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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. funny word in that "demarkation" Ken...haha..Can picture it..hell I done it on crete before like most anyone else has. Makes me want to throw down some sawdust or blow the lawn leaves onto the drive first.. :) Oh that red label stuff for crete is of course none other than the crud cutter...forgot the name due to brain lapse/fopah.
  2. whats a good rate for brick wall

    Sounds big... what it like over 500 yard long right? just one side ya doing? How about some pics...is real brick wall right. Seems with the chemical expendatures and no heat that it gonna need to be least .15 what with it taking awhile. What about efflo situation..sounds risky to not allow for possable arrival of it after. Maybe do some sort of disclaimer.
  3. wood furring... various issues

    That perticular deck had no finish and I got through the gray easy enough with the percarb. Think it might have been a percarb/tsp mix actually. Will just have to take your word James that if I would have went even deeper I would have ran out of fur to a smooth wood but honestly I doubt it. Just think it was going to do it no matter what.
  4. wood furring... various issues

    James, I pretty much concur except that I did get some fur on a real old heartwood deck this summer while using percarb and 600psi. I generally don't use hydroxide on just bare wood neither.. Where does the hypochlorite come to play on this? Like where abouts on fur causing behavior does it sit compared to hydroxide, percarb, pressure, or age of wood? :)
  5. Never gotten stain on asphalt before. What it do Ken?..it just goes into it and becomes part of it? If it were just crete pretty much anything will take off fresh stain whether it parafinnic or curing. My two favorites are the purple power and then that red label grease cutting stuff at HD. Is abit better actually for the curing stain but foget name of it right now... But I don't understand Jim.. what situation you into or what spray equipment ya using that causes this problem. What if there was cars around or the stuff got on someone elses property. Seems to me ya got do something in way of equipment changes or adjustment. My small experience with the ReadySeal told me that it was very friendly as far not having hardly any overspray. I've sprayed pergolas with it using hvlp without even tarping the patios...
  6. wood furring... various issues

    Without fur what would the old dead gray stick to....without black spots what would them BDA gurus do.. :) My outlook is some wood will just fur regardless of stripper or pressure as it is the left over fiber laying underneith the gray. The good stuff has been leached out so it takes a fur shape like microscopic peaks and valley's or a wave form. Prewet probably has something to do with removing the peaks and minimizing the valley by way of sealer or gray not ripping into them on removal. High pressure usually causes splintering abit different then what most would call fur. I seen fur with just mild wood cleaners and garden hose so...
  7. Wood-Tux out of vinyl siding?

    Give it it's due, he went back days later... Since when does resin decide to fail or desinagrate way after the fact like as if he was trying to kill a mold with bleach? Not only did it surely not stay wet but surely he rinsed the strippers off before he left. That eraser stuff is the bomb and yes I too have considered buying stock. They do have them in sponge mop size which might be just the ticket for them once in awhile overspray situations. One thing though is that yes they now have two levels of the eraser and the difference of effectiveness can be seen. Have seriously been waiting for a few year now for the eraser to be made into floor pads that go on low speed swing or autoscrubber machines. As it is now sometimes I throw a few of the small pads under my machines to get areas with extreme scuff traffic. With that said about the eraser, other products like the laq thinner or acetone based stuff used with care would have worked.
  8. 1st airless experience

    Yes Beth..found this thread useful right before I bought a used Wagner for a C note.
  9. Wood-Tux out of vinyl siding?

    hu?..looks there to me homey :)
  10. Furry Fir

    Fantastic work Rick! I like the first one..looks like those would unscrew from outside right? Second isn't bad looking persay but ya can have it.. haha. I don't like fake :) The top rail unscrews right on off? That what I would do anyways if so. Would drop cloth the floor and spray what's left. Kickboard trim between steps I'd have china bristled it with aluminum shields. The defurring Daniel went through would be the problem far as time goes although the second deck seems to be of type that comes apart easy enough it still take a good couple/few hour to unscrew, do them , and reinstall if they were to be defurred and/or two toned that is..
  11. Furry Fir

    pics please.. I wanna see hand cut spindles in combo with composite, maybe could title it 'how ugly really can composite be?'.. :)
  12. Furry Fir

    umm no, am not kidding.... Right situation of square spindle in a rail system that comes apart, the spindles can be placed together and done all at once and reinstalled. Ya turn them four times ....don't know your situation so can't say..round ones could be turned on belt sander perhaps, never done it yet though. I just know there no way I would want to sand rail systems for 8 hours when the whole job was likely planned out for less in total :) In new construction situations (all wood) guys will often cut all the spindles and rails all at once off a single template then build the rail system. They stain them layed down on covered deck and than stand them up to mount.
  13. Furry Fir

    "should we pass up on the work? Charge steeply for it? Or just take it on the backside to acquire a yearly house washing customer?" Maybe just pass on it as it sounds like you don't like this type work...haha j/k. Maybe it would have been easier to just take them rails off and/or lay them spindle together and belt sand the four sides then stain and reinstall?
  14. Was busy fixing it...Have kids by day that take naps so is hard to get out certain hours. A little screw fell out the float linkage, pump belts were gettin loose. Pressure works again with no apparent leakage out of coil so something odd must have been going on in their unrelated to the drowning and slippage I gave the rest of the unit....oh I bet I know what happened. All the water drowning likely shorted the electrics out and it decided to stop firing. Some fuel must have been still pumping hence the smoke.. Will have to test the heat out in the open tomorrow. I never chance firing it up near or under the garage... Had hard time rolling unit out trailer being I am still recovering from back issue..nother day anotha dolla..
  15. Who's going to ACR

    First one that gives Jeff a wedgie gets brownie button and twenty bucks..j/k..make it a fifty..haha
  16. Wood-Tux out of vinyl siding?

    Fer sure..understood. Should it be said by way of a quik wipe or no? Perhaps you missed the jist of what I mean to convey...Do not use such solvents as lac or James acetone (or straight goof off) on vinyl haphazzardly without abandon and expect to not soften and ruin it unless it some modern magical vinyl resistant to solvent.
  17. Wood-Tux out of vinyl siding?

    Daniel, I'll add Yes lac will get pretty much ANYTHING out as there is so much in it in way of various solvents but what are you left with? Vinyl surface can very easily be totally ruined if soaked with lac..only ever so slight wiping at surface and then a rinse with some cleaner could be advised. What ya think? Dare to use my lac after/jasco remover methods (used on concrete) on a vinyl floor or siding and you will have a crumbling chalk like mass that absorbs anything in sight in way of dirt or pollutants a week or so later...haha. been there done that..good thing such cases are last ditch and a test bed, otherwise huge liability would be at play. ps- indeed the above example is a viable and usefull vinyl floor removal method that can be used before scraping it up. I might even use it on upcoming job and do away with pnuematic scraper.
  18. Wood-Tux out of vinyl siding?

    Fair enough.. you tested it Fenner or ever mar with the eraser? Thing I see with it is it so fine abrasive it like polishing if used lite. When I mar with it it only at a satin level and that is only in case of non durable waterbased acrylic finish.. Am interested what it does in other situations where there no finish or also interested what it does to stain on exterior finishes. In the house we use on counters and the semi gloss enamel walls for the kid messes and even real lite on brushed stainless.
  19. Wood-Tux out of vinyl siding?

    Yea ya know S & J may be giving some awsome advice above especially if ya mesh it with a slight cleaner soak first.... Haven't yet tried the magic eraser on stained vinyl as I don't tend to stick myself in that position in first place but if'n I were in that situation with cured stain on vinyl I would give it a go first with the eraser. Best dang cleaning invention come up with in some time in my opinion. Has characteristics to it unsurpassed by anything else. As example... nothing works better on finished vinyl flooring to remove scuff type marks without hurting the vinyl or the finish in most cases. All depends on how dry you use and how much pressure you apply. Often times the scuff will have such a profile or penetration (oil tar) that a putty knife or a 3m pad can't get without gouging or scratching too much.. In comes the eraser for almost any situation I run into. Most often I run it just ever so damp to almost dry. Once you introduce water to it it deforms and looses its juice somewhat. Well with that said,.. haven't yet tested it on vinyl with stain on it.
  20. The great pumkin charlie brown

    We caught the show the other night. Had fun stressing to my boy how exciting the Red Baron and Snoopy thing is.... it brung back memories of model airplane building. Had the motorized model of Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel. My lady had fun letting him know about how his head is big like Charlie's. He said his head is so big cause it is full of juice and brains. Kids...ya gotta luv'em. :)
  21. John.. you you you Wizzard you!!. what did you do..you go and stick water or goo in my oil or you a freaking Holloweenish psychic wizzard for reals?. Irony and bad luck has it that I was washing tonight off a hydrant and the pressure blew my float tank float valve. Water was pouring everywhere and I think it either caused my belts to slip or the whole things just decided to crap out all at once, The thing was sqwealing like a stuck pig with pressure going up and down and after a few cycles of that off and on for about 20 minute I think something decided it was done. The sqweeling sounded like metal..I look over and my boiler is bellowing smoke like Krakatoa. Think it got too hot from the low flow. Man was it putting out some major heat and steam. May have blown the coil, unsure...lol... I only laugh as if not for that I would be crying like a baby.
  22. Wood Tux sticky batch

    Jim, Dried pretty good fer me when mixed with the Stain and Seal.
  23. Tricky tricky mr wizzard :)
  24. seal or restore

    I wonder that the term 'sealing' compared to 'staining' costs us money to the fly by nighter or lowballer...anyone can spray a sealer on a deck and be on ther way in 10 minutes flat.
  25. Sealing composite deck

    Parafin evaps off pretty quik in the sun. Probably just as cheap a solution to just wipe it down with Alboline makeup remover (mix of parafin,petrol jelly, mineral oil) or just carnauba spray wax the crap..melt either it into a jug of 2-butoxy.. Plastic and wood..what a joke!!