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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    Doubt ya see an adverse reaction Matt. Makes my stuff green is all and, like I explained, abit thicker than desired to where saturation of powdered chems can become a problem... go for it mang!
  2. Florida wild pigs

    Stick them piggy with an arrow mang!!.. I got a nice little 8pointer up Shasta this year and plan to stick a pig over towards the coast next month.... if I can get away from work that is.. :)
  3. Free Document Cd

    can ya stick me that flat work estimator in an email? ps- possably bad drive but doubt it. Usually the softwares will error check before they let go of the disk. Maybe the girls accidentally grabbed me one from the blank stack is all.. :)
  4. Virtual Election '08

    Surely Mike will have an opinion on that Jeff but if I may I'll just say that God gave us free will and frontal lobes in which to guide it with. So in spirit of JFK.. 'Ask not what yer God will do for you but rather ask what you can do for yer God'. Do otherwise and the next thing ya know people be blaiming God for a bad term, high taxes, etc. etc.
  5. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    That guy truly has some comedic potential. The emphasis and timing of 'knowing what YER doing' and 'have to start NOW' is funny stuff.. Hey maybe I learned to use 'yer' in every other sentance from the Obama himself..lol. I think of a preppy Richard Pryor when I see Obama. :)
  6. Virtual Election '08

    WOW..I do believe we have a bell ringer and a true American in our midst!! I would not doubt if 50 voters in this here poll believe you read their hearts and minds. Are you running for office Mike??:lgbow:
  7. Free Document Cd

    nah..just nothing there. That why it reads raw.
  8. Free Document Cd

    Well they actually wouldn't be formatted persay but rather the data be in UDF. I looked and properties show as just Raw blank disk.What ya write with?..maybe ya didn't close session?
  9. Free Document Cd

    umm I'm sorry...you saying there is info there in an unreadable format already? If there is, a formatting would simply make a new parking lot so to speak and disregard what ya got on there. Please explain.
  10. Virtual Election '08

    Don't confuse me now with others there Jeff..I tend to focus on what matters. I don't care if he muslim, a pig, or black. I don't believe him to be terrorist natured, black, or a pig. He maybe a little squirrel though. They like nuts, don't like guns, and hang around with socialists.
  11. Virtual Election '08

    This just in... :banana::USA::beerchug:ref. Pressure Washing and Contractor Cleaning Forums - The Grime Scene - View Poll Results ps- correction.. is now 39.74%..Mike voted..lol :lol:
  12. Virtual Election '08

    Jake for president!!!:banana:
  13. Virtual Election '08

    Then maybe ya could beat Jeff to answering the question: Here I'll help you out...He mainly voted yes's and no's where applicable to stay on fence or keep lib status quo on things such as abortion. But I'll give bennefit of doubt and wait patiently to hear from you n all the valuable legislation he wrote or sponsored. I assume he surely a good wholesome guy just like the next guy that has contributed plenty to protect American way of life and surely we can relate to him.. Ooop. sorry, I forgot... he spent lots of time trying to thwart the 2nd amendment via the Joyce Foundation. So forget that assumption.
  14. I suggest you sloooowwwww down and either plan a higher budget or less of the 'doing it all'. Dems may come down on ya like they do on McCain..lol.. But yea so anyways, all the important tools that go with each of them fields ya mention can on their own add up to your budget. That's not counting the main machine, trailer, or tanks. Most these folk here that are dedicated to just a single field carry more like 10-15k of equipment. If yer that commited then think about financing proper equipment. ..i.e. 4gpm and 20" surfacer is not gonna cut the mustard of being competative in the commercial flat work world.
  15. Virtual Election '08

    Hey during a campaign it probably true that focusing more on specific issue over and over can be shown as a winning strategy. If there is problem with McCain on this it is due to handlers cause that dude is way used to being all over the place and working on many things at once. He is always in shop mode. That is the kinda pres I want. But hey btw.. if ya consider his promoting and inspiring the surge as 'the past' or unimportant then we should look to Obama for what acts he has achomplished or taken part in the past.. What has he done???. tell me, I really want to know. people talk about talking up yer own position, ability, or acts. Let's hear some and see if there any substance. Please I'm begging to hear what he's done here at home or concerning world affair..
  16. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    see my post above for link to other thread....all I can say is I was using way too much and the saturation points of the other chems was muffed up. Gotta have enough water to beat the saturation point and if some is tied up in dealing with inhibitors(or whatever is in Safe) then ya loose how much strength you could potentially get to in a DS mix.
  17. Look At This Late Season Beauty!

    I been prefuring the rv winterizing pg. (kragen, napa, walmart, etc.) The sierra is a bit thick and green. (apparently has other stuff in it that ya may not want). And if not mistaken I believe pg recommendation is like 10%. But don't quote me on that. ps- so yea that be 1/2gal per fiver then for standard pg.. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/wood-cleaning-restoration-decks-fences-etc/13180-boosted-hd-80-a.html Not sure if I ever actually got at the info on how much the prediluted rv winterizer is diluted compared to what other offerings suggest diluting theirs but I think it works out to just adding your caustics right to it.
  18. Job estimate request

    My feeling is yer gonna want to double that price for first story and tripple it for the third at least. ..but I don't know..
  19. Free Document Cd

    Thanx for sending the cd Ron...unfortunately it was blank though :lgsad:
  20. Virtual Election '08

    Haaaaaa, lmaof..OMG that is hysterically funny stuff Beth!! Yea that's it, side with or listen to world citizen populations that has 43% of ther population believing who becomes American president doesn't effect their country. What was it..63% had no opinion even? Guess they feel their markets are flourishing and things aren't interconnected as much as we hear in our media. Rule of thumb... always side the opposite of friend or foe that tend to have their best interest at heart at your expense.
  21. Virtual Election '08

    Jeff, Likewise it was just yesterday that Sullivan's show pointed to an unfocused nature of McCain's campaign and how the past elected presidents had their managers on them constantly keeping them on poiint. Hey I like the idea in general of playing up your abilities and acheivements. Works in business and personal life. I think McCain could do better at such. But hey since when there been a 'running against' that doesn't include and expect candidates addressing the wrongs in each other's plan or past actions?. Is silly calling foul on 'negativety'. It is all McCain has to work with concerning Obama. I mean how ya gonna make a silk purse out a sows ear? Above all I thank all those that speak the truth of a candidates past or their intentions. Consider it fair warning to the people if you will. Yea being calm and serene has its place in certain atmosphere but in this day and the current crisis befalling America??. That is just dumb. Obama so slow and calm today in responding to tax plan concerns that he looked to be falling asleep. Yea that's it folks. Stick head in sand and vote for a slow calm regression/resession. Repealing Bush's tax cut is what he said. How dumb a statement was that today??
  22. Obama plans to raise taxes both personal and corp?

    Thanx Beth...thought the title sounded funny as I was writing. But yea Jeff it not political, is sound advice for both work and personal life and based around the hem and haw analogy mindset. Came out back when big business had to under go restructuring in order to survive. May have been required reading someplaces...I know I first happened upon it while working for none other than Philip Morris...Perhaps some of it needs applied to goobermint.
  23. Obama plans to raise taxes both personal and corp?

    No one here is relating ding dong Obama as being at fault for current economic woes so why ya freaken out on that Jeff? Jeff it is just like pressure washing..we can deal with the here and now of how much we paying for gas or chems, how many customers we got coming through the door, how much time we are taking to do a job, etc. etc. all the while planning for our next few years of big expendatures, marketing plans, and basically contemplating and working on our future moves OR we can sit around hemmin and hawin about what we only got now with not a shread of plan for the future. I suggest a little book for you to read. It take you 30 minutes or less to read..read Where's my Cheese.
  24. e250???

    yup there ya go then...sweet little unit!. You can put all that background tool stuff like the surfacer, ladders, lights, etc. in van and lock her up..btw, same light and ladder system here. Think I got mine at Costco.
  25. Obama plans to raise taxes both personal and corp?

    'Where is the money coming from' is a good question..especially as it applies to yer Obama candidate's plan...