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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Anyone turkey hunt?

    Hags House may be good place to ask some folk..
  2. Sprinkler haze on bricks??

    Don't know about phospohoric actually being more effective when pound for pound HCI is quiker and more powerful. What they maybe mixed with or how strong yer willing to mix them can come to play and make one more effetive for ones cleaning methods though...Facts behind how and why one acid is stronger or more suited for certain jobs are touched on link below and it can be seen why mixing acids and surfactants help certain situations.. I always been fond of the clr type products that use the glycolic for example. Water Well Rehabilitation: A ... - Google Book Search
  3. '06 wtw on Fir steps

    How do they not look good? did it wear off as a top coat or it need more?..Penetration seem normal while doing and you use same amount as any other job? Get a pic up....surely we all want to see some fir.
  4. Sprinkler haze on bricks??

    Hydrochloric (muriatic) most readily gives up it's hydrogen ions is what I hear but it rough stuff... vinegar would be slow, good for soaking glasses or such in.
  5. Hey Fenner.... can you say "can"?.. :) Maybe experts that be will turn their attentions to the dye process I contemplate. Second collumn-page 635 seems interesting : A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry - Google Book Search
  6. Sprinkler haze on bricks??

    Try the oxalic acid 2-8oz per gal.. Is a usual organic acid used to restore wood and due to process and nature of it being able to remove the dead gray wood likely found underneith it may be yer ticket... A mineral acid like phosphoric acid more likely to eat the actual deposits faster though. Use a little heat/warm water to help the process. Also, surfactant will help acids soak through deposit layers and get to the dead wood.
  7. A true Hvlp uses air to atomize and to make a fan spray after product leaves gun tip. Where as conventional air sprayers mix air and product together inside gun before leaving tip the product and air are kept seperate in dedicated lines all the way until and through the gun in hvlp system. The pressures are relatively low compared to conventional air sprayers but the volume of the product is higher. States have standards of what the air pressure can be...is like 10-15psi at the tip or some such amount.. The delicate difference between conventional and conversion gun is, far as I understand, is that an hvlp conversion gun converts the psi in larger gun chambers to low pressure high volume..(btw..same happens with water in our hose systems, larger line or chamber equals lower internal pressure in a section but higher flow/gpm..just thought I would throw that in :) ) So anyways, Some would say product volume is not as high though in hvlp as what you can easily arrange in other spray type equipment. In Hvlp,.. the power being produced for the product portion, the line diameters, tip size, cfm of the air protion, and adjustment valves on the gun are the limiters of the volume. Done up right and specific to chore at hand a true hvlp setup can put out plenty of product. --Some talk of true hvlp--http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/scrap-book/11370-my-high-capacity-diy-hvlp-sprayer.html
  8. Laptop for customer invoices ???

    Dude....that answers alot of concerns bout you...you know posting while driving and all.. lol.. :) btw, called ya couple time but you no answer.
  9. Laptop for customer invoices ???

    If I recall correctly we had some pretty good discussions on ptstate on this... I have big inverter to power things in engine compartment but ya could just go with the regular dc outlets to power both laptop and suitable printer (where ever ya get those). I'm installing wiring for a little ac powered bubblejet to go behind back seat. Gonna do over the winter for the upcoming spring cleaning season. For programming I just use Peachtree. Print preexisting customer invoices lickity split before I leave for work is my usual.
  10. Fog overspray comes by way of too much product being atomized and not sticking to surface. Too much pressure by way of machine and tip orifice sizing is at play. Air itself is not to blaim in an hvlp but rather the overall adjustments of the air to product ratios and the end pressure. As example airless type sprayers still over atomize product and cause fog...gotta find a products wants and the fine line between pressure, volume and the tip sizing. Can mess around plenty with pressure and volume and a products viscosity may still want a different tip.. ..when I figure it all out perfect for each brand I let ya know..haha
  11. what is a business worth?

    So what he askin? Offer like 20k monthly net based on bulk buying, another 5k for his name, and maybe 10-15k for the equipment.. Has a Rideon eh?..may be worth that of a washer or more..
  12. Cell phone etiquette with clients

    You really have to either turn it off or if it does ring ya got to reach down and take a gander on how important the call may be. The customer your in front of wouldn't hold high that yer ignoring someone. Often times a customer will just say something like "go ahead take that call if you need to". My cell has to be on as I am playing midwifey duties next week.. :)
  13. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    Anybody feeling Grinchy? A few things do got me abit Grumpier than usual the last couple days...Not sure Grinchy is the right word but it is fitting for the season :) 1. Work schedule gets all messed up during Christmas time and usually equates to loss of work for me. 2. The whole house is sick. 3. And to top it off the kid clogged the back toilet and it ran 40 gal of water all over my bedroom and closet!! ...Merry Christmas is still a few days away. Share up yer stresses of the season folks. :)
  14. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    yikes....:eek: So it not ladies undergarment then?... Some us maybe see just as often though. :lol:
  15. yuck...

    Yup.. is so darn entertaining makes me laugh in hysterics at times and hard as all get out to turn the truck off to do a job... Funny thing is some tiddle of truth can often be found in even the craziest of ideas. Yea they exagerate topics but they often come from real facts or theories. Way I see it some topics can be real easy to get there with common everyday beliefs. For instance, if we are believers of a place after this world along the lines of our religious faith it can be real easy to have to accept that yes indeed there are entities from else where walking around or effecting the physical world in some fashion..aka ghosts..lol.. Scott you mention the flare thing..umm well if some similar yet very dissimilar energy discharge event that happens elsewhere in the cosmos was to happen in our neck of the woods we would all indeed vanish from the face of the Earth. Most cosmologists with half a brain likely know that the odds are probably running out. Yea it could be 10's or thousands of millions of years but at some point this Earth could be sterile again. Such can be without the Suns help and we wouldn't know till it happens. Gamma radiation discharges from elsewhere is serious stuff and just a matter of distance if it gonna hurt us. Another one that interests me is the possability of global temps/ice ages/global warming being effected by things that we could be passing through as we travel through the plane of the milky way.Part of that basis comes from supposed facts that other planets of our system are also showing or going through effects that come from our local outerspace. There are deffinatley cycles of things we just haven't pinned down yet from all our geological record. When things are spread out over millions of years it surely must be hard to figure it all out... But hey I'de be careful what you wait for or wish for. Can't imagine millions upon millions worth of people perishing in a pandemic. I truly do feel that at some point resistancy of bugs will rear its ugly head to an extreme level and if that happens to take place along with a bug that cares not much about all our cleanliness minded practices such as hand washing the world is gonna be in for huge problem. These modern times the world is so much more connected then other times in history. Maybe I should buy that book and check it out more. Anyways.. don't sweat the small stuff as they say and take it all as entertainment. :)
  16. yuck...

    Coast to Coast radio show last night had a doctor on that spoke all about the bird flu. Has a book out called Pandemic.....scary scary stuff. Usually the show is mostly about ufology and full of whacked out callers and guests of course but once in awhile they throw in a serious show.
  17. Anyone have a good blast lately?

    "Last edited by tattwd : Today at 08:39 PM. Reason: poor english " You may have bad english but you sure can strip!.. and that is what matters.. :)
  18. what is a business worth?

    John, I assume you mean to use the term "annual" on yer figures? If so then it sounds good to me and translates about same as what I hear.
  19. what is a business worth?

    Surely you see that most I am implying concerns the contracted work itself. If you got 4.5 times your annual gross for a division then that is a huge exception don't ya think? Apparently I stand corrected and you did not accidentally leave out "monthly". I agree with what you say about what equipment means. I don't have a horse in the running and don't know the specifics what owners had to provide a broker in way of returns. Much is done without broker though in small time stuff so..
  20. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    Can a poster add a poll to this thread... rich's thingy intrigues the heck out of me.
  21. what is a business worth?

    When it late Ron leaves words out..Surely he meant to add 'monthly' gross? I speak of monthly figures as that is usually how maintenance contracts are contracted and paid. The 5 figure of Ron's is pretty much right on what pro business salesmen have discussed with me. Usually includes a minimum of well used equipment assets almost as a gimmie as the contracts is what is of value in the immediate and long term for the buyer. Ron's extra 2x multiplier for the whole entity over the minimum 3x I mention for just the contract goes well together.
  22. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    Stared at it fer awhile and something about it is familiar.Looks inside out with a patch on otherside. Maybe a weird ladies garment?
  23. what is a business worth?

    The devils advocate/differing view would be that profitable contracts/customers are saleable regardless if main entity is not or is not marketable. Many field have basic multipliers used everyday in sales of contracts. Can be x3 monthly gross, can be x6, can be x** in these fields depending on contract quality. Such figures transferred to the whole entity, assets and all, would rely on much more as Fenner talks about... But sticking with just contracts...If taking $135k yearly example ya get $135k/12 mon.=$11250 gross per mon. x minimum multiplier of 3 = $33750. This is if all contracts of said gross are profitable. Fenner's whole entity example is not mind you. Add to this the fair market/wholesale value of all assets and ya got pretty much a good deal/great deal if ya want to go there. Maybe not in the eyes of a large company into aquisitions but for sure in the eyes of either an existing small business or a newbie looking for priviledge of job ownership. I'll explain.. Ok let's base each contracts profitability off industry standards say anywhere from 30-40% . Most would agree, as well as goobermint entities or financial entities, that if you can pay off business startup costs within 3 years then yer ahead of the game and of most new business owners. So let's first take the figures of just the contract purchases to see how long they take to pay off. $11250x30%=$3375 net profit x 10 mon. = $33750...now you still have over 2 years to pay for the used assets you also bought..very, very doable. Fact is if you can't keep an account for 10 mon. then you suck anyways and should crawl away. Add fact that you will likely be growing same time while servicing them contracts the risk is nill to none. Finally let's delve slightly into the whole entity purchase at 3x monthly gross + asset value. Add fact that the assets are liquid and resellable the risk doesn't equate to loss. You could be buying a real good used truck, washer, etc. for 2 times that $33750 contract buy figure and as long as it was fair wholesale price there is no risk. In summary.. good luck in the real world at finding a good small business with nice paid for rigs and equipment worth $67500 that can show $135k of good accounts that is willing to sell to you for $101K. :)
  24. Carbon Monoxide kills mother of two cleaning carpet.

    Always sad to hear of a family loosing out over something so preventable. This perticular case I really don't get though. How does one justify renting a generator and do this work themselves over having a truck mount guy come out?. Didn't this lady have a support group or a man around to advise against this? What the hey man!!
  25. Anybody feeling Grinchy?

    hohoho.. that is too sweat!! Walk us through yer detailing regime please..Hours and hours hu? ps- I see yer a fan of Honda on yer washer and like the little marine tank too.. werks fer me :)