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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. New Pressure Treated Wood

    David, Please email me that ph reference material.. Maybe post it up in the following thread or it's own dedicated thread if it's ok to do so: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/chemicals-safety/10206-ph-levels-common-chemicals-products.html
  2. Hot off the Press: 8.27.07

    Link-- http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/28/us/28idaho.html?_r=1&ref=us&oref=slogin looks like maybe he's got just the roller/ag type pump in that truck..
  3. I went ahead and forwarded a few of them pics onto some price shopping couples that said they'll do themselves..thanx David :)
  4. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    The photobucket Film Loop tweaks into generic of any size pretty easy.. Forum had no interest here when I showed it but that's understandable in trying to keep certain looks...
  5. Think I produced a tear over seeing that art ;( ...ok I'm better now.. Drush..if anyone can fix it you can mang!! ps-- "city bus"...haaaaaaaa that's the funniest thing heard all week Charlie :)
  6. Oh I see Charlie..thought ya meant something more as if I shouldn't comment.. See I wasn't surprised but rather I was dabbling in sarcasm in that I had posed the question or idea many a time to no fan fare and/or it fell on def ears. Been following it ever since separation pics by Rod. It had never been clarified that the separation should still be there with the temporary fixed #2 batch. Now we're clear from Scott and Beth on that. I had a few problem with #2 but fixed it with a wipe...(no pun intended).. :)
  7. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Not really Barry...the me,myself, and I reference is just fun. MMI is roman numeral for 2001. I was produced 7 (perfect) days after release of A Space Odyssey and felt ever since (lol) that the dates in the movie were good goal dates to place on things. Some strange reason I realized as a kid that many life changes often happen to males in their early 30's and figured I would be no different. :) Hi Ed...good to see ya made it..hang around and enjoy abit..
  8. Why does what matter Charlie? Not quite fallowing ya. Perhaps the same as your affirming yours were ok I am just commenting on how long it took for to pin the seperation down to both #1 and #2 batches.. But yea is all water under the bridge now and everyone is satisfied..all is well but for the question that James asks on wear... :)
  9. James.. I'll let you be concerned and yet let my customers not become concerned..:) ..umm hey folks.. WOW! seperation issue may relate to questionable batch?. Maybe I missed it before cause nobody ever brung it up...lol. I'm out and going spelunking...have good day all..
  10. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Barry, I wouldn't go so far as to call a member here a disgrace to the industry when I don't even know him or his work. Only work I seen of his is pics and some work he did on a website. What's so wrong with liking some things of his site and wishing him well. Can't really say anything of any deeper content or 'education' he presents cause I just breeezed over it. Whatever he's got on there it would be opinion. The very fact he has the links on there is stand up in that it says to his customers 'hey you don't believe me check it out for yourself on these sites'..That's good education effort right there..can't comment right now on if his interpritation of what he may have learned here or may have recreated on his site in the way of tricks of trade. Got better things to do really. As far as linking goes...yes it would be good for the big sites to link to him for the whole ranking thing but I don't see it as mattering so much on these type small business websites when it meant to attract local business or a place to hang hat. I mean it would be nice to be on top but not everyone can be on top. I wrote Ed on this as I felt he deserves to know. Heck he probably could call it somewhat a success if his local competitor was able to find him.. His customers can also. I gave him pointer to stick his service areas up on main page and to put his name on his about page. Sorry if I sound abit irritated on this Barry but I find it much easier to say encouraging things about peoples venturing out and offer them help rather than focus on what we may have them do in the way of perfectly educating customers. I just find that having then bear the whole weight of the educated forum world on their shoulders and claiming they need to be some great or worthy teacher to their customer base is abit much...but hey it all good, we all have our opinion I suppose. btw... guess the words behind my business name,,hahaa.. Yup I came up with it about 30 years back along with blue ice ice cube invention.. :)
  11. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    He's trying to educate "our" customers?.. Is that you saying they aint his customers also? Maybe there customers of every member of these bbs... Nothing wrong with sites linking to one another, is done all the time..is encouraged as long as your not making false claims on them. Internet is all about sharing and information dissemination. Tricks and problems?... are you serious?..what magic trick did you come up with and forgot to patent? The guys site looks good..good for him...maybe if anything, you should worry about his pricing listed on front page or put energy into building your business up in some similar fashion. Sorry..I don't see anything wrong with the guy and but I do with your first post grievance. oh but hey..welcome to the site.. enjoy!! :)
  12. Guess it takes a brave soul to actually go and ask...not gonna push it myself.
  13. propylene glycol

    Yea ok, thanx Rod..we had yours higher up already, sorry.. Info on quantity added per gal., cost per gal., and where we can most likely find would be good info too... Latest I'm seeing CAS [57-55-6] going for is $15 for the Peak Sierra Safe at some local retail, $11 online, or $20 at supplier..They question the percentage strength of the store retail bought of course.
  14. Janitor finds Elvis's gun in toliet

    The guy find it off hours?. If so then could see why he took custody of it..can't go leaving a crap covered gun laying around just anywhere right..lol If I should ever decide to take up outhouse cleaning/pumping and I find a gun in the poop I might be inclined to think someone really didn't want it and but would only have to think for a split second on actually keeping it....Is gonna be property owners right to claim it after law enforcement is done with it. Something tells me though to doubt that standard lost and found practice of getting to keep such item after a waiting period at the police station might not apply everywhere due to item possably being used in some obscure or as of yet unreported crime. Newer guns are all registered so true owner of lost or stolen gun wouldn't go unfound but ones made back 20 years or so found on public land might as well be called finders keepers.
  15. propylene glycol

    Did some updating to this today... Hey Ken, Daniel, and Rod...can you guys please post up your cas # of what your using?..Just want to be clear. ..only seeing 1,2,or 5 as workable additives and still wondering how much one over the other works for more variety of coating removal..
  16. 15 HP Kohler won't start

    Russ, What these mixture adjust screws run best at usually on thesde engines? 1.5 to 2.5 turns out from all way in? Chris, If yer brave you can give the little brass tab on the float an ever so slight tweak so it closes gas off a tad sooner. Normally float should close needle off at float being exactly level and so if you do bend tab the float will sit a little lower..just a hair of an angle should be seen. If you take it off there should be no gas inside when ya shake it. As far as jet goes..if you mess with it you have to use a properly fitted screw driver as the brass can easily be damged. No need to take it out really. just shoot cleaner up through it and make sure it is seated. After you check float and jet then put the misture adjust at what ever Russ comes back with on turns out...
  17. 15 HP Kohler won't start

    You said it runs on choke so plugs and coil not issue. If anything, a gas or oil soaked plug will not want to run but yours does so the electric is likely fine if not plenty. Sign of bad head gasket is hard starting and high emissions due to low compression. You may very well have both misadjusted carb and a blown head gasket at same time and when combined they really present you with a rough time. Can understand the desire for new engine and a backup but next time just take it in to a small engine shop and they should be able to fix for under a c note.
  18. Janitor finds Elvis's gun in toliet

    If someone getting crap all over his S&W don't bring him out his hiding then nothin will.. :)
  19. 15 HP Kohler won't start

    If it does that all the time then the carb is showing as out of whack in adjustment/mixture. This can be caused by a few things so start with a spay in carb cleaning first without adjusting anything. Float adjust and mixture adjust is likely off though and/or jet may not be seated therefore allowing gas to seap through. This changes the overall mixture your trying to run on. Either the float being off or the jet being clogged or unseated will never allow you to run properly. After the issue is solved then you can try to adjust mixture to start cold on choke and run warm with it off. Small engines can be real fickle this way and sometimes best to just slap on a new one if you've no rebuild skill.
  20. staining deck with an airless

    LOL...You miss the DIY attitude apparently,,hehe :)
  21. staining deck with an airless

    Here ya go Frank..come on up to the real world of spraying without squirting.. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/scrap-book/11370-my-high-capacity-diy-hvlp-sprayer.html ps--airless with large hole to gain volume=large pressure=large fog :)
  22. staining deck with an airless

    Why you people want to mess around with tips and pressure blabla bla with an airless I'll never understand.. ya just don't ge it apparently that you'll always be limited compared to a true hvlp...lol.. j/k.. whatever rocks thy boat :) my preference goes this order for many reasons: true hvlp, deckster (in theory), bucketster shurflo's, airless, pump up, pad, brush :) ps- Charlie, the fogging is from too much pressure..when you go down to 20lbs or so with an air based setup you and Dan both will have no fog persay but yet a controllable atomization.
  23. Square Feet

    ...and as John implies, that customer knowing sq. ft. is key if you should like to deal in real time quotes to people site unseen. Not recommending such but there are those that go that route and apparently it works for them. I use terms like 'approx.' or 'estimate' that are subject to inspection at time of sevice when discussing things with clients. I get there and it different then we deal with it then. ps- I go 1.5 x's my ground level price based on ground level sq. ft.
  24. Bidding this job- what do you think?

    How much of that is stone?
  25. Customer/Contractor Survey

    They not paying for a grade/report card and I doubt they would take one lightly.. :)