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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    So I'm watching fox and they are reviewing how the industrial wall held and talkin to the Army Corps of Engineers about it...Part they looking at they say it designed to hold to the top which is from about 12-15' depending on section.It was being topped by this relatively small storm. If I understand correctly that part they consider done and is at a 100 year level?. Are they serious and only call the 10-12' surge they got from a cat 2 hurricane as being only on average a 100 year thing? Anyone know what level surge a 500 year plan would hold or why they shoot so low in their protection goal? I just don't get it I guess.. I mean all this talk about how much money, time, and effort they putting into it over last few year and the area is still a disaster waiting to happen. I do not believe that the level of protection being shot for by 2011 is what the American people expect...just a silly band aid if ya ask me! What's that country that built a huge wall with doors to keep the ocean out?
  2. That light a grayout comes clean with most anything with a little bleach. I suggest Clorox Cleanup cleaner as it's got the right amount of bleach as well as some other additive cleaners/surfactants to break through any polution or carbon/grease/smoke layer from bbq's.
  3. Labor Day

    Scott we did a couple racks of ribs the other day in the smoker after boiling them up abit..yum, yum. I agree the corn and zuchini on the grill werks also!! Other than that I been sick past couple day so just layed around doing nothing..well I did mow the lawn finally. Still having withdrawls from our SoCal vacation as well so we did not need to go do anythign fun. Apparently I hung around too many germy kids at the amusement parks is why I gt sick.
  4. New addition

    Actually I said wrong number. Meant to ask do they start at 30k rather than 20k. Need the quad cab size minimum. My current brand starts at the 30k level before they add bigger motors... I realize once you go up from the entry strippy model things get expensive fast. So what does the deisel run then..like 40k msrp? Maybe they got f150 with all setup with the flex fuel..that be better eh?
  5. Landa Surface Cleaner Swivel

    shark gave an ouchy?
  6. New addition

    Next couple month should be good for getting an 08' at steep discount. What would be entry level Ford with a small deisel and like what msrp would it be? Am I gonna have to go over 25k after incentive or is there something down more in the 20k range? I just know with some brand the incentives off certain times of the year when new ones are on way in equal out to as high as 12k off a 20k truck so how about Ford?
  7. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    If one is ill in the first place either mental or physical they indeed can fall deeper to worse mental disfunction then the one you mention of dependance. I've lived it with a bipolar ex wife. Opposite of dependance would be the individual strength, free will and awareness to see themselves being dependant and to get the heck out of it. Since I have seen, lived, attempted some sense of it I can assure you that heading it off before it gets out of control via care is a smart thing....so again healthcare as a priority can't loose. I grew up with welfare (goobermint money)..that is different especially without the mental helathcare and job training that went the wayside. The healthcare part of the whole welfare lifesytle that the goobermint created was the only decent thing about it.
  8. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Jeff, thanx for posting that. Clearly that plan is nothing like what I would invision.
  9. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Ant, I totally see what yer fear is and it is always valid point....an inch often works out to a mile. i.e- gun control, family relations, etc. Those that habitually can't stick to what the goobermint would call a norm of weight or what goes in their body is nothing new though that is already suffered by private insurance and those that pay it right? Just look to the airline industry to see the idea of charging per pound being thrown around..lol Where a step in socializm creates unacceptable loss of liberty I can't say for sure but I do know that in the case of healthcare it is only issue of it just finally being written and placed on trackable books. The full burden/costs are already there placed upon tax payers as people go in when sick regardless of national plan. They don't die in the street usually from flu or pneumonia.They go in to hospital and claim indegent(sp?) or simply don't make enough so are covered. Thing is many don't realize they covered based on their low income and it is a chore and a half to keep the paper work up. Some don't bother and suffer some.. which is fine I suppose. When everyone knows though that they surely must qualify then the system will be that much more swamped but instead of it being at the burden of one main hospital in an area able to handle the indegent paper funding it would be at expense to a few war dollars and spread about to all hospital or whatever other priority we are already funding. Again, funding is out of priority and we need to bring things home and better our selfs physically, mentally, financially, you name it.. Ant I think you bring up a great point on dif between fed and local funding. Complex it all is on who is to pick up the ball in my opinion.
  10. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Just saying Ant that if your going to use such passage about hard work equaling food then it also can be used for healthcare, policing, schooling, spiritual enlightenment, or whathave you. You seem to be in agreement but I wonder if it is to an extreme level. Do you believe goobermint should provide anything to the people from your wallet at all and why if so? Some do believe that government has no other purpose then but to keep itself alive and for national defense/offense right? I'm surely not there nor am I a social fanatic. I just think that the one thing of health is out or proportion on costs (probably due to already existing regulations and government involvement) and is just as worthy of funding as another thing if not more. Perhaps you or I are exceptions and not the norm on being able to afford care. ps- Hey yer avitar is a crackup. I met mickey at his house last week and he declined to support either McCain or Obama. He did look as happy as Obama though even with all the screaming pissy pant kids tugging on him..haha
  11. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Not kidding at all Mike... Great leaders/generals have always been willing to step up to organize a defense when needed. When is last time we needed armed forces sitting around constantly on the roles. I am sure Ant and myself alone could take care of Cali..lol But in all seriousness even the national forces has its own healthcare now don't they..why not the rest of the silent militia. I mean I can defend my own home from a simple armed assault if not my whole neighborhood. Of course I am not talking about nukes and battle ships and jets when considering national defense. Health of every soul that could be healthy is more important than anything of a ground army though. Anything less and the whole is slowed down. If your buddy is bleeding out in a fox hole your gonna yell "medic" the same time your pulling the trigger...no? ps- Come now.. so the idea of charity is a new one that has nothing to do with paying taxes for all sorts of goobermint mandated services? Taxes are like forced charity decided by the people as a whole. When the people as a whole (or majority) decide to rearrange priority, as I speak of, what ya gonna do? The use of the term charity usually applies when speaking about a direct transaction between a person and some entity they deem in need like a hospital, or a church, or a rehab facility, a specific person, etc.. Is national defense or policing, schooling,, etc. a charity event?..not really so why use the term? At some point I would think people see the point that some things are moral if not smart to keep intact over other things. Health and freedom is big in my book.
  12. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Scott..that might be the best reason I heard yet on why not to go there.... I mean I can deal with porn stars, strippers and whores but the hookers and honest living people ya got to watch out for. :) ps- is there dif between whores and a hooker? Maybe one has a better pimp or some such?
  13. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Not much into using bible reference myself due to context usually having nothing to do with topic..I mean that passage has an "if" that means it to speak to lazy people that don't work for things. I would ask you do you really think people coming up working at fast food or retail can afford a medical plan? If everything surrounding medical care wasn't so astronomically out of proportion compared to other fields of service then the meager begger could pay for a doctor visit out of his tin cup or ask Jesus to cure him..lol Old days bartering for care was a way. Now all we got is high hopes and actions for every person in the world but our own. That said it seems you ignore my point of priority being forsaken. Change 'healthcare' to 'personal protection' or 'fire protection' or 'schooling' or anything and everything else of infrastructure, etc. the state or fed goobermints are supposedly responsable for providing to the people and all ya got is hand out from peoples wallets. What is better to make the people do on their own?. Guns work, hoses work, study books work..but scalpels and self prescribed meds? I say healthcare is number one because without health you can not grow or produce, etc. Maybe it a utopia type of view but what can I say.
  14. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Well not on things that are not related such as rebuilding homes in a swamp that, if I hear right, should be there.
  15. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Part of me agrees with how wrong entitlement is wrong as by nature it is always sucking off someone elses pocket.. But really I got to ask what about priority? Shouldn't humane priority have a say in what is more mportant for goobermint to fund through our wallet. Order I would have it would be: some minimum level of national heath care to all national defense kept within reason local public safety (police, fire, sewer, garbage) infrastructure (roads, dams, power, etc.) . . . national offense . . . world policing
  16. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Wow, after reading this thread I see it is quite heated. I say practicing common sense and considering whats best for the nation as a whole rather than just a perticular area or it's inhabitants is a fair topic. I don't see why 'jerk' has to be applied here other than under context of jerking people out of where they shouldn't be.That possability reminds me of what other countries have done with their countries people when it is deemed the best thing. Down in South America one of those countries(maybe brazil?) moved everyone out of a huge valley in order to dam it up so they could power Rio De Janeiro. China might be in middle of some such thing too and if not mistaken America has done so a time or two at least? Topic is about socializm, personal freedoms, welfare, and flipping the bill for it in my opinion. I don't have a problem with the American people flipping bill for some out of this world solution to keeping a port there. Regular folk doing nothing related to a port though?..NOPE,NOTTA, no on NO.
  17. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    Good questions...I'd think something of only a high ground plan for developement should be considered. My lady is hardcore on this issue and was just saying this morning that basically she has no compassion under premiss it supposed to be a swamp. I realize there has to be a port there so something has to be done or kept from the waters.
  18. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Off topic but to follow Dan... Respecting science would be agreeing that throughout time this Earth has had up and down cycles without us that we can hardly comprehend and that we truly do not know what temp or conditions it would prefure. With or without us it has its way. Theres been plenty of science proving interpritations of science are constantly flawed. i.e. just trake a close look at that Al Gore thingy. Hey Dan, watched a show last night where they were experimenting with cloud seeding to brighten the clouds. Was comical. My solution?..a few nuke a year down a few volcano or a trip to a small asteroid to attach guided missile too.
  19. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    But Mike..why a woman rather than a man? Are we to believe she is most qualified or suited to the tasks of what a VP does over other possable running mates? Does anyone know if they have had past political ties and ventures? Until I hear such it seems like a team made up for no better reason than an attempt to come off seeming progressive in getting a woman up there in roles of government. I'll try to listen to what is being offered with open mind...I don't think I am going to hear that he picked her cause she is a woman that give him more chance at being elected. Instead we'll hear a speal of how good or complimentory she is to his leadership. Blahbide blah. I would rather hear him say it for whagt it is. I may evenvote soley on that single statement alone over the Obama stuff. Obama speach was good and all but really I got to ask. Does he really expect the tax payers to step in and accept funding all them worthy ideas for the under acheivers? If he said he'll lean towards scrapping aggression and policing to pay for it I would listen to him. But then I have to also hear things of some major government funding of alternative energy and other important things.
  20. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I'll second that but with an emphasis that in the founders hearts and minds I bet they were striving as much for the state staying out of or being limited in power over the church as the church staying out of state affairs...To think the founders didn't want the state to be steeped or awashed in good old fashioned beliefs as some do would be hogwash. I don't doubt that huge amounts of personal effort, guided and blessed by the very hand of God hisself, was speant on limiting the ability to make different interpritations of what they wrote. Nothing of man is perfect though eh?... How much has been twisted and torn from original intent by ammendments in direct conflict with the original words? I recognize the lingo built into the founding documents tend toward recognizing and affirming religious beliefs as much or more so than simple moral belief so I got to hand it to the church as being forefront on their goal of offering protections by their words. Did the founders recognize the majority of people were followers of a belief system and a creator and would not want their freedoms in such taken away? Seems they wrote it with just the right amount of balance that both are held in check from the other.
  21. Well thanx..just clearing the cobwebs from being down SoCal on vacation.
  22. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Between what I heard of the speach Obama gave and McCain's choice I predict total doom and gloom for his campaign...Don't know anything much about her or her achomplishments in the little time as governor but my first impression is that perhaps she should be home taking care of a disabled child rather than running a country? Besides that, if we loose either president during their term look who we get for president.
  23. To be clear, what Rod says about rotary marks is not unfounded as I am sure people attempt or step into trying a process without understanding it. The facts surrounding any sanding process says that you must 'step up' grit accordingly as a project dictates. The reason a rectangle machine is more foolproof and a drum takes a learning curve is due to both the amount of mechanical aggression from the weight and movements they produce. Rectangle orbital is weak on both the weight and movement, drum is strong on both weight and movement. Enter the low speed buffer/swing machine. Most often they are of a low to mid weight and but good on movement of the paper as it is a continuous swath or turning in one direction. The movement is slow on rpm though which s a good thing when considering accidental burnishing of wood. How you can mess up with a low speed swing is by not stepping up when required, going too fast in swinging it, not backing up the paper with a floor pad to cushion the aggression when aggression is not needed. A hard plate with thin rubber backer equiped with 36 or 60 grit will cut down anything without too much worry whereas a rectangle orbital will float over. As I mentioned to Matt in pm, a 10x10' section of catylized poly can use up abit of paper and a good hour of time with one of those rectangle machines. Figure at least a grit size lower for a rectangle machine, and from 2 to 4x's the paper use and time it takes. That said, the coating he is dealing with is not really tuff stuff for sand paper...especially when it is turning in one direction and being cut into with a low speed. Muduck, Buffing is polishing by way of fine abrasion. Burnishing is polishing by way of heat friction which by nature includes some level of really fine abrasion. Difference between the two is the abrasion/pads used and the speed of the equipment. Low speed is from about 175-350rpm or so..and high speed is 1200-2500 rpm with 2000 being most common. Weight is a factor that requires thought on both type machines. In the old days I used electric high speeds that would do 1200 as they had no front wheel to lessen the weight of the machine. High speeds roll forward on two rear wheels whereas the wheels of low speed swing machines are suspended so the machine floats side to side. Add a little front wheel to a 1200rpm high speed and ya goto about 1500 with about 7lb of pressure. Up the motor size to current house amp maximum's and you get up to the 2000 rpm level but still with hardly any weight. Such machine is good for hospital use where noise and fumes are a concern. They best on soft floor finish. Pad and finish selection for these things is a whole science by itself. I currently use a 28" monster with a 17hp kawi engine. Is an amazing machine. The speed of it sucks the pad down and power assists it forward. Also has a clutch and a catalytic convertor for almost zero emissions. I use low speed for many processes on many surfaces. Is the single most important machine in my arsinal that I can fall back to if need be. Well anyways.. the $300 deal for two machines you mention is good. Buy them both. Swing alone for $300 is good and the 17' size is common with pads readily available. During slow times the low speed can be used for vinyl or concrete stripping, kitchen grout scrubbing, or carpet cleaning. Such prep work is worth anywhere from 6 cent to 30 cent depending on what your doing with it. The high speed is only for shining up floor finish/wax. 3-8 cents common money to made with it..... Hope this info helps some you guys into speeding things up on the wood care or filling your time and being able to offer more services during the slow times. :)
  24. As I just mentioned in pm to you Matt and in past posts, NO!, Do not waste your time. They suck! The small amount of vibration/orbit is nothing compared to a low speed swing machine and it's full on rotation. If you can't score on a older Clark swing machine in the 19-20" size like from a flea market or craigs then a 17" rental (with the sandpaper driver) will suffice. Rental drivers are all 17" anyway. Any good rental lot or some HD's will have this stuff. Backing up the paper with any floor pad will lessen the bite a tad. I use 36 grit then 80 grit when I need to remove or smooth permenant type coatings or prep crete. This type urethane your dealing with is a breeze for a swing machine process.
  25. DIY curious about a deck quote

    Do we know if deck has screws or nails or if they are popped. Would be job of the professional to come check it out to see if deck is suitable candidate for sanding or not. A pro floor guy usually has a few different types of machines and likely has something they can throw at the rough jobs. After palm nailing the nails just under surface level, I would go for it with the swing machine. Extreme warping creating unlevel transition from one board to the next is my main worry.