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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Well ya know what they say when they say "If ya got to ask"... That said, the horizontal area is ready to give up the ghost all flaking and degraded like it is. Shouldn't be much different than an intact acrylic stain would present. The verticles likely another story and ya should plan for stripping with a gel or cream type stripper with good hang time. I would sell the deck as strip job conversion to a semi trans stain and then the verticles redone with solid after washing, scraping, and sanding any loose stuff. Shouldn't be more than a couple hundred in strip supplies and $3 a foot is doable although I would want more. Even with the bigger swing machine for sanding/defurring I would want more.
  2. My first Spontaneous Combustion

    When I seen smoke one time I whipped the rig into a industrial complex and bummed a waterhose..:lgbonk:
  3. Estimate Vehicle

    yea..just say "get in the truck woman!!".. some like that.. :)
  4. My first Spontaneous Combustion

    Regardless if Yeshua had anything to do with saving the house I would bet that the air flow while going down the hwy didn't help matters.
  5. Hatred/Love two words

    Hate: cold fish love: hot tomatoes Hate: to sunburn Love: to peel Hate: boring games Love: moving on
  6. Estimate Vehicle

    Can't imagine a 4x4 four banger getting that much in real world conditions. I always got closer to 18 city and 20 hwy. Then when I went to 6 cyl street tacoma without the 4x4 I got about same or a tad less.
  7. Home Biodiesel plants???

    Wonder if that is rediculous price gouging price. Would expect tanks, filters, warmer,tranfer pump, bung mixer, test kit, starting bulk chems, and maybe a drum of methanol. :)
  8. John you keep saying that but I just can't reach ya on it. AC is nothing like Omax toner or Omax semi from what I seen of it.
  9. Home Biodiesel plants???

    Chris, what might you know of the act or pro's and con's of washing a batch down from above with sprinkler setup? I heard from local guy that it was last thing to do to make it usable but I haven't researched it at all.
  10. My first Spontaneous Combustion

    Plenty of us have had close calls or actual fires so don't feel alone.. But please Len can you share what you were thinking in throwing oily rags onto pine needles? That's pretty brave act. Aside from throwing fuel onto more fuel, I don't get the whole using rags to wipe with thing. Only reason I bring rags is to clean up myself or mistakes. Small fire can (or metal trash can) and extinguisher should be mandatory on every job that uses oil stains. Hey check it out.. I just thought of a viable secondary use for ArmClark's stain cans.. :)
  11. First time power washing.. having a problem

    What kinda consperacy effort had to happen to where the o tip became standard inclusion with a washer purchase? Like who makes money off it besides insurance adjusters and people surounding the restoration biz?.. Peope should be fired and heads should roll!!
  12. Hatred/Love two words

    Hate: gaining weight Love: Bartles & James Hate: sticky vaseline Love: friendly alboline Hate: willfullness Love: willingness Hate: body odor Love: good times
  13. Probably safe to say the difference is that one has less pigment so ya can see through it more... But note that less pigment doesn't necessarily have to mean less protection. Some stains or coatings are designed to where the damaging rays reflect, if I'm not mistaken, regardless of how dark the color might be. This can be seen in action with stains sometimes by viewing a finished project from different angles. The wood will take on a different tone not unlike sunblock on a tanned persons body. I think of it as similar to wearing expensive uv protection sunglasses compared to cheap sunglasses. Used to be before uv protection that dark glasses let the damaging rays through...now we get racoon face..lol :). Not sure how well such screening science is perfected in the stain world or how comparable it may be to sunblock or eyewear but I assume that is what manufacture are shooting for.
  14. Estimate Vehicle

    Wow 50+mpg! Wonder if that thar thing might mount up in some Porsche.
  15. Armstrong Clark

    Chaz, Can use a plastic squirrel cage type mixer on a cordless if ya like. Haven't seen the need for such though with most stain I use. By the time I throw it in truck and it's rolled or bounced around abit in transit there doesn't seem to be fall out when I pour it into a fiver spray bucket.
  16. Armstrong Clark

    Scott, Seems AC hooking ya up will be another smart move by management. Hope the good words some us put in for you helped out. Sell lots of stain and don't let us down now.. :)
  17. Oh I believe ya Rick... just sayin from here them spindle look happy enough.. :)
  18. Staining VS Sealing?

    Can't say I care much for it ON wood either..got better things to put on my wood. Let's hope Rick don't mention his seafood..:)
  19. Do we assume the smoke is from the bomb fuse you lit under it?
  20. Rick, That's what ya call solid oil?..Looks like a semi-solid with a poor color selection to me. By the pics I would actually thought that deck had a certain waterborne put on a year or so ago. I can't imagine the need to change all that spindle wood..looks fine from here. The decking is another story though.
  21. Armstrong Clark

    Rick, Was just relaying what salesman have said to me and that hardly ever means anything as we all know people say anything when they don't know something or are put on the spot. Have talked to Jake on these things today and the facts are such: Kelly Moore continues as their largest buyer but Kelly Moore is not nationwide. The Kelly Moore guy telling me to the effect that they got out of AC due to Sherwin is apparently untrue and is a local thing. The store or stores local to me not carrying may relate more to their markups putting them in a non competative position with Sherwin. The Sherwin guys info about their buying in quantity could be true internally far as they go but Jake affirmed to me that they would sell any quantity but the shipping becomes free after I think he said 35 gal. The reason they are not in Sherwin back east is that the AC stain is their low VOC offering for 15 states. The 250 VOC has been in use for 8 years since 2000 so product considered as new or untested might not be fair. Exclusive supplier that covers 5 states is www.thestainshop.com or The Stain Shop :: Deck Stains, Cleaners, Restoring, & Many More Tools
  22. Besides the labor adding up don't forget ya may have to reimburse the HO for all that power that big momba beat box if using :)
  23. Armstrong Clark

    Now taking orders..lol..j/k :) Ya sure the exclusivity wasn't the AC company itself?..Actualy maybe its Sherwin that has them tied up and maybe they want to put it everywhere. Is the stuff rumours are made of , haha.. Kelly Moore told me they had carried it but since Sherwin carries they jumped out. Caveat on the paint stores carrying it is that if they don't keep up on the quantity buying they may not have enough on hand for bigger jobs. Sherwin guy said to the effect that a group of stores have to order at least 2k of product that they split.
  24. Armstrong Clark

    geez if I know. I live a tad too far from ocean to be in tune with such. I like chowder, shrimp, or high mountain rainbows..
  25. Went to HF yesterday... they got the oversized glasses for $2, 3 respirators at $22, $29, and $39. Organic replacement cartridges for the cheaper respirator were $10 and cartriges for the other two models are $15. They attach differently apparently. All mention being for paints and thinners..the higher priced respirators say on package that they usable for muriatic acid though too.