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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Hooking 2 machines together

    Finally got around to getting a second machine to try this out. I assume I have to follow the rated specs of the 2 machine total to figure the nozzle size rather than the real world flow?..... Anybody test their flow with just a open flow/no nozzle or gun and figure it that way? When I do it with a stop watch I get like 2.75 gpm per machine with General 4-5 gpm pumps. One, my 5gpm unit (4.7) was going through a coil and 200' of hose and the other 4gpm(?) just through the 200' while timing. They real close on flow but nothing like what they spec at...
  2. wood furring... various issues

    If one was to use an osborne then they likely not gonna also be sanding. Either is to be done while dry. You souldn't have concern about clogging. Your goal is to remove fur and to remove the peaks and valleys of the pores to a smooth finish. You can not clogg them being the wood you removed is loose and it just blows away. In other words a sanded wood particle is no wheres near the small size of a pore to be able to go in and it won't grip to it's counterpart that you had just removed it from. Only such case where any such thing can occur is when ya didn't sand wood smooth or it is severly cracked up and compromised. Blower or broom cleans those right out though prior to staining. Heat burnished surface causing lack of penetration is another topic..
  3. Delco price list hurting the industry,

    Yea..a couple recommendation not much basis for a complete numbers overhall. Please be careful and keep yer balance.. :)
  4. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Yup we are a nation of zombie.. :)
  5. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Good read Micky.. I'll add.. 'FREEDOM WITHOUT RESPONSABILITY IS ANARCHY' Yea things are messed up right now and even though we can find issue with any and all candidate put up for the position of president we should not give up the baby with the bath water by voting a party line that does not ascribe to core American conservative value. The course of wealth spreading and voting gifts via red tape goobermental loophole has been the bain of all that is good about this country. It should be pointed out that this country is not a full on democracy but rather it is a constitutional republic with democratic representation and in that is where we still have a shread of hope against the idea that America will fail. It is my opinion that a vote for Obama is a vote against America's survival... Here is excerpt from related read: What I would add though is that there is distinct lack of ability or action of the people to reign things in and take responsability for the balancing act. Too much democracy minded towards greed and ya get social welfare doom, too little and ya get a runaway train of big goobermint and special interest. It is easy to see and appreciate the basic use of democracy as a fulcrum of the balance beam. One side we got 'government' and the other 'the people'. It is a real shame that neither respects the other enough to realize though that it is 'the people' that controls the long term picture of how long we get to teeter as well as how high the roof or how soft the safety net beneith.Just like the story of the monkeys jumping on the bed, if either goes too high one or both may fall off and bump their heads. It is just a few simple things we are charged with in keeping it all going smooth yet we 'the people' truly know not how these days to be safe. Instead of slowing down and using our legs to repeal bad legislation we got selfish greed pushing so hard with lame idea that the fulcrum has to be raised. Bound to hit the roof with Obama's fulcrum. Both then gonna fall and get chance to ratchet it back down or we get stuck up there on the roof until the buidling actually breaks...
  6. Call Scott or Russell and ask them on their products... Thin cedar might fold over on itself in major dimensional change if left bare is my worry. But I don't do much cedar though.. ps- I'll let it be known that it is abit late now even where I am at to be trying for an AC cure out. Had some issue on my last. Fact that it was a maintenance coating made for a non diving of the oil and it seperated out on top...my bad ;(
  7. Delco price list hurting the industry,

    Yea there is plenty in there that is off base these days mainly on the low side of the ranges listed. There is often times attempts made at suitable language but then it falls short due to all the variables being impossable to account for. i.e.- I'de say never 5 cent for a drive unless it is of real good size and clean enough for just a breeze through type spraying. Has to meet a minimum is my outlook. A 500' drive for $75 works out to $.15 and but can hardly talk myself into toucing them for even a hundred as bad as they usually are with grease. Then this one seems about right on the low end but the high doesn't have anything saying how large or dirty nasty it cover I don't know anybody willing to strip paint for less than $3 per foot..and there is way too many variables to claim it as the max. I'd word it different, change the figures, and add some frequency or level of cleaning type language: 5 cents/Sq. Ft. to 25 cents/Sq. Ft. depending on expected gross buildup, level of clean, layout or access, and monthly, quarterly, or yearly service. (An office lot can have rather low buildup compared to a retail convenience lot.) We all could probably go on and on and it likely to get very subjective to location, region, cleaning methods, business model, etc. etc. Might be futile to try and satisfy all. Probably one persons price shock is anothers easy day. Good luck in this. :)
  8. Picked up a cold unit today that has a General TS series pump. Am planning to use it for double pumping if I can figure out what I'll be putting out. On side it has the usual date stamp but can't readily see any other info marked. Have read some are marked on pump shaft or up underneith on bottom of case but I can't readily spot anything as of yet. Wondering if there is some little secret way of telling which model it is besides measuring its stroke internally or some such. It does have a nickle head. In browsing General's pdf's it seems there may only have been two pumps with such? Pump T9241-N and TS2011-N. Unit itself has an 11hp motor and may be a Mi-T-M going by the pressure gauge being branded as such. Does that level power seem suited only for a 4gpm unit max flow at 3k or..?? Unit does put out 3k and feels strong. At first glance the pump looks same as the 3kpsi-4.75gpm on my main Mi-T-M unit. Mi-T-M's use of the General pumps was weird in that their specs do not follow how General sells them stock. It's no wonder I always forget what I have when nothing's marked and there no cross reference material floating around the net.
  9. General Pump differences?

    Can't tell by any of the new Mi-t-M stuff neither as it all changes. Closest to this one would be the CW Premium Series with the dual belted General and thick base. Isn't equivelent to the nickle one listed though as this machine here is using a gx340 engine. Mi - T - M
  10. General Pump differences?

    Doesn't show as nickle though: http://www.generalpump.com/PDFs/TS1011-Pump.pdf Seller thought it does like 4.5gpm and in checking out the Ul221 unloader the machine is apparently setup for 3k max psi. Who knows what Mi-T-M did tough..it's like they mix matched parts and the like for whatever rebranding reasoning as if they believed General wasn't offering a pump already with their desired specs or something.
  11. Mi-T-M Machines

    Abit late on this now but...vintage I have of a 3005 model does indeed have quality standard parts like Beckett burners and Cat unloader..unsure what they got going in them nowadays.
  12. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    Wouldn't get carried away...look at the msds, is just a combo of the two main caustics. Any good stripper will burn the bajeezus out ya so we need to be real careful. That said, a tiny drop of cream probably more likely to just sit there getting active on ya for a tad longer time before ya notice compared to a wet drop of liquid caustic. In example, I tend to not notice the thick jasco product when it get's on me until it too late.
  13. Here would be a similarly good deal that may go for $3k on my end of the country: TRAILER MOUNTED PRESSURE WASHER - eBay (item 170274494760 end time Nov-05-08 14:13:49 PST) ps- Here ya go. Freight this one to your local dock and stick on a trailer: http://cgi.ebay.com/landa-pressure-washer-platium-series-16-hp_W0QQitemZ260304614602QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260304614602&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A7%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  14. Well if that year on that new Kohler was mild use/low hours then the unit value I mentioned for sure heads towards the high end of the range. What value you place on unit alone ?
  15. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    I miss where yer coming from there Matt on not finding info that glycol boost is specific for acrylic. Boost is good for synthetics such as acrylic and is partly what is usually needed. The stronger caustic mix along with water and dwell time is the other part. Adding some butyl (cellosolve, 2-butoxi ethanol glycol) may work good for ya too being it a main solvent for paints and coatings and pretty much is the main base of most cleaners on the shelves. Another holy grail of acrylic stripping though is MEA. It is a main ingredient in my heavy duty acrylic floor stripper(only 3 chems in it). Hard to find info on it but check this out if ya like: Stripping composition having monoethanolamine - Patent 5597420 Also am I misunderstanding how much PG your using? I'll point out again the rate is only something like 10% (approx. 12oz. per gal.) . When relying on caustic I like to picture the other chems in a mix as wetting agents or emulsifiers allowing the caustic to continue on it's course of eating or breaking everything down. Regardless, you have to have enough heat or chem strength in general for whatever given thickness or mass of coating your to eat up. Worst thing in stripping acrylics is not getting through in one shot or letting it dry. In not getting through, the deeper layers of course continue their bind upon the surface and but also the softened top layers just kinda smear around when mechanically agitated by wash down or scrubbing. We've all been there in not getting all the way through on 100% of a job but I surely don't gve up and rinse or let it dry unless I am out of chem or lost the ability for longer dwell time.
  16. injector problem

    To keep problems to a minimum suck up some straight rinse water at end of each shift. Some degreaser chems leave a gooey or scaling type film otherwise. Some may frown but I'll dunk mine quikly in cup of 10% acid now and then.
  17. Being from a more active area I on ocassion see complete trailer setups at give away prices of $2k-$2.5k but they usually are of a slightly lesser strength of 5gpm or less on smaller cheap single axle trailers.
  18. 5.6gpm-18hp hot unit, tank, reels/hoses, surfacer, etc. all mounted on a 14' tandem for $3500....I do believe someone made a mistake. p.s. - How I'd view it: unit-$1700-$2500 tank- $150 reels/hoses- $250 surfacer- $200-$500 trailer- $500-$1200 all setup- $700 tot. $3500-$5300
  19. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    That about says it Mike..I send that stuff along.. thanx!!
  20. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    somethin to share..let's hear..
  21. To be clear I did not say 4gpm will not cut it for most residential work. When you get into more sizable slab you'll want gpm. When you get into greasey drives or pads or gum you'll want heat. When you get into shooting multi-story buildings you may also want more gpm. But that said, don't forget the deeper ya get into it the more money you'll then have to invest in dedicated equipment more suitable to a job.
  22. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    Have to agree with ya there.. is softer wood then many give credit. Hey did ya ever square yerself away with the low speed swing and black pads yet?
  23. Virtual Election '08

    Well said. I believe in much the gist at a personal level. Issue though is governement wealth spreading and the overall picture of what Obama's hand wants when he extends it. His plans have been stated and by nature yes they be state affairs that pretty much can or should be seperated from a religious or spirited minded giving or sharing as the good book would talk about. If we want to give to thy neighbor then we can do so directly or through church or through community based orgs and nonations. Sorry I just don't believe the government has much business in sharing the wealth around at every turn. If the people turning to Obama like you say then it wrong. Reason it wrong is not just cause alot of what he stands for is not what many of us believe in but it's cause it is basic denial or bargaining to avoid pain. I can't right now fully explain that if you don't follow or understand it..(gotsta get to work), but it relates to psychology and the imfamous 5 stages of any death put forth by Kubler-Ross .. Kübler-Ross model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and elaborated on by M. Scott Peck's 'Road' book series. In basic terms, America has some growing up to do and a little death so to speak to experience and work through. A vote for a messiah or social king in goobermint is a vote for disfunction (mental illness) by way of bargaining or denial in order to avoid pain. ..denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance