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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Thanx Scott.. Dan I view it as such.. is similar to when I shoot my vinyl floor stripper over other stuff that didn't quite cut the mustard. First stuff softens and gets it going then the secondary stuff along with water kicks it over to emulsion. My suppliers always stress that ya got to have enough water for it to happen. Is not unlike when yer trying to disolve a chem and ya have to get to the saturation point.. :)
  2. Advice on my deck restoration plan

    Use the red plastic tape..
  3. Thought of that, didn't do it though..
  4. Yea that is a beauty Ken! Now offer up yer procedure for the spindle protection... clingwrap saranwrap taped top and bottom? Look same builder works out here..lol:
  5. Bidding ipe? tommorow!!

    Charlie, Although many woods can show as smoothly finished or hard they do not show the kind of grain in yer pics. So....Hey here an idea, you can be the first of us to test out AC on ipe....Since all fail it won't hurt.. :)
  6. Bidding ipe? tommorow!!

    Yes Beth..I agree with yer post #13... Is why I pointed out "If it was really finely finished though a HO may use the term.".. Just straight up looks hard and rich in some cases. :)
  7. Bidding ipe? tommorow!!

    Rick, nah not wrong thread..you got wrong post..lol Perhaps the Rickster missed where Beth mentioned it maybe redwood? bawhaha :lgbonk: ps-- do we know it ipe yet?
  8. How do you add in the following costs?

    As example of extra work going uncharged...Last gimmie I gave was helping an elderly put his frniture back on a pool deck. Fella had like 5 metal firepit chairs with cushions, a standard 6 chair table and umbrella setup with cushions, two chase lounge with umbrella, 5 bar chairs, a whicker rattan couch with two chairs cushions and foot table. There was more but I forget what.. garage was filled with stuff. Took as long just about to put the stuff back as it did to do job.
  9. Bidding ipe? tommorow!!

    Redwood pretty much soft to middle of the road in softness..not sure dense would apply to it. If it was really finely finished though a HO may use the term.
  10. pine knots..

    haha..too funny rick :)
  11. Matt is that a new term in "water feature" ? . Hey I think I smell yer wet dog in there.. :)
  12. pine knots..

    Pine knots are full of extractives (resin/pitch, etc.) that may or may not be hardened from wood processing and when the oils of stains hit them they can disolve and make room for the dry white look. More ya add the worse it may get. A 1 cut shellac (1lb shellac to 1 gal alcohol) can be used to seal them but since this is usually done in fine furniture staining & finishing field or prior to prime and painting I am not sure how it would pan out in the semi-trans oiling of exterior decking. Might work good if using staining products known to be more topical and able to acheive a slight sheen on surface. I think WT is such, if over applied that is. Since pine is also known to stain blotchy and funky in general, sanding sealers are usually used prior to staining most anything made with it. But again, just like the knots, a 1 cut or maybe even just a 1/2 cut of shellac will suffice to keep things even and still allow wood to take some stain... Ah pine..oh what fun. It's been a long while since but some of my first wood finishing experience was on pine wood furniture bought from the nude furniture stores back in the late 70's to early 80's.
  13. Would like to see pics, links, or hear thoughts on mounting hose reels in the back of truck beds. Would really like to have some sort of Rapid Reel pivoting type installation to where the reel can be hidden down under bed level and but also come up and out away from vehicle enough for use. This would also allow pulling line out towards rear of a rig that pulls trailer if designed right. Utilizing the stake pockets or using a ladder rack might be ideal. Surely someone has seen such before.. What ya think?
  14. How do you add in the following costs?

    Oh and if ya want to charge top dollar consider the idea of not going food shopping on empty stomach and apply same logic to bidding. Only bid something while tired and sore. :)
  15. How do you add in the following costs?

    How you can add such in is by firstly not commiting to price until job is seen. Then you simply up your rate by dividing what the extras would seem to equal in a dollar amount by the total footage. This gives you a cents or dollars figure to increase your standard by. So you make another inventory item or tiered pricing reflecting the increase in your quoting/bidding program. Before you know it you can just look at something and call it a dollar amount per foot or a total dollar amount. Time can be harder..least for me anyway.
  16. 2008 Sealer Poll

    Hi Brian, That not the Superdeck (superduck..Masons Select?) product sold at Ace- Truvalue is it?.. If it is, it junk that leaves too much topical film prone to chipping off. Not just from foot wear but everywhere to some degree. Removing it from unsuspecting decks is making me a wealthier man by the week. Good thing about it is that it easier than some others to remove.. :)
  17. 2008 Sealer Poll

    Alan,Welcome to TGS! I can tell by your post that you will be an asset to the site... What do ya think is going on with AC for it to be so tough? You know I could hardly get it out of my stir stick the other day with downsteam level stripper. It is like the pigment dives like no other and is truly blocked in good without topical fiming of the linseed. They say the goodies seperate once applied and I not one to say otherwise. Reason being is that from what I seen of most coating systems there is always some level of integrity loss when things such as pigments, chips, oils, etc. are within the drying matrix. A solid resin by itself always has seemed tougher to disolve than one incorporating the other items. Must be that principle at work, or magical linseed, or a synthetic additive going unmentioned. So anyway, soe prior discussions of AC going 3 years or better is an awesome thing. Can you speak to that or show us some aged AC pics?
  18. All about spelling and grammar...

    Well it surely would make for a funny secret code in a Get Smart type flik :)
  19. 10 Reasons Why We Love Ready Seal

    Ah I LOVE IT!.. Rick maybe that job would have been a superb Armclark test. :) ..Does how easy a stain come out of a stir stick mean anything to ya'll?. The Armclark was absolutely unreal.
  20. All about spelling and grammar...

    Beth, please elaborate..that a dark humour movie reference that I somehow missed? Always liked Ace Ventura's "like a glove" myself but is not at all at same level of yours..LMAOF
  21. Boosted HD-80

    Yea Mike.. none of the ones mentioned are ethylene but rather are of the propylene glycol variety. Safe, Prestone Low Tox, or RV all utilize that safer/less toxic glycol. Point I was getting at is whether the RV is as strong since it is prediluted (that's what the jug I seen says). If you say it doesn't dilute a DS mix too much then there we go, It has to be given a chance based on both price and possability of less byproduct chems/inhibitors that we really don't need for our use. Actually I think the Safe is too thick with byproducts and certainly does not on its own have enough water content to take many powder chems to point of saturation. I always end up having to add water anyways...
  22. All about spelling and grammar...

    Hi Mel, Consider me in that point too. Besides just commenting the same as the next fella on the main topic of spelling and grammar, I have no purpose or goal of attack against anyone. Sometimes defense of a principle outside of a main topic is not a bad thing when threats of exagerative actions are abrubtly introduced out of line with a conversation. Hence the free speach side topic. Apparently in this case such defense is automatically confused or twisted that I or Don must both be in cahoots and share opposing view and goal of attack against some entity. What that entity is in Scotts' mind I do not know. Could be exageration of a plot to gang up on Ron, you, or TGS in general..Who knows? Makes not a lick of sense to me how one gets there other than that they walked in and missed half the convo or assumed too much of peoples emotions. I would think it a case of the reading impaired if somebody like Scott can't tell I have not attacked you and am friendly with Ron in general. You know the misspellings on yer own part deserved pointing out. You respect that right Mel? Comes down to that if talk of lock downs or twisting of opinions didn't take place you would have nothing to be confused on Mel.
  23. All about spelling and grammar...

    Hi Scott :)