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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. NFC Division Superbowl Hopefuls

    Umm er no denying part of that but come Feb 3rd let's just say we'll have to see bout that.... Go NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. New Baby in the house..caption this

    Xjet boy.., projectiles from either end about as far as an xjet...Haha Thanx again folks.. she really is a beautiful doll..as they say father like daughter. :) Ok..time for a new 'caption this' pic: Photographer says "How many days is this lazy bum going to be passed out in my hospital/vacation room...and who is he anyways?"
  3. Insurance

    Walters here..nothing better for many folk. Does depend on where yer at though in the country on whether there is equivelent or better offerings at same rates. Key thing is to make sure what yer working on is actually covered by policy...usually listed via line 6 on binder.(One Beacon in Walters case). The breakdown for each occurance is pretty small and breaks down further per item in the actual policy once you get it. But hey it better than nothing as most company are running notta nothing far as being covered for the item they working on...Comes down to insuring quality rather than insuring against accidental damage to surrounding property items. Picture it sorta like comprehensive coverage for your vehicle where your covered even if it your fault.... Do hard research as even a simple bare bones binder through Lincoln General without the comp can vary as much as about $500 or more by time broker does their fee on ya.
  4. Follow up on ipe deck staining

    "liar" that a pretty big word to be throwin around. I prefure proof before I believe,..pm would be best... Way I see it liar is person saying something when they already know it a falsehood. Saying a falsehood without knowing is just lack of proper education, guessing, or possably intent to mislead via mutual ignorance.
  5. Follow up on ipe deck staining

    Daniel about says it..Is about same in the wine making industry. To end user the supplier/distributor would be the one having it made...in this case Ken. We all can have our own stuff made up special or we can have manufactures relabel. We could jump in a relabel situation every day of the week if we wanted to. To say or imply a product is exact same as another is wrong and may deserve action..... Fenner my friend you share the inner workings of yer biz all time which is pure goodness. Would not expect you to share exact proprietary recipe of that product though. No need to defend it really but for to say it not same.
  6. New Baby in the house..caption this

    Thanx all.. :) Funny story behind her brothers coming to hospital for visit. They hoppin around on bed having fun while momma was up changing one of them early tar looking diaper. The 5 year old peaks over end of bed into the crib thing and yells 'oh that gonna make me puke!' ..joking around of course. So silly Thomas pictured above leans over to have his look and then promptly projectile vommits all over the floor... Think his tummy was all tied in knotts and couldn't handle any more excitement. My caption for above pic is.. "I'm so excited and luv this but please help me I don't know what I'm supposed to do here!!"
  7. In situations of long hose runs and sporadic spraying does anybody send their bypassed water to grass or just let it run on ground? Surely there is no complications to the equipment in doing such. I planning on doing this while doing some gutter work at large complexes in order to not overheat pump.
  8. Follow up on ipe deck staining

    Woodtux maybe different each season right?...is woodzotic? I like stain and seal actually...isn't woodzotic more like that?
  9. Sending bypass water to grass?

    Hi Mark...nice to see some local lurkers coming out the closet.. :) Although we never met I do believe we've spoken before on a few things. I'll pm ya...
  10. Follow up on ipe deck staining

    Thanx for clarifying.. I was unconfinced which product Jim was refering to. Seemed as if Woodzotic but the nature of internet and people not reading often results in miscommunication.... If I were to ask or say anything surrounding how any of these products last it would only be proper to mention that most hold to a truth that none of them last very good on a woods first staining. Most say subsequent stainings hold better for various reasons. Jim, I thought you said in other threads to the effect that you haven't been able to get anything to last on ipe..least as of late anyways. Is this the product you had refered to elsewhere?. Coulda sworn it was another product in WTW perhaps... John, I think they used 'aussie' as the land down under is an exotic place to Americans for one and for two you guys do have some hard wood right?
  11. Chem Container Shelf for 5ers

    Maybe check with a janitorial supply house that distrubutes the auto ratio chem distrubution systems for food places, convienance stores, industry,etc. to see if they got such format...or get a soda syrup rack, they hold the square cardboard/bladder type boxes.
  12. Sending bypass water to grass?

    Could be 5-10-or more. Buildings are 2 deep and each move to new building will require relaying of hose lines along crete pathways so as not to burn grass. Then I am up the ladders to likely dry blow roof debri and hand scoop main gutter debri before hoisting hose/gun up to blast them. I do not want to go through whole complex twice in resetting ladders to get the dry debri and then doing the wet work. And I surely don't want to be spraying water up in air over my footing area or out over tenant traffic. Some the work will be just me and some with helper. Have to plan for the worst case of just me. Complexes are new to me so I can only imagine how best to go about without constant travel back to unit. This takes serious planning unless yer a apartment handyman that has weeks and weeks to get such type work done at employee wages....Remote might be a good plan. Think my honda is all outfitted for one. Hey maybe regular house water supply is better option. While I am at it...who has the best tooling for fishing the downspouts or who has best method for that part?
  13. Sending bypass water to grass?

    Argh..sorry.. but some ya is about like pulling teeth. It already said that I have a float tank. I aint trying to reinvent anything here. Essentially in a small float tanked unit the bypass can hit the suction line by way of a T (between pump and float tank) or hit the float tank and be almost the exact same thing. There is no checkvalve at bottom of float tank where it leads down to pump (via suction line) so when bypass water is added into that section, which is manufacture method not mine, it can actually go back up and mix with the float tank supply. Would be better to drop it into the actual float tank so it mixes with the larger body of water in my opinion rather than looping around pump. Basically that is what everyone does but with huge supply tank. As I said my float tank is small at maybe 1.5 gal. and I believe I need more safety cussion. Recap for Alan:
  14. Sending bypass water to grass?

    Alan, The incoming supply line would actually be the bypass line in a secondary float tank situation at this point in convo. Once bypass tank is filled water has nowhere to go when the float valve activates unless it T'ed back in after main float tank to the pump suction line. If the pump suction line is only drawing from the main float tank it would indeed go boom. If both the main float tank (approx. 1.5 gal) and the bypass tank were hooked to suction line then it would hopefully draw equally from both which would allow the bypass float to drop enough to let bypass water come into it...should anyway, But why float it when all it is for is for extra capacity in a looped format? If it a closed container similar to an air reserve tank and but it is always perged of air than it good to go as it is looped in..
  15. Could Use Opinions on Commercial

    Well I have and so and it don't...lol.now if'n it was like 'ride the white pony'.. :) The timing is perfect and allows just enough time to both read and then view what it is yer showing(unlike some others). Overall length is perfect too. If I was a potential buyer (am actually) I would not mind even twice as long as I am interested already by time I click on the video. Realize you had to sacrafice some quality in the youtube conversion but it still views real well. But if I may, I would prefure to see the order of the 'how to apply/bennefits' changed around. As you have them now the statements/goals of 'rejuvinating tired wood' call buyers into action well but instinctually something tells me I want to see them first before the 'easy to apply/wipe off' instruct/sub-bennefits..
  16. Sending bypass water to grass?

    what the float for?..can't disallow it to flow in as if it a regular float tank running off outside line. It'll blow up right?
  17. Sending bypass water to grass?

    Had a thermal protector off the far side of pump and it blew it's threaded cap and guts all over the place one time from a pressure spike back during a unloader malfunction. Yea I know it sounds like a pressure relief but it had a temp listing on it and pretty sure I cross checked it with a pic of one online. Guess I get a new one.... ..Reef, ok so IF'n I get a tank I won't worry about heating things up. Been my suspicion but thought I better check. Machine is 5gpm. What I'll do for now to please the water worriers is to only pop off the bypass when needed and drop the water into 27 gal. chem tank/tote. When and if it fills I can just add chem and do some crete..
  18. Sending bypass water to grass?

    Well what might the consensus be on how many gal it take to keep pump cool while running in a loop?..10 gal?. 50 gal?.100?.. only got about a gal looping around now so I pull trigger regularly.
  19. Anyone used deckstar sprayer from sunbrite?

    What's a deckster?..lol ps- hope it's parts be metal
  20. Sending bypass water to grass?

    I don't run tank (yet) other than small float tank. Sometimes it mentioned that even with supply tanks the bypass can get things hot in certain situtation of low flow.
  21. Who is Barack Obama?

    Hope ya'll don't mind if I chime back in on a few things.. Gordon, I think many of us have more common ground than not. Your earlier posts treading into sin and then evil and then finally opinion of how GW has no faith pretty much took too much time to hear. My background in Christian belief system and logic does not allow me to confuse or twist sin, evil, fence sitting, or wrongful policing in a country in need of their own solution as all being same or grounds for a faithless president.You say you not judging him but I don't buy it. Seems since his faith or actions , or course of actions are different than what yers would be that he has no faith is what yer saying. Maybe you not dooming him but simply making a judgement/decission on who or what he is personaly and his relation with God. I can't say he did a sin on me or anyone else as he and I have no personal relation. He is but a man that makes state decissions and I can't in good concious label what his nature may be on personal level beyond what he claims openly. Even if he is a sinner as most are it hardly makes for evil.... Is rediculous to me that fiscal decissions leading to failure also might equate to lack of true faith and following to some people. You and some others are correct in my book though on some things and questionably wrong on others. Will site such below: To sum up my positions on who I am most like in these sharings would be difficult..I believe something of everyone. Mostly Jeff, John, and myself...even a little Rod. Oh that reminds... Rod, All one has to do to see bible guidance for fiscal things of goobermint is to read it. Heaps of example and practical speak in there concerning financial right and wrong and credit usery even. One fella tought Egypt how to put back a great surplus to get through famine. ..as to your 'sad' thing I quote a famous rock band "SAD BUT TRUE" :) oK Brothers have at me..haha
  22. Follow up on ipe deck staining

    Looking good mang!..what it stained with?
  23. Deckguide down....

    hey..darn it!. I a lurker/member there...hope it isn't a trend.
  24. Who is Barack Obama?

    ahh. let's have an hour of power eh Gordon?..It is Sunday..haha Fearing wrath (an action) of God rather than God himself is the good books jist and without basis of a sin why dwell on it. What sin can we site of our existing pres or of a candidate in the eyes of God? I prefure to leave that between them and their maker and not claim that they deserve wrath upon them or fear. Last thing I want in a pres would be one that had something to be fearful of. Regardless there is such thing as sin being paid for by our advocate in the Lord. Would not doubt if all of our candidates and presidents have relationships with their maker. They may even deserve mercy and will have it when times come. But anyhows..I prefure to believe and focus on the nourtering aspect of Gods personality....carry on :)
  25. Who is Barack Obama?

    Now that the main debunking is out the way..anyone got a good summary of what the guy stands for on issues? Wouldn't it be nice to see dozens of beliefs and stances of all the candidates on a single spreadsheet. Would make quik work of weeding then out based on our personal priority..