race is tightening up though now in the later hours 53 to 47% -oh hell!...we got 1 point swing in just last few minutes 52.6 to 47.4% with 36% reporting Note county map showing how the bay lib vote bleeds over like a finger from San Fran towards Sac : California propositions county-by-county map, margin of victory - Los Angeles Times Prop 2 - Treatment of Farm Animals 2% Precincts Reporting Yes 238,837--63% No 140,531---37% Now this map you can pretty much translate the no votes directly to what is farm/ranch country (where they actually know and deal with animals) . The main valley's actually run all way up through the middle of state but my area is citified so it of course goes yes on this pita tye bill. California propositions county-by-county map, margin of victory - Los Angeles Times
  5. Virtual Election '08

    There ya go nutballs.. ya got yer 284.. May God help us cause we are surely gonna need it!!
  6. Say NO to Gays!

    Words of a true sadist eh Matt?..Are you wearing leather and have gag ball in mouth? :corn:
  7. Say NO to Gays!

    ..likely a deep hole yer diggin in worring about what the rest of world thinks of us.. It gets us no where really except broker. I really wonder if the industrialization/globalization we induced is bound to never see us reaping so much from the world as we have in past.
  8. Say NO to Gays!

    Nah too early to say that.. I would want to see the results for my county to see if everyone has drunk too much the koolaide aound here. Not doubting, just want to see it.
  9. The world is holding its breath waiting to know:

    Come on we all know they throw out the write-in's.. If they didn't Micky Mouse would be president...oh wait, ummm err. that is about to happen anyways itn't it..
  10. The world is holding its breath waiting to know:

    give me an hour..gonna start on a bottle real soon myself..
  11. The world is holding its breath waiting to know:

    Be prepared for $40 per run charge. And instead of high fives from the crowds gathering at the bottom, you'll have to slip a fiver in each of their hand. :)
  12. Virtual Election '08

    And now the other guy (the panther polling overseeing guy) that has a right to be there is saying something like the press can't be where they are?. what is rules on that? :confused: Showing the actual video now of them shaking nightstick and closing rank... This is bs that they standing right in middle of entry.. oh and the reporter says legally they (the press) can be within 10' . While he interviewing the panther that is allowed to be there hear people campaigning by yelling "Obama' in background. What a travisty!!!!!!! >:(
  13. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    STOP!..nutballs will think we are eating our own..:lgbonk:
  14. The world is holding its breath waiting to know:

    ..Nader,Traitor...we aint falling for that!..lmaof :) Heck even if you did we have to consider any vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for Obama.
  15. Say NO to Gays!

    Nah Scott..it really more of a left coast, then a valley, then a mountain thang. Besides that we got northern lefty mountains and northern righty mountains way up north of me. Trust me, there are bastions of sanity mixed in among the insanity..yea it sounds counter intuitive for where I am at due to this being the capital but yup it true..we have ground right here. Then of course there is the whole college and college town issue..Many colleges like Berkely are insanity mills that many of us outside the wall poke fun at. We don't overly worry as we keep the walls in shape so they can't get out to wreck havoc on general population...lol Hey we have strict borders for deer zones, why not for crazies. Actually they got a prop on the ballot for redistricting but I doubt it go through.
  16. Virtual Election '08

    Finally a bribe offered that I trust will be lived up to.
  17. Taginator on silicone?

    Strength of caustic alone has much to do with either of these working. Has to be enough heat so to speak for whatever given quantity of solid it is to go through or rather kick over if you will. With taginator it is the glycol boost that helps it to get in synthetics and kick things over to an emulsified makeup. Potassium works a tad different on some things compared to the sodium. Wish I knew more...I just know it makes grease/glycerin runnier and is used extensively in acrylic floor strippers along with boosters for a reason. Some guys that have used sodium for cleaning up WVO find the potassium better. Should also translate well for KEC guys getting through multiple layers of grease and carbon.
  18. The world is holding its breath waiting to know:

    He not flippin..Wouldn't that be just a tad more change than any could realistically count on going down the ballotbox slot?..
  19. Say NO to Gays!

    ...haha..that mean yer a fan of pita props or just against the o'le Texas heart shot?:lgbounces
  20. Say NO to Gays!

    Thanx for the compliments Matt... :) Many of us have goals right now of bettering things or at least keeping a status quo without watching it all go down the tub so for most part all our moral fibers are generally in good standing around here at Tgs. Specifically on the prop8 thing though... just know that for me it is not really 'fear-based' more than it is 'keeping things intact'. That said, nothing wrong with a little fear. For instance it has been said that 'fear keeps you alive and the absence of it is some sort of mental disfunction' (ref- RLT;Peck). What it is is that I respect history in the context of how it made and keeps definitions of words and traditions and figures of speech, etc. The claiming of goobermint of the institution is not something I like to begin with and but so between it and the media it is no wonder why we now got confusion running amuck on what the real arguement is. Arguement is really much deeper at root level of basically being against the attempt at stealing the very word away from His-tory. For me it is not a thing 'against gays' or neccessarily 'for me'. It is more about History and keeping things intact for future. I luv gays as much as the next...well actually I can prove I probably luv them more than some others but that's another more personal story to do with helping them through conversion and hard times. There are other words in the form of a union that give gays pretty much same bennefits as straight couples here in Cali without screwin with the word marriage. They got their own word and they can try for more benefits with it if not enough for them. As I hear, some the long term benefits like social security is moot due to fed law anyways. But yea I am not a fan of chipping away at the wrong rock.. Btw I rarely watch fox or listen to rush and all the personality/political leader based tests I ever take come out moderate. They call me fiscally conservative but socially moderate so I fit no real party. I want to assure you that you can indeed raise tolerent, compassionate children regardless of how you vote tomorrow. Such is more about talking and loving them rather than exactly what we or others rub on them in way of everyday things. God has a way of gracing a family and individuals via the seeds cast. It isn't always that we're a product of our environments. All I got to do is look to my nearly 18 year old son to see it. He is one level headed loving kid even though I was robbed of a fair amount of time with him. I haven't made an evil one yet, knock on wood. Hey check it out you may appreciate this... my 9 mon old girl is truly an angel from somewhere else. With no basis but for where she came from she screamed bloody murder while I tried on Halloween masks.(bad daddy) She even screamed from witch hats and the political figure masks. Yup you guessed it though, the only one she did not scream from was the McCain mask. No joke...she is like calm and ultra sensitive compared to my boys when they were babies and a true innocent from heaven. I have to trust her judgement on the presidential race..haha :)
  21. Say NO to Gays!

    one of mine too. I've yelled the maIn tag line at top of lung on occassion even :)
  22. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Don't kid though.. any vote placed for any but McCain IS a vote for Obama
  23. Virtual Election '08

    Tomorrow is election day!! Remember to tell him you love Him and pray His will be done.. http://www.wikihow.com/Pray-to-Jesus
  24. Say NO to Gays!

    Question for ya Ant....What the heck was I supposed to do on my ballot as far as judges? .. Three were running unopposed. One I been in his court room a few times..LOL. can't say I cared much for him. :) ...don't think we votin on the ones in question though ..
  25. Say NO to Gays!

    insanely entertaining?... what is more insane than judges legislating from the bench? Give'em an inch they take a mile. It's just one dedicated right after another done away and replaced by social red tape hangng all about us in the name of doing good for the whole...Wife and I were just discussing another example in the doing away with homeschooling. Can't do it now even if ya wanted to without credentials. Do not believe that your kids will not be taught things that your beliefs don't prescribe to. Do not believe that opting out will be there for you if you need it cause ya can't just pull your kids out of school these days. At what point does the opt out become a 'who cares? just teach them it cause we are within the law anyways' type of attitude? Why do we as parents have to be under a gun to act in order to prevent something that shouldn't be in a school in first place.. ***/anatomy is one thing, marriage another. Most any talk of such should be handled by ones church or at home as that is where it's roots are based. We personally know of teachers placed under pressures from above to include certain teachings when it was not mandated. So called district choice or whatever. They refused and so their positions are always in jeopardy. That is a bunch of bs. General population doesn't hear all these cases. They are just there with no actual filings or grievances put forth. There is a reason the school association says prop 8 doesn't affect kids but yet they are extremely active to acheive a NO outcome..why is that? Matt, from where you hail, you should be able to verify that the educational field/colleges in general are awash with lib minded agenda brainwashing younge Americans. I don't know, maybe nothing going on over yer way really ever effected you and yours' rights. Not gonna say such applies to ya cause I really don't know ya much so.. but the way I see many people to the left of me is that many don't miss a thing cause they never partook in first place and have nothing at stake. Can't miss what one never had in some cases. More time goes by and that is the only reason. Is an extreme passive stance very similar to parts of Europe. First it was guns in Frisco, next it be fishing the delta...or whatever really. It is not paranoia, IT IS FACT. The case of prop8 will be that eventually that thar gay marriage wedding over there will be a mandated fact taking place by way of no one being able to stop a rouge teacher from taking her whole class to a function she so chooses. Wouldn't want to tread on her rights now would we..