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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Thinking on hooking a simple 3-4gpm portable to my 5gpm hotwater unit to goto 8+gpm... Can the folks that have ever combined a couple machines together offer up their experiences and technical advices?.. pics or any technical info would be great!!
  2. Boosting small gpm skids with portable units?

    Well yea logically pressure pumps need unloading in some fasion and logic may better be served to have one on each unit.. Memory is not serving me though on whether most small unit unloaders are suitable type. Could ask why I need two unloader though really. Think my unloader block has extra holes tapped. Is there issue with plumbing in there? I could mount a female quiky and male plug or use a check valve there when I don't need a small direct drive type unit boosting me. Pretty sure my unlader is an 8gpm and would unload both pumps same time. I don't need a whole carted unit really and would rather have just a small pump package I can drop in a very limited space.
  3. Death Spiral...

    Odds of suicide or falling is downright shocking when seeing this visualization.. Hey Rick, Ya gonna watch that show on National Geographic on Sunday called The Human Footprint.. Is going to use visualizations to show how much a human consumes over a whole lifetime...Not gonna miss it myself even though I hear the goal is to try and make ya feel bad or guilty or some such.
  4. Boosting small gpm skids with portable units?

    Yea often forget about them.. Need something though and they pretty much got it... The pricing guide is still one of the most historically useful things out there for startups in some respects although some may consider outdated or unsuitable for all areas.....see the check valves anywhere in there on their own?
  5. Wood Tux and Flamability

    Is that assumptive or is that called leading the witness? :lol:
  6. Boosting small gpm skids with portable units?

    I don't think it is against site rules to post links and info on equipment unless your trying to sell things as a vendor...we do all time.
  7. btw..that type is called a direct drive.
  8. Regardless, ya think a few hundred will make a difference? Surface cleaner the way to go and/or a turbo. Maybe you can discuss and post some pics over here on that new thread I had just posted :) : http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/residential-pressure-washing/12909-boosting-small-gpm-skids-portable-units.html
  9. Alot more to a machine than a pump and motor..who would but without sensors, unloaders, guages, hoses, wand, etc.? Seems better to Ebay that sucker to a landscaper. If it were a horizontal shaft I would suggest adding a dredge pump and selling it that way.
  10. Am I too high on residential

    Would say yes..the one is likely to signify extra money or looser grip on their pennies and the other an overall desire to better that which is important to them or their loved ones....They both also really can imply a desire to show off to the Jones'.
  11. Hi Wayne...Mind I ask why would you ever feel a need to go from 3.7psi to 4kpsi?.. About anything you need to do up past 3k can be done with a turbo nozzle. Maybe your unit is cold washer and your trying to compensate for lack of heat? GPM and heat is what cleans things faster not psi.
  12. Am I too high on residential

    but seriousely :)..whatcha think about ticking 'charitable doner' or 'general health & exercise' for a compressed list?
  13. Am I too high on residential

    If we look at the 'optional/voter information' section we can see obvious error. They either forgot to attach the results of ticking 'liberal' onto the 'democrat' selection or the 'shopping habits' section... Ken, I only show 159 liberal dem leads...lol :)
  14. Ipe advice

    After hearing that I think if I run into one like this I'll plan on making a custom cardboard cover big enough to go under the lip. A knotted rope coming through center up to a pole or 2x4tripod setup would work to hold it up. Won't keep water out but probably be tite enough to keep grunge and wood residue out. Once the card board dries on top it could be removed some point after staining and the debri would be stuck or trapped by the stain to the top or it could be vacuumed or blown off.
  15. Am I too high on residential

    Geez thanx fer runnin that Ken!..now can I get the list? :) ..thought ya were just gonna tell me the ratio of price shoppers to quality shoppers for those zips. When it comes down to it all those 400 calls I could expect would have to be spread out over a season due to my capacity to service only so many which is problem when people want it now rather than later. Yes we too sorta have a season here due to weather, vacationing, and holidays. Hardware/garden stores are packed with people right now on weekends where as a few week back people were hibernating. Far as the figuring goes I see the constant of 2% response as likely...if presented when they buying that is. Surely the expected response changes in off season compared to busy season. You'de be better able to answer than I the question of whether it all ends up comeing out in the wash at 2-3% in considering delayed responses a season later or the reocurring jobs. Ratios of what services they want may be off but in a good way. Much prefure deck or concrete coating work at higher average for instance.
  16. Am I too high on residential

    I like that Rod where it just becomes a conversation like "well geez sir what is it about them that made you keep looking for other options".. Bound to at some point cause a clash to the relationship though if they were BSing.. I wouldn't care though as I can't stand working for lowlife liars like that. What I seeing alot of currently is just a lack of call returning after prices are discussed. Honestly some ya can likely sell such jobs but I feel they just bound to be a problem to work for. Guess I in wrong line of work if I don't like educating customer on prices they consider high to be high.... customer never likes to be wrong on what they firmly believe. Doug that looks like alot of work for $400. How long did ya say it took counting the walks?
  17. Ipe advice

    Hows that spa trim cleaned or stained without thrashing the water?
  18. Wood Tux and Flamability

    Shoulda seen it at 110 during our heat spell last year. :)
  19. Wood Tux and Flamability

    what would such a convo be without info on the differences between flash points, combustion, flamability.....
  20. Wood Tux and Flamability

    Matt....firecan and extinguisher mang!! :) Humidity over yer way may help but yea when we get up a bit higher in temps you have to take precautions. Supposed to be inthe 80's this weekend. In another month or so mainly you'll want to keep items out of direct sun. Don't pile stuff together without humidity present or place near buildings. Do not put materials having stain on them in a customers garbage can if ya can help it. Tarps can be a challenge... anyone got good solution there let me know. Cleaning them before rolling is a pain and they take up all the space if ya try and put in yer firecan. Using less spirits on rags for cleanup duties will go along way towards safety too.
  21. Am I too high on residential

    Ken, run these.. 95864, 95608, or95630 ..don't run 95673 unless ya want to realize the location of El Rushbaugh's affections on his radio show. :) The zip just under 95838 would likely be one of the worst in country if not for part of it being newer homes.http://www.norcalhomes.com/Zip_Map_Sac.pdf
  22. Something about protic solvents, organic versus synthetics, and molecular weight. Higher the molecular weight of an acrylic the harder it is for alcohol to work on it.
  23. They grow up so fast

    glad kids don't grow that fast..
  24. Am I too high on residential

    1 in 5..really Ken?..I'd a sworn it was closer to 2-3.. Hey maybe it some places it be 2-3 in 5 and someplaces 1 or less in 5..haha Rchirs, don't lower price, that is bare bones already and them potential clients tellin ya otherwise are cheapskates that perhaps know no better. Just got to get more bids out and forget them loosers.