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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Our Armstrong Clark experience

    They were good with color apparently so that is what counts.
  2. Our Armstrong Clark experience

    Rick, I missed that concern about maintenance prep.. who has said such or eluded to it besides you? I haven't seen anything justifying such concern. Please point me to what you refer to..thanx. :) Beth, I too noticed the color difference Rick mentioned. Which pic is more representative of final outcome?. 3rd pic is awseome!
  3. vinyl siding oxidation

    Either of the raw ingredients mentioned work to release dead/oxidized paint. Goal should be to not go too deep with too strong a mix or too long a dwell. Low pressure would be smart too. It's been said that some cleaners (Mr. Clean?) can leave enough masking sheen and rinseability on their own without use of a dedicated wax. Some Recent Housewashes Maybe you want to try that new lemon scent offering from Sunbrite though?
  4. 'it's not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country' comes to mind for some unknown reason... I say unknown as I can't claim to have ever gained directly a bennefit from an org but yet I wonder what things would be like for the industry as a whole without past efforts of orgs or what it be like in future without.
  5. Good deal Matt!..always glad to see that you finish what you start. The walking away is always an option. Is best thing to happen to someone that had a no good test result. I do hope next season ya get a good string of easy ones again. :) Oh also..so what strip strategy or chem ya do on that one?
  6. gee wiz..how ya manage with such small water and propane tanks? :)
  7. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    4.2% of? Is that correct? Doesn't that work out to 420 mil per day based on the misspeak of 10 bil per day by NYPWC? Figure from the site is 343 mil per day. PS- disclaimer- that is not me talking in that blog btw even though points may be valid.
  8. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    haha..Let's give everyone a pass or a no-fault insurance policy.. :) ps- is it my fault that I yelled 'Holy Jesus' and woke the baby when I looked up to see The Girls Next Doors on the boob tube? :o
  9. geez, I foresee myself visiting a Ca vehicle code site in the near future.:o
  10. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Well fault is kind of a heavy word to use being it implies an attempt at something in the first place. The jist Trey is that they know no better and can't truly believe anything better can be by way of their environment. Surely there are many duifferent levels of when responsability can be applied or considered. I tend to look at the whole responsability thing as being a taught/learned thing. Do we hold infants responsable for things they unaware of or can't be expected to be aware of?. Do we hold a sinner unfounded, ungrounded, or unconfessed in a belief system as being sentenced to death by it? Do we place blame or fault or responsability upon starving people in Africa or wherever by believing or rationalizing they could get theirself out of their situation if they wanted to?. There are borders and guns of many type staring people in the eye. ps- That implies they have freewill at a societal level suitable to bring about such change. For many, free will is but a heart or mind thing unable to be transfered to reality beyond a level of simple survival... Check out Lipton on evolution.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-Qus_xGzZg Many believed evolution equaled random dna changes due to environment but now many know evolution equals life struggling to survive. Believe it or not, in that can be found devine design. I don't know, perhaps such thoughts can be applied to poverty stricken folk in some way. Maybe some shouldn't have freedom to cause a change or to do anything they want eh? Maybe a few pushing for rebuilding in a flood plain is akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. After all I do believe the famous saying that 'freedom without responsability is anarchy'.
  11. Never considered tanks being at rear of a rig before. Surely they must be more prone to explosion. I regularly have a 5 gal sitting in a machine 2 feet from back door. Wonder what that would do to a driver that hits me...ouch!
  12. Is concerning that customers see fellow deck owner go through trial and error to fix a problem. Challenges keep us on our toes and can be looked forward to by some but I know all too well that customers do not at all like to consider their projects as a challenge. They know they could loose their wallets. Yea perhaps they end up submitting that things are gonna cost and they gonna loose their wallets anyway they go but these days they have a supposed easier out from all the stress of wood care. In steps the ugly composite decking industry as super hero and that irritates me. Yup money solves most challenges and they know it.. That's if they got the dollars that is and like the look of the stuff that is. But anyways am just saying it doesn't reflect well on the industry if we affirm to customers or show them through our work that wood care is a challenge sometimes not overcome. Never start a job ya can't finish.
  13. Thanx John, just checking..wouldn't want to go away with wrong impression. I like things that run on propane. Although I been using it in my floor machines for decades my latest puts out ike 0 emissions. If I had choice everything would run on hydrogen or natural gas. Until then I would not mind my truck and wash engine being equipped to run propane.
  14. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Much truth there Scott. My view on the cycle of poverty is similar. I believe that from an early age some get stuck in a mindset trap hard to escape. Surely are many reasons but if I had to put finger on most important it would be that they are deprived of the type of love that promotes self examination and independant thinking. For instance it be easy for young people to follow for years on end simple advices like 'knowledge is power' , or 'it's not what ya know but rather who ya know' without ever seeing that it is theirself who they need to know. In order to gain a real leg up noses need not be glued to books so much. Seems only through much pain, trial and error, and experience do they get a glimpse that it has been their own resignations early on that create their current limits of attainment. Social experiences, peer groups, etc. can be a killer or a life breather. Thats to say for sure people are their own worst enemy and but such demons are indeed spawned or fostered by environment. A 'you can't do' attitude being put forth by parents or their overall environment can't help keep hope alive in a young persons heart. Even more so I tend to think the real problem of poverty is a lack of the kind of love that emphasizes commitment to understanding and growth via keeping a healthy will alive and striving. Does that make any sense?
  15. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Is cause for 27 days mainly due to poor systems to begin with or inadequate response as well?
  16. Sarah Palin In Tampa

    I'm predator... I have canine teeth meant to tare meat. The sun though is what feeds all. It grows the plants that the vegis eat that I end up eating.
  17. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Tom Sullivan's idea yesterday was that McCain could just bring Romney in for the economic stuff. It's not like the prez does it all alone. Is all about wh they surround theirselfs with.
  18. Sarah Palin In Tampa

    Don't forget everyones good buddy Rumsfeld that deserves credit for causing mass obescity, tons of sawed off diabetic limbs,etc, etc., ..you know..an overall epidemic of horrible side effect deaths when him and some others were able to get aspartame approved by the FDA. ..Most dangerous thing ever allowed into food!, anyone care for some wood alcohol in their morning coffee?
  19. Sarah Palin In Tampa

    Anybody marry a woman that wasn't? While some find it a challenge to tag virgins others strive abit higher.. lol :)
  20. Having 'preferred expert' status for the surrounding 100 miles would be nice.(unsure how to base such decission but surely shouldn't relate to how much money is paid in)
  21. Pool apron paint

    Larry, you said 'kool deck paint'?.. Thought that stuff to be a full on heavy mil type product maybe applied by trowel or such and that it would be integral colored. I always thought it more textured than what the pic shows. Here is link to Kool deck stuff: Mortex Concrete Decking Products, Keystone Kool Deck
  22. Pool apron paint

    Ah.. ya both got me fooled.. pic shows a painted surface or kool deck?..Well I better get out of here. Looks like dirty moldy crete from here. ps- well it does look like some thin coating of something under the dirt..
  23. Pool apron paint

    Always best to go easy and to test...no pic of the paint?what it made of?
  24. Sarah Palin In Tampa

    Only time harvest bothers me is when it is passed off as not being harvest to viewers. i.e- High fence deer harvest footage by Jimmy Houston passed off as 'hunting' by way of barely showing the fence bothers me. ps-it's all about the bear sausage.now that's good eats
  25. Vote for Walter!

    Funny funny stuff..send the Witnesses..Haaaaaa