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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. psst- throw in some boiled linseed... Heard said some swear by it!
  2. Licensing and/or certification

    Agree with James last statement.... Red tape makes money for everyone other than the people doing the work or buying it. Purely from a licensing standpoint it is easier and more likely to find rip off artists being able to dupe the uneducated or trusting by way of their extensive certifications or licensing. Some I hear don't even show up to work and take old people for everything they got....They get duped by a false sense of security. In many fields I would have to say trusting a projects oversite to a goobermint entity through licensing is plain stupid as the goobermint is mostly incapable of properly administering anything. People should relearn how to utilize their own good judgement on who is good or bad at something and let capitalizm and evolution work....what was the question?..lol
  3. Need Woodrich Hardwood Wiping Stain

    Dan, You may be only geek present able to appreciate but... If ESI is the hard drive and Scott the cache then DIY folk like you, apple,or anyone that mixes their own stuff are like a stand alone BartPE preinstall environment cd.. :)
  4. New Here

    Thad, No..sorry, I have cold black gelatinous heart. Joe, Most likely a spirit of stupor came about me in posing that April fools post for the people as in all honesty I did not consider you in it. Guess between your care free one liners and knowing you've grown a thicker skin I insinctively knew you would appreciate it. So anyways.. although belated, too the people I say April Fools!! :)
  5. Need Woodrich Hardwood Wiping Stain

    Yea Scott, I call it normal...problem is normality is becoming a rarity more and more it seems...Keep up the good job for the peeps!!
  6. Semi Solid deck, How to?

    1. Sodium Hypochlorite-1.5% + a little surfactant if ya like (ph neutral car wash or such), soak 10-30 min. or so, rinse off with garden hose or pressure washer with low tips......test a section first to see if stain comes off at enough strength to rid the mold. Water plants before and after real well.. 2. Depends on brand but generally Sodium Hydroxide based strippers such as HD80. Check somewhere like theprosealerstore vendor for that.. http://theprosealerstore.com/HD80.htm
  7. Need Woodrich Hardwood Wiping Stain

    Ha ha you two are like TGS through and through..Am on my knees in praise over it. Hey people meet Fenner and Tambasco the men of TGS....aka-The Geek Squad :)
  8. Two more strikes and I am out.

    Cheer up little buckaroo....things will look brighter come tomorrow!! Well maybe not tomorrow but maybe sometime soon the next big stain to hit the market will pull a rabbit out of it's can. Hey what about those brands you posted up a little while back.. think they'll do better a year in? ps- yea pm me the name too and I'll slip it in somewheres for reoccurring maintenance sake..lol :)
  9. New Here

    I wouldn't either Joe... Only time I sacrafice that is for to fix my schedule from night time to day time work or having some sort of major family stress..Even that tends to not work the older one gets.
  10. Downstreaming Photos

    I still gotsta order that dang thing..
  11. Downstreaming Photos

    End of video you say "Any Questions?" I got one for ya.... You regularly use pressure washer?.. Thought ya was just a fear the foamage and easy rinse man!!
  12. First Deck of the Season

    I've yet to realize any bennefit whatsoever of Baker's.... Not that I haven't want to but that I too do not know how to get it. ps-- If I wanted to sell a stain to online folk I would have stain samples up and a direct online purchase ability. Case of Baker's I think it would do very well if the Pro Sealer Store offered it.. Texas Wood Products
  13. Downstreaming Photos

    Machine size and downstreamer will dictate when it will start to draw. Ya got to test to see when. Use chart to decide on a few tips. Maybe it draw at 800, could be way higher or lower..don't know. I think you understand this but the reason ya want to know is so ya can slip in an 00-??.? for to rinse without chems and having to go back to machine to turn off downstreamer. Higher ya go though the sooner the stream of water will atomize into thin air. Don't want to hurt anything your spraying so the higher ya go in pressure you have to fan it out..maybe try something like a 1514.0 or 1510.0 to get a little aggression and atomization midway out.
  14. Downstreaming Photos

    Format needs to recognize decimal point position: XX-XX.X ..whenever you see a whole number assume the decimal goes to the right. Just think 4th position from left in tip applications.
  15. New Here

    Bob unbanned Amen!!
  16. First Deck of the Season

    That a nice deck Pete...Looks probably as much footage in the verticles as the horizontals. How many gal it take?. I too like mixing redwood with cedar. Sometime it makes for exact match to freshen up a prestained pressure treated lumber we get out here.
  17. enclosed trailers

    What is that 4x6? looks like a dandy of a trailer.
  18. Downstreaming Photos

    Here ya go Adam: C_Nozzle2.pdf Nozzle_Chart.pdf
  19. New Here

    This place is a living breathing social entity with heaps of chit chatter..just ask Al, seems he wants to chat with ya Mud. :)
  20. New Here

    Thad, that's ok..I just choose to try and get along with anyone and everyone and I also choose to acknowledge that there are many ways to insult, offend, or wrong someone personally besides literal statements of name calling or use of foul language. Joe chose to go the simple route on occasion of the simple name calling but usually was way after major flaming and taunting or specific with someone he already been going around with in various thread. Other times he seemed to loose tract and may have offended those that meant him no ill. For instance the mofo( lol. j/k ) called my tele and left an aggressive message with foul language that I and my wife would prefure the kids not hear. He seemed to take the deserved online chastizing I gave him over it swell enough. Although I've never spoken to him he has since left civil enough message since that first incident and all is water under the bridge far as I concerned. Maybe there is something of maturity or maybe something of communication format difficulty involved..I wouldn't pretend to know as for sure he is different or weird as the next guy.....as Joe says, I don't no..life goes on... ps- ..to answer yer question Thad..the hunting forums..lol :)
  21. Sealwize - Sealmaxx

    I would prefure full disclosure.. For some folks or situations it may be a good idea for the producers to incorporate a sufficient solution to the lack of staining/uv protection. Problem maybe that their perticular version of these densifiers/hardeners/petrifiers/silica or lithium does not allow it to get through standard protection pigments/uv blockers to where it would be deep enough for their liking and give them ability to warrant it's stated abilities so long. The only two solutions I dreamed up that might end up working is along the lines of putting the pigments(non-japan type) in water or acetone carrier similar to methods used on concrete during polishing procedures (a no coat/finishless outcome). Challenges there with the latter involve issues of whether people want to be putting straight acetone on wood or not and issues of powder dyes not being uv stable for exterior applications. On the water versions I am unsure but I believe the few water based concrete products marketed as being stain, but known to Not be in acrylic carrier, actually are almost same as a dye containing likely the same dry colorant/pigment as the acetone versions.... Btw, Difference between a stain and dye being that in one pigments are particles being redeposited at same size out of carrier and the other being disolved particles being aplied and then becomeing a size the surface pourousity will allow for. These densifiers work the same way in that they take up the free space like at a cellular level and so the wood should no longer act as a living sponge. Hence the fair term of calling it petrified. Way I see it these Seal products would have to give up a hefty amount of their penetration or concentration goals in order for the wood to be first dyed and for them to entertain the solution may not be logical if not sacraficial to their whole business plan setup and warranty stuff..
  22. Come and chat

    No kissin and tellin now!! :zipit::sinister:
  23. New Here

    As if he did anything different then the pack mentality that ruled that thread... Hey folks, the only reason yer buddy Amen was banned was that he was held to higher standard than the rest and obviousley Bob commited himself to handing out consequence if he was not listened to... Nothing wrong there. I just hope that Joe you were actually fully warned and understood that you'de be banned if you did not rise above... Big difference between a chastizing or suspension and a full blown banning. Bannings suck, been there done that!
  24. water in my readyseal

    Maybe find out if product is ok to try and freeze...maybe it act similar to vinegar. In making vinegar, since it don't freeze ya can strengthen it by doing such and taking the frozen water off top.
  25. Fliers etc

    Yea I would imagine that those newspaper box situation is totally legal compared to the illegal no no of attaching to or placing in mailboxes. .easier than going all the way to the door too..:)