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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. extension ladder

    Costco has decent knockoff of the LG.. seemed a tad better functionality and strength then the Lowes, Osh or the Hd versions at same or better price.
  2. New feature - You Tube

    Yea the quiznos one is sort of morbid and scary as to what ya may find in yer food. ...I serviced about a half dozen of them for a number of years and but don't really want to talk about their cleaning procedures or what they at times leave out to spoil. I mean after all I did and still do enjoy their food..Their hot chicken and italian meatball sandwhichs are yum..
  3. Synthetic oil?

    I run inside machinery with synthetics..
  4. Need help with quickbooks...

    primo pdf print driver is good..you may also like imaging that MS offers
  5. Looks like someone.....

    My xterra is just a tad different in color. Everyone calls the color different including the maker and dmv... I call it metalic bronze pewter :)
  6. Burner not working

    If you got a beckett setup you could easily duduce electrical issues by taking a couple screw out the hinged transforner plate and drop the transformer down to see if ya can get an arc across it with a screwdriver. That will pin down whether you got fuel getting through or tell you if you got electric problem. I mention as it was just the other night that my transformer fell out and was sparking all over the place...haha.. the little tiny spot welds broke that attaches it to the plate. :). To pin down the switches just bypass them by connecting wires together. Usually a flow/pressure/ vac switch as Russ says....if it is transformer though, a HVAC supply house may have. When mine went one local place was like $40 which is cheap.
  7. All about Frubals (what in the world is a Frubal)

    AHH...jOHN. everybody knows that is yer pet tribble you bought off Capt Kirk.. :)
  8. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Marvin... Randy Travis...lol..don't that country singer come from there?.. My sis lives down from you in Rockingham and that what I always heard anyways..
  9. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    Yup..skip goes up and down with the cycle as well as night and day. Sun drives many a things..
  10. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    ooooo the talk turns toward the sun..how exciting!.. When I was younger I was in to photographing sunspots and solar eclipses. Am only upto 3 eclipses (total/partials)due to not traveling anywhere to view them. Wanted to go to Java one time but I was young and financially strapped.. Anyways.... Christian brings up good point and if anyone should be concerned about things in a 'the sky falling' sort of way it should be over the sun. It is the engine that drives everything in way of our temps and weather. Last I heard is that scientists realize there is issues with predictions for solar cycle 24. People joke about the Myan calendar ending 2012 and that it means something bad..haha doodoodo.. ya neva know.lol...Think not only do we got some weird signs out the sun lately in general but I think we are at the 22 year magnetic flip point as well. Although there is an 'inner circle' of scientists with ideas (most don't know who or where they are)...they are pretty much in hiding away from media and hard at work dealing in the most progressive ideas concerning global warming. They are not fanciful theorists or exagerators. On the contrary the run of the mill/scientists we generally hear from in media look upto them and can't even get time with them. But if ya want to hear what the run of the mill says about the sun check out video here: SOLARCYCLE 24.com / Solar Cycle 24 / Spaceweather / Amateur Radio VHF Aurora Website. I'll just go on record that global warming can come by way of outer space by way of effecting or magnifying Earth's regular static seeking cycles.
  11. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Pressure cleaning USA is not even licensed?.. Is there some other reference that you know of where they say such?.. how about insurance? What kind of grief they give ya? I mean you talk to them or what? ..
  12. Leave Iraq - Or Finish The Job ?

    Chris, Not gona bother to look through it right now as time is short but can ya say is there anything on the idea of there being something of a glimmer of light (or a missle) underneither and reflected off the trade towers right before one hit? Supposedly right on the main cnn videos.. A Coast to Coast guest said such once.. ...also..do ya think that almost all war can be taken aback to religious basis? Perhaps almost all the 100 mil or so of WWII lives lost could be attributed to religious outlook. Hitler was a religious based supremist and even Japan's dictator viewed hisself as God. Isn't that right? War over land is one thing but war over religious belief is sorta dumb dumb stuff.. ... Mike, Can't resite the exact language right now but yup I heard the phraises before in there that basically exclude anyone outside of Islam as being covered under their doctrine. It is interprited literally as there doesn't seem to be context of metaphor involved where written. It more of a practical or daily use type of interprit these fanatics perform.
  13. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    A supposed little known fact.. "If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb."
  14. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    Problem with all this man induced global warming bs is that people assume a static world and that it should be how it is in their day. To comment on Daniels statement...We aint gonna, Nature will see to that on it's schedule. As Ken implies, we aint all that and a bag of chips in effecting things compared to natural events. Industrial age wasn't to blaim for past change nor is it gonna be deciding factor in future ones. There have already been thousands of flip flops type changes/cycles before us. As the Earth seeks it's natural state outside of any influance it must go through it's own pump type cycles before the true natural settling point could ever be recognized. Up comes one little continental shift/volcano producing era and things will set her on her ear again another direction. Same for astronomical bodies such as asteroids or comits effecting her, Solar cycles, or passages through wisps of invisable galactic dust in our Milky Way. The whole history of Earth has been dynamic. The atmosphere has never been static, nor the plates, nor the ice caps, nor the ocean levels, nor the temps. The waters have been hundreds of feet lower and more importantly they been hundreds of feet higher not very long ago on an Earth scale. She is still seaking her natural state and always will.. some example: Climate, Culture, and Catastrophe in the Ancient World ..is full of good info but note early on the part about how the rise of the waters are sometimes abrubtly stopped fue to various unknown reasons..and it all without our industrial influance. We make ourselves too powerful in the sceme of things is what we do. We are but little flys landing but for a second before she flicks us to land elsewhere. Earths biggest fight or parasite would be more along the lines of all life such as the plants and organics clouding the oceans. When we do our industrial thing we are able to help or hurt her in that fight. We can slightly effect her but for a second of time in a very miniscule fashion more along the lines of being able to eat fish or grow food. temp and weather is another matter...sorry, rambling :)
  15. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    Hey..I changed..where's the Moderate party option..haha.j/k :lgbonk: The Political Compass - Test
  16. Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream

    And we now know how they make chupacabra.. :)
  17. Cleaning a restuarant deck

    With that said Beth I would point to my recommendations and simple test procedures that I have my interior floor customers consider...I take what they been throwing on the shelf for their crew to use and put a straight capful on a test spot. If finish is dulled or comes off within a half minute or so then it is the wrong product for the program they are after. Even when they dilute it the long term effects will be degraded coatings. Same methods can be transfered to the exterior wood cleaning with a bit more leeway on cured finish.
  18. Cleaning a restuarant deck

    Bound to open up the wood too much with hydroxide mixed too strong is my feeling...is just a clean right?. Even mixed weak they can mess with the smooth level looking finish of some top coats. Use too much and ya got goop or a partial strip... So without hearing or seeing pics of what type finish is on this deck I'd say lower your tip pressure way down to 500psi or so and use a mild dilution of a rinse free car wash type product, a little bit of purple power, a real weak tsp solution, or what Shane said. Think Shane covered the grease with the mention of soap and the bleach is for some level of sterilization factor since it a food establishment. ps- ..play your cards right and remove the grease without any change to the wood/finish and you may gain a regular monthly or bi weekly account...point being hydroxide used a few times will leave you with nothing to work with and they or you using too much bleach regularly will dry some finishes out and change it brittle.
  19. look at this

    Rich, Did that enforcement officer actually show you local code saying such with the word "turbidity"? Would hope they got statements of exception for planned irrigation activities or for other activity like dredging which is allowed under permit via the DFG certain times of the year in consideration of fish run/spawning activity of course. Best thing for a river or stream in these times of human damming/slower flow and water containment via levee is the digging of deep cool holes for fish to live and unclogging the gravel beds where the fish spawn with a nice big gold dredge. Besides the conservation minded long term effects of temporarilly clouding the water it sure is awesome to be down there vacuuming the bottom up and see the fish come to feed on all the bugs and larvia your machine brings out the stream bed. But I mention this as often times the gist of a code is created and meant for the general public to follow and sometimes there are commerce minded exceptions. Example would be when they put them water restrictions on during times of drout. They don't apply to business as lively hoods depend on their use of water. I hear them guys back East have problems every year when customers get the impression they can't get things cleaned.
  20. look at this

    Wonder which acid they were using.. Aside from recovery, what else could be done?. Maybe running it through a dam of baking soda filled burlap bags? Ammonia? http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/chemicals-safety/10206-ph-levels-common-chemicals-products.html
  21. WOW - ad from local Craigslist ...........

    Need to get some sales stuff and more html font and bullet stuff that Ken uses into mine. Mine too generic as a direct hire me type pitch.. If your in a busy market with lots of painters and handymen then it seems important to take it up a notch. Just a few pic alone likely makes big difference. I do 3 versions spread out in different sections. Ya got to constantly renew them and overlap them towards the end of their run.
  22. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Hi Scott, While it may seem as strenuous oposition to everything it just isn't so. I simply point out what is of contrast or left out of any debate or conversation if it strikes a cord in me. Your statement as well as mine are fairly valid points in their own context but different of course. Whereas my quote in context addressed why there may be more scrutinizing 'low budget customers' and why they more likely to speak their mind about having to part with more 'greenbacks' yours does a step further in relating their issues of no money, the amount of them, and/or their scrutiny directly on shoulders of a low price. My take is that low budget customers are exactly that..low budgeted and hasn't much to do with what the range of prices may really be. They either got the funds or they don't. Some savvy ones may be playing the market and price shopping to no end as that is their way and choice. They may not be all that strapped for funds neither. I would contend when it comes down to it that the lower end of the market, while they may be subject or privvy to the lower priced ads, get their first belief of pricing by way of placing unjustifiable multiplying factors to the starting end or minimum wages of the unspecialized service trades in their area as well as unjust comparison to what their own income potential is or what their time may be worth to them if they were to perform the work. Area is either depressed or it isn't. If we wanted to really try and recognize the power a low price ad has then perhaps we should saturate the market with the opposite in high priced ads so customers get the true rate in their face also. They still aren't gonna call those ads, they just continue their search to find the low guy whether he has an addied price or not. The true power of the low ad is not that it educates of informs but that it makes attempt to satisfy a quik shopper with no desire for the process beyond getting it done at what they immedietly recognize as within their budget. Those customers respect the effort as cut and dry to the point and full of integrity (as long as the guy delivers). That a closed loop with no responsability placed on customer. Contamination of them implies they were changed and dirtied from an originally High priced understanding or state. I would say they already had a low price state or understanding from the prior costs of living over the years or decades before. In pure sense I prefure to keep prices down for everything in general so when I approach these topics I lean conservative without forcing demands of change on what could be the innocent just going about business as usual. As usual or old school or rollbacks is nothing to be pissed at. We commend it when we see it in gas prices or anything else we buy. Winds of change towards the up sorta sucks pure and simple as it never usually evenly spread among the fields. When these people to my West come over and drive prices up of everything cause they been used to higher priced everything then I not too happy. Now what I say may mean more to some you than it meant to. What I mean to convey is respecting others freedoms or willpower to deny change without abusing them. And just as much it also means I really respect what John says above. Place efforts elsewhere where it belongs. Place your madness where it belongs.
  23. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Yea.. wouldn't want to work for that kind of customer neither Daniel although I never run into one that actually went up to take a look..who wants that kind of scrutiny from any customer. If it looks good from normal distance then both high budget or low budget type customer should be happy. Bad apples everywhere on every budget but granted surely they be more of them in the low budget catagory cause they perhaps rarely deal with upkeep expendatures let alone know avg. prices for quality to be performed. Perhaps they more anal and likely to speak their mind as they have hard time in parting with the greenbacks. . Folks I work for lots of them have their own ladders but they never use them obviousley..
  24. Oxidation On Vinyl

    What degreaser she use?.. if ya just ask them you could likely just use what they used..probably a butoxy like Purple Power maybe.. ps- I see no pic..
  25. bomb shuts down plaza

    At first glance I read "bums shut down plaza" and had to end up in reality.. :lgbonk: