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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. what songs get stuck in your head?

    along with ear plugs and ear muffs to go over them..
  2. what songs get stuck in your head?

    is like torture eh.. :)
  3. Rick, Is my experience with some coatings that although products 'fortified' with either epoxy or urethane can offer certain bennefits of durability or finishing qualities they still strip out fine. I look at it as being fortified is similar to addng a particle to a matrix if that makes any sense. I think it is different then chemically changing or catylizing a product throughout such as in a 2 part coating system. Disolve the main solids matrix during a strip and you then have your emulsion of suspended solids. If main solids are metal crosslinked they can be more resistant to chemical attack is the way it was always explained to me. Such may also apply more so on exterior waterborne products as they are usually tuffer to break down than run of the mill interior ones. As example, exterior waterborne acrylic for concrete is good stuff these days and is hard to remove a few days in with standard stripper. In floor care I regularly mix qualities of certain fortified products to achieve just the right balance to suit a specific amount of traffic or preexisting maintenance practices as well as the`overall look or finish and response over a long period of time which involves constant cleans and burnishings. On interior work I try to be like Timex. Is different on exterior deck surfaces though.
  4. what songs get stuck in your head?

    Sometimes I get a new song stuck in my head the moment I wake up... is kinda crazy. The wife and I know of a song that rubs off onto others like no other. We've tested it in grocery stores, parties, you name it. It is the absolute ruler. Do not procede if you do not want this in yer head. If brave and you want best results do it with lots of karaoke type of emphasis. Enjoy..lol This part often times is all that is needed to screw someone up for a day: La la la la la la la... do do do do do Or ya can just cut full in by offering a line or two: Lovin' You - Minnie Riperton Lovin' you is easy cause you're beautiful Makin' love with you is all i wanna do Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true And everything that i do is out of lovin' you La la la la la la la... do do do do do No one else can make me feel The colors that you bring Stay with me while we grow old And we will live each day in springtime Cause lovin' you has made my life so beautiful And every day my life is filled with lovin' you Lovin' you i see your soul come shinin' through And every time that we oooooh I'm more in love with you La la la la la la la... do do do do do
  5. so i was at napa today and this lady

    If fresh they probably were supposed to sell some oil absorb stuff to her.
  6. dirt bikes

    yea it can stink at times... I have seen hundreds if not thousands of sq. mi. closed down to OHV on national forest or BLM over the years. Mostly due to lack of respect and damage to a small portion of an area usually near camp grounds or rec areas. Then we got this bs situaton where tree growers work their way via red tape into the ability to put gates across fireroads on our lands. Irritates me to no end that I can't get into hundreds of miles of hunting area up north of me that I hunted for decades for no valid reasoning.....arghhhhh!
  7. LIVE audio video and text chat tonight anytime

    I don't like them.. Why point one at driver? Perhaps a little privacy for them would be nice...Might be boring to see an empty seat while they workin.I just think it could be utilized better elsewhere. If there is to be 3 angle I'de suggest one right out the side, then the other two angeled out the front and back only on the side the vehicle might usuallly clean from. Not sure if that is possable due to how you mount them or even if your crews clean that way..just a thought since ya ask. I usually clean from way back where I pull hose then on up side just a little past front of truck and trailer rig.
  8. dirt bikes

    yea if I recall ya can't ride some places without proper sticker. ps- Here is info from DMV: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/ohvredgreen.htm Sorta too confusing but here is one resource dated a couple year back that attempts to explain it: http://dirtbike.off-road.com/dirtbike/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=304163
  9. dirt bikes

    I like yer thinkin but I already tried a tritip this morn and that didn't do it!
  10. dirt bikes

    ttt, The need to ride is still eating at me...gonna have to do something about this craving!!
  11. Woodie job in Asheville, NC area

    Maybe that travis guy will sing while deck gets done...He either born there or lives there don't he? ahh I could be wrong.
  12. F18 vs HD80 - what's the difference if any ?

    Well I thought the forum was fixed awhile ago to allow at least some 3 letter words, I've noticed it doesn't always work though....Beth?
  13. Just FYI, Restore-a-deck website gone, WOW

    Wonder if Ken will be back soon to bless us with his common sense and good nature.. As others have posted elsewhere, many miss ya Ken!
  14. LIVE audio video and text chat tonight anytime

    Nobody's ever said I have a bad sport streak in me or a bad sense of Homer.. I lmaof all day and night regardless of posting an exclamation of it. This is first I heard I cared about getting kicked...long as it not where it counts I am A'Ok wit kid'en & play'en. Like how I didn't mention I came right back in? That my way of gettin ya back Thad...haha,lol :)
  15. is this a bad case of zebra stripes?

    Don't know... is a misery of a mystery..lol I have a store that I do regularly at a strip mall. One time the complex had somebody come through as well and they left a dinge sweep type look in some spots. more fan defined though. I've pressured, lightly turboedsome area, bleached.... everything but acid, and it took many monthes to fade. Some parts were fairly new crete where they installed new ramps and so I did not want to screw it up in getting out the strong acid. Much of it though was on old crete and skim coat still there with no aggregate showing. Shoulda sht with oxalic but never got around to it before I noticed it starting to leach out or fade naturally. My main suspicion is an acid and/or degreaser applied via downstreamer that was allowed to dry before rinsing. Or a combination of that and 4kpsi @ 8gpm.
  16. is this a bad case of zebra stripes?

    yup..intrigueing isn't it??.. mop, cone nozzle, or pumpup.... let's see if the list can grow..haha :)
  17. is this a bad case of zebra stripes?

    Well personally I like challanges... hit them up and offer to do a test fix. Could be easy or could require etching/further damaging it to make it look even.
  18. is this a bad case of zebra stripes?

    But would have been with a cone nozzle. Can't see a fan making that..
  19. is this a bad case of zebra stripes?

    Yea they are weird aren't they..seem loop ended in first pic as if from a mop application of something.
  20. What doesn't help is the overall jist of how the industry that makes the machinery does not readily suggest what machinery would be proper or applicable to use in various situations. That little machine should be scoped for tiny jobs like HO walks of say less than 10'.. Can't say all such machinery of that size is garbage though as I know some hood guys are finding a use for them. In general though is it fair to call some the manufactures or distributors out on this or just flat out call them whorry sales scum? I could see these guys going into reputable dealer of cleaning chems or equipment and by luck of the draw get stuck with salesperson that doesn't know what would be proper to recommend simply because their manufactures don't inform them. Yea maybe their supperior managers at the store should train them but who is to first train the manager other than the manufacture. My opinion is that is where it has to start. Just like the slly 0 degree tip being included without proper label warnings onthe machine I think they need to make changes. Seems they just want to sell as much stuff or do as many people wrong as they can.
  21. dirt bikes

    Ktm overpriced and it said not great on track due to suspension. For dirt track Honda and Suzuki have been the best overall performers. If buying a dirtbike it hard to beat a CRF, XR, DRZ, or RMZ. Just watch motocross racing. Yea they win all souped up of course but Honda's stock form is often commented on also as being the best around. Some bikes just feel better or have better balance or fit more people I'de say...On street bikes I liked both Suzuki and Kawasaki. Am an offroading dualsport kinda guy so I have my eye on either a DRZ400S or an XR650L.
  22. strang question but I thik a good one!

    no need to be sorry..I not take as slighting. I don't display everything I do so how could you include me. Just wanted to be on yer mind and onlookers minds in future in case job opportune arrises...lol. not happened yet off these Eastern forums but who knows. Maybe one day a big corp will want me to travel the country upgrading their stores or something. know what I mean?. Half the battle is being seen and but then remembered I'de say. :)
  23. strang question but I thik a good one!

    I assume your addressing the other Kevin in ref to the cure and seal stuff...but I can tell you that you may be able to get where you want to with a very finely misted stain. Many times I have to do this as a base or a canvas for a slab to be able to give a vibrance to the main color I am to make. Most often though I use a yellow to do this. Check out Smith Stains or again you can try Masons quartz white.. just realize you have to keep things transparent and penetrating.. Good luck :)
  24. Quick Stucco Rust Remedy?

    Yea like that other problem, the clr may work. Is a combination of chems in there with glycolic acid. Main thing is that most anything that will work will have an acid and may lighten things to point of a problem. So yup.. test carefully. Do realize that often times stucco gets painted and often times the same strength or advices may not be applicable. In fact I think the figure I posted/relayed one time stated something like 60% of stucco across the country gets painted.
  25. strang question but I thik a good one!

    Got a link..would like to see brand and makeup. Scott, I've been working with and/or taking care of deco acid/acrylic/dye/epoxy/urethane for 20+ years, mostly interior, so feel free to include or refer me when discussing or passing along any crete work. :)