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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Some teak furniture...

    If it is properly made product, whether natural oil or synthetic, they will cure out hard and lock things in so such don't happen. As example..Problems could occur if say linseed is used that is not of the boiled variety where dryers are added. Synthetics are more fool proof on dry out but they present there own problems. The caveat on all this outdoor furnture finishing thing is that you have to pick a product suitable for outdoors where the wood will experience moisture and contraction- aka- you have to go towards using a long/spar oil. As you move that direction you loose the hardness and ability to keep or produce a buffable finish but they flex. Outdoor furniture needs a mixture of different oils to be somewhere in the mid to long range. Short oils will crack off. Getting some urethane in there can help. Indoor stuff ya can just go to pure synthetics in using a nice varathane, poly, or conversion varnish...
  2. Weather it the 3-5 year green label from the Toner catagory or the 5-7 year brown label from the Semi Trans catagory they are oil/water base (alkyd) and likely same contents everywhere. I use the brown label as if I am going to use such a product then I want to use the best. Don't overdo as you'll get the shines. As with most any product if you don't have sprayers setup right you can end up with a mess. Here is some pics of a homeowner attempt/mistake: ...scary hu?
  3. Decker 5er or deckster?

    I concure on the OMax... and if you go airless, which you should if shooting Omax, get a 311 tip for tight stuff and more control and a 415 for big swathy areas.
  4. OMax aint very much a water cleanup product to me. Very sticky and hard to get off of things...even plastic containers. I clean up spayers and stuff with mineral spirits then follow that up with degreaser when using the stuff. I like their product and say they about the best longer term product out there. Color takes a couple week to settle in. It sprays through an airless beauitifully without much overspray at all. Low pressure bucketster/surflo/flojet setups not so good. I don't doubt that stripping it would require a boosted mix as it an acrylic alkyd.
  5. Pat, When I said your price about right on I was not refering to your latter post. Your math example is seriously in need of correction!! Is the wood 300 yard as stated in first post or is it 600 yard? 300 ln. yards= 900 ln.ft. x 6' height= 5400 sq. ft. x .30 = $1620 for cleaning or $4158 for clean, neutralize, and stain at the rate I sited.. Based on size I would give them a sweet deal at about $3500 and do it over 4 day period. (1 day clean, 1 day dry, 2 day stain). But I fast and economical. :) ps. I know this..they surely don't want to have to replace that fence. Price for that start about 14k or so on upwards of 20k and higher.. ($14-$16 per ln.= cheap fence install)
  6. Heres the thing..there isn't usually much money in the fences. People don't generally recognize the cost of putting up a new one and so they tend to freak out abit in hearing the prices to clean AND protect a fence. Good news is that they easy and don't need the efforts of say a full deck restore. I'de say your price is about right on for a clean and brighten but I pretty much have to push for the staining under premise that the fence will just go gray again and procede on towards rot and damage in short time. I believe it to be upsale that has to be described and pushed. Staining add from $.35 -.45 + materials. Stain costs from about $.12 on up.. In other words $.77 is a good price fer fence. Know what yer doing and this can translate into $100 an hour profit after product.. Fenfen probably get twice that though.. :)
  7. concrete cleaning

    Sometimes extra knowledge of methods/chems,hot water, warnings to customers about shadows leftover from oil, and reclaim isin order. Always see or know a job before promising or implying results.
  8. My Horrible Experience with IPOWERWEB!!

    Speaking of trickery and the like.... WTF is with this Handyman Club?.. Didn't count on books showing up let alone they wanting payment for to review them!! Where did my signup say something of joining a bookclub that I have to end up sending books back???:lgangry:
  9. concrete cleaning

    Verily, verily!.. Equiped with heart or drive is nice and all but the brain is the most powerful tool in any of our arsenals..:yoda:
  10. Pool Area, Drive and Sidewalk

    That a 'cool' deck though?..I'd be doing a test on all such areas first in case it something odd..All that stuff is odd and ya never know how strong it may be or what chems the manufacture suggests or allows under warranty... </H1>
  11. the definitive reason to have insurance

    If I were pool guy I would claim a seagul divebombed me..
  12. Some teak furniture...

    Ahh Wood!.woohoo!
  13. My Horrible Experience with IPOWERWEB!!

    Thanx fer the heads up Barry. Such practice of not fixing such a thing pronto is note worthy. Kind of amazing that people up the chain of command don't nip these things in the bud to save their reputation.
  14. Wonder if the 7 yr. Omax. would be a good option here...
  15. Can anyone solve this?

    I read question as meaning half of the 1058 advanced. 1058/2=529 Now for to be equal students in sections/classes.. 23 student x 23 sections=529 tot students...answer would be 23 sections.
  16. NFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    missed poll
  17. NFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    Instead of going bay area yesterday I shoulda went to Reno and placed down a big bet..
  18. NFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    Well Brady does have his Saturday Night Live consolation prize..what did he name that doll? :lgwave:
  19. President

    Haha..not only are you a card but your actually on the card.. I'll write you in for VP right under Alex White Plume for president..
  20. Nice Cleaner Times Article Beth !!

    ..used to get 'Services' and 'CM'. Not sure what available these days...oh I do get 'handyman' now and then.
  21. Outraged

    Abit rediculous..can't ever trust goobermint to do something in timely manner unless it fills the coffers or satsifys some popular agenda.
  22. P.m

    Yup..IF and CAN are big words!
  23. Too much pump oil?

    Changed my unloader once...it was some time before having same issue.
  24. Dry Ice Blasting.....

    "everything" does seem logical don't it at this point....but I did here an explaination recently that attempted to make sense of how inflation isn't in order. All I know is I not sure what to buy or be scared of these days really and that if it all goes to hell in a hand basket we're going to be needing that dry ice for other things. We all know the saying of putting it on dry ice.. :)
  25. Need some articles...

    yea share it up.. it all been written before. When we realize we ain thte best at something then it easy to see the logic in using anothers talent.