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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Plastic Sheeting

    imagine that...we can learn somethin new everyday here..thanx Rod Sherwin-Williams SherLink ps- Hey Rod... it says "Maintains strength when wet." , it last through stripping and rinsedown?
  2. Graco sprayer

    Why..ya got one for sale? That be alot of sprayer for most our needs here.
  3. You "carry many"?..What are they? Would a consultant be respected as a pro and relied on only if their recommendation/solution involved a branded readymade product that an average 3rd party could carry through with?
  4. Not so happy

    Hey Russell...since most the ipe guys would attest that nothing lasts much better than the next on ipe why not explain them into using the Stain and Seal combo product or the paraffinics?
  5. Flaking Behr Stain

    flamethrower :)
  6. Plastic Sheeting

    Haven't seen...sorry. If I ever found myself needing to tape such size I would use my packing tape gun. But since I don't I just end up using staplegun and plastic tarp. :)
  7. Deck Help

    I'd plan a tougher stripper concentration and test on the most intact areas. (verticles with least sunlight and moisture)
  8. Jeff I fail to see where we differ but, ..maybe it's that you don't see them on regular basis so your more free or unbiased to not group all the nuts together. I live and deal with the fruit and nut group regularly and they are not the everyday folk like you or I. They buy into anything and everything in way of current fad. Be careful as before ya know it they'll start laying claim and put words in everyday folks mouths. For instance ask the consumers if they want to spend money on cleaners that don't clean or stains that don't last. Before ya know it it won't be that the green products are available as option it wll be all that is available. Its the old give an inch they take a mile scenario. We could get into loss of timber jobs or land development due to the spotted this or that, or hunting and fishing rights etc. but do we dare go there... I mean just a hundred yards from where I live I have to be careful about stepping on or hurting some endangered beetles riperian area. I kid you not the looks I get from the bird watchers as I ride bike past their holier than thou walking/sighting adventure. Meetings on the hunting trail can be out of this world...Same folks, different color ribbon..
  9. Beth, mainly refering to the 'this is biodegradable and that isn't' bull larky type stuff. In the end everything goes back to nature, even concrete with all the metals and salts involved and such.
  10. Somethings I don't really consider at all as being related to "green" as green implies wasting non renewables and being friendly to enviro. Talk of saving this or that, like water for instance is silly. Water doesn't disappear it just isn't everywhere as much as another.. that's drout..When it comes down to it I believe in partaking of what was given long as enviro is healthy. Jeff, yea some waterway animals surely showed benefit from less polution at commercial level but don't that credit mainly go to earlier fed efforts and putting an end to certain agricultural use of poisons years ago? Let's be serious..the whole current green movement is way overcredited. It's been normal people seeing effects on animals , or on their skin, or on their respiritory systems that inspires safer buying decissions of the homemaker not the "green' movement. I mean they can only ignore things so long before seeing truth. Is no different then when woman had to learn and except that smoking or doing drugs during pregnancy is not a good thing. They didn't need an organized party of nutjobs to exagerate to them. Just became common understanding and that was that. This "green" thing is a business now pushing exagerations if not outright lies down everyones throats.
  11. I concur and suggested maybe relying more on ox for the ends...that seem to help James?
  12. done in a day

    Celeste, Have to assume one of only two Maximum products. The 3yr is green can and is called a toner/waterproofing sealant. The 5yr is brown can and is called semi-transparent/deck,fence, & siding stain. Olympic Exterior Stain - Choose the best exterior stain to protect your home Jeff, do we assume you still using the 3yr toner? http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/wood-cleaning-restoration-decks-fences-etc/11611-there-anything-realy-new.html I too have used these products on damp wood (5yr)... Being they are supposed water cleanup they are somewhat compatable with any moisture they run into up until the goods that allow such cure out. Issues can happen if trying to put on wet wood as it doesn't really disperse the moisture away to take up its space. Instead it tries to mix with it hence it dilutes and can make for blotchyness in some case. I washed fence the other day in indirect sunlight that showed as suitable within about 2 hour..wasn't a stain job though. I totally see where Jeff is coming from on this....have even considered watering down the product on occasion in order to deep feed but haven't went there yet or tested it. ...If I relate it to my old standby of finishing floors with waterbase acrylics I can indeed disregard the age old advice of not waxing wet floors. In those cases it only relates to leveling and ability to gain proper shine. In all my years in doing flooring I can not claim that watered down floor finish effect durability/longevity/or grip whatsoever. As the water goes away the air oxidizes and crosslinks the product depending on the polymers or metalic ingredients.
  13. Where would you cut costs? Or NOT cut cost? Why?

    Cut recreation for sake of wearing more DIY hats, route consolidation and leaving trailer behind when possable. No chem, supply, or tool cuts..they are what makes for increased production. Nothing wrong with increasing research and shopping though to obtain equivelent stuff at cheaper cost...
  14. Ok I admit I went green by using some Omax Tahoe on a deck. Well it was sorta olive green and interesting to say the least.. :) Actually I am in process of trying some "green" marketed stain that is made from 65% recycled materials.
  15. Original post on the garage: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/wood-cleaning-restoration-decks-fences-etc/12643-garage-door-ben-moore-alkyd-semi-solid-stain-stripp-able.html ...no before pic there either..wanted to see the Ben Moore dark ;(
  16. Without going into details of how much push or effort involved I can tell ya that grape juice or some vitamins can get ya to go purple... :)
  17. RS on stained concrete

    Overcleaning kinda sucks hu? Sounds like he just trying to take advantage of a mistake...trick is to mask and tarp everything so the idiots are not tempted in first place. The smallest of spot cleaning can stand out and off they go with exagerations of damage or fault without recognizing their own dirt. Sometimes if ya spot blot immedietly the clean won't show. Precautions on stained crete are to not remove the sealer or stain but it sounds ya already went abit harsh. Could take the position that if it had been sealed properly to begin with the rs would not have soaked in...lol, j/k.. ya got to eat the cleaning. But hey ya could maybe sell him on a sealing job.
  18. Stripper or not they could fur...some do some don't. I describe it as fingers sticking up that have not grayed out. Can't really expect wood to always degrade internally at even rate and give up the ghost to present a perfectly flat surface..Once the surface gives up the old stain and gray you never know how much you gonna have underneith. I would think if its bad you may have to plan on a real good dry out time and then mild defurring with a rough pole mounted brush done vertically only of course. Either that or a real lite touch by mechanical machinery.
  19. done in a day

    Olympic what.. gold,silver, or bronze medal? lol.. :) about 2 hour per side to stain, that about right?
  20. Repel fer sure would be my choice. Some may consider standing precariously on a cheater ladder hooked off the peak but I call that crazy. Imagine trying to stand on two rung that yer feet can't really be square on and then trying to spray wash every inch of roof..would be nuts! . I don't think they osha approved either if someone is that crazy.
  21. sealer on plants

    Matt, yes that is long overdue in my disclaims..I am inspired to get right on it before next bid goes out. Half the time though these plant situations are but situations of overgrown plants going neglected too long anyways and they could use a taming back..ya'll think? Can hardly get in there to do anything half the time..
  22. Same old, same old

    Ron, Maybe for massive amounts of calls one needs a service but I can tell you as a customer that when I call a place and get a service that my confidence in their returning a call or being considered important goes down considerably. ..Nothing better than to show a customer you care about them then by presenting them with a message/format that allows them to get their points and needs across. A service can not convey the same feeling is my feeling. I mean people tend to offer up a more exact description when they know the exact person they are reaching out to will be hearing their message and voice. To me relying on a service would be like relying on any other 3rd party to relay a thought or feeling. I might as well let my kid or wife answer the tele...just my 2 cents. :)
  23. Max dissolving for HD-80?

    These cut figures maybe closer Dan...it sure can be confusing if complicated..lol 2gal PG (256oz.)- assuming approx 576 tot. wet+dry product devided by 256oz=2.25 128/2.25=56.88/8 = 7.1oz TTW (approx. since dries don't take up as much space...be 8oz if not figuring them) nonylphenol (32oz)- 576/32=18 128/18=7.11/8 = .88oz TTW hd80(32oz?)- same applies if ya did 8ozX4gal=32oz = .88oz TTW ..but I very likely could be wrong, as I often am in these ratio/cut matters. Likely am on my prior post as I don't think I calculated in the total product amounts. Easier way to figure? Please someone jump in! Is there an online calculator for this? PS- pg percentage would have been approx. 128/7.1=18.02=100/18.02 =5.54% np- .687% hd- .687%
  24. Max dissolving for HD-80?

    Sounds like ya getting heaps of help from the nonylphenol without hearing exactly how much hd80 ya used. In DSing it I assume by your "/gallon" that you worked it out to 8oz. X factor of 8 for 64oz? But if that was all ya put in without allowing for double the water then yer way diluted. Mostly the standard figures would be 6.25% TTW of NaOH (8oz) but since I hear hd80 has other ingredients the 10oz suits folks better. That is 7.81%TTW of that product as a whole or 80oz (or 2.5lb) in yer case. My last batch started at 48oz NaOH to 1 gal water (slowly), 76.8oz pg, 64oz butyl, and a squirt of this or that. I then halfed (diluted) the mix and ended at approx. 3% boosted NaOH TTW. Wasn't overly strong for what I was doing with it. :) Andrew, Ya have to know what ratio or percentage your streamer sucks as in downstreaming that 10oz. it will be rather diluted... 5:1 = 20%= dilution factor of 6x 7:1 = 14.28% = dilution factor of 8x
  25. Max dissolving for HD-80?

    Don't know Dan.can't help ya there but I can say that ya can get 48oz of hydroxide in a gal. of water no problem.... :) BTW- metso falls out though in my DS mix regardless if I top the fiver off with a couple more gal of water even. That stuff must require a major thickening to stay suspended. Anyone know what to do to keep it from diving before ya spray it? PS- also..the amount of boost with glycols could stand to go up a bit if anything. The amount needed is often said to be 10% of the hydroxides contribution (I assume that as a 8oz. per gal mix..maybe they mean 6oz though) to the mix which puts it higher than the traditionally quoted .5 gal per fiver DS batch by 12.8oz. Ya need 12.8 oz X the factor of yer streamer which is 6x if 5:1 streamer = 76.8oz..