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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. oh my ..you guys are tooooo much..lmaof ..am gonna add that disclaimer to my signature line Rick!!
  2. Webpages?

    yea. she comes here once in awhile and likes the color blue..haha...j/k name is umm err let's see if I can remember..oh yea, Beth or something like that.. she does that right? :)
  3. New Truck

    If the trade doesn't involve getting rattled all to heck on the North slope then that is when... Quad Ram-62k never in the shop yet. Could use some shocks about now though.. ps- all them greenbacks saved is another reason.. :)
  4. My surface cleaners are leaving stripes ?

    Why click Ron? ..post away.. I'll help ya out :) Ron says: ps- oh and btw..yes I have to concure with the idea of a proper fixing of problem instead of using more chem. That's just regressive and expensive if your already using heat.
  5. My surface cleaners are leaving stripes ?

    2's wrong, 3's wrong..2.25 is correct (1502.2)
  6. That is shocking to hear Matt that it did it right in yer hand!! I been interested in that preservawood for awhile now but hadn't tried it yet. It made up the hill from me aint it? No one knew anything of it when I asked about it awhile ago..could just be out here at our HD stores.. During the heat wave I had some mineral spirit rags get aweful hot and then a 2 layer tarp started smokin and combusting with the wtw. Is very concerning to me this whole combusting thingy. This new one you present is like wow..how we to prevent that?? Like how's a firecan with water in the bottom supposed to help here?
  7. New Truck

    David, Who don't need a 4x4?..let's string them up... :) I have an Xterra to play in. Could do the Rubicon trail with it if not for wanting to keep it pretty. My lady drives it actually most the time and I get it for hunting and fishing... The computer in my truck is pretty darn accurate and sensitive in seeing the real time mpg. It reflects all the little changes of accelerating or coasting up and down the hills. When drafting behind semi's I can see when I am in the sweet spot or not..Fun to play around with out on the hwy but it all goes out the window in city traffic.
  8. New Truck

    Was more like 13mpg a couple model years ago..don't even think it was a 4x4 as that was not what I was wanting. I ended up going the small engine in the quad ram and I get 13.8 without tuneup. Trailer is on all the time. It likely go back up to 15mpg as when new if I change plugs, etc... I just couldn't justify the 24.5k best price for the Tundra compared to the 17.1k for the Dodge when incentive time rolls around.
  9. Landscapers...

    They do them often enough to where it is not a huge burden. They'll go around and set out the burlap tarps. One guy edges while another mows and then they blow and cleanup. The tarps are tied at corners and thrown up on trucks.
  10. New Truck

    SWEET!! 15mpg?..no way man!!. really?.. Are you able to run it with trailer on the whole time during a tank run down and then calculate it for us on the fillup? When I almost bought one the stated mpg detered me. Do want one though...
  11. Landscapers...

    Seriously??..wow!! that a different world back East. Everything get's bagged here. They would get booted and laughed off property whether residential or commercial if clippings not bagged.
  12. My surface cleaners are leaving stripes ?

    Adjust the angles so that bar spins only as fast as needed to where you can't outwalk it. Anything more is wasted power..almost straight down is an option I am fond of. Here's a little info..sorry but I don't have the pic of the angle handy.
  13. Wood Tux Vs. ReadySeal

    Delco reminded me.. "Also some contractors use old bed sheets where the climate is hot. They can be purchased for pennies on the dollar from uniform shops or linen companies. " Some the grass mixes we got out here can go brown with plastic on them in less then an hour. Comes back after a coupe cuttings but looks like hell and the explaining it to customers is something I seek to avoid.
  14. My surface cleaners are leaving stripes ?

    Man if John did them at a right angle he needs a good tar and feathering..lol :)
  15. Landscapers...

    yea..Or use one that sucks it all rather than deflects.. helps to start at the house with bag empty with most mowers.
  16. Wood Tux Vs. ReadySeal

    psst..old bed sheets? That's what I'm moving towards..that and paper/more cardboard...suppose on the right day I could get away with burning them in an outdoor drum with a screen on top. ahh probably not in town here anyways.. :)
  17. Landscapers...

    My kids watch this cartoon movie where the insects have to beat down the mean ol pesticide guy by dive bombing him....sounds like an interesting day ya had there David..
  18. My surface cleaners are leaving stripes ?

    Here's some contrast...Maybe yer cleaning too good.. Increase nozzle angle or size in the surface cleaner, add hose, etc... if ya turn things down you'll sacrafice gpm though. Two 2's give you a tot of size 4 and on a 4gpm that gives you 4kpsi. That be rather high. When you use that much on some newer slabs with questionable strength or finishing techniques of the concrete your asking for problems of swiping off the thin slurry coat. That is what these stripes may be rather than good old fashion dirt persay. Close up they may look etched but farther out they look like dirt or can hold and collect dirt at a much faster pace. Hence the opposite of normal can become true..where you see stripes is where you cleaned more.. Even a regularly serviced older slab that has been getting lower psi can show such stripes when all of a sudden higher pressure is used. The top few milimeters of surface usually has sun bleaching/chem bleaching/leached effects that is best left alone. You could ask yourself did you do anything to system that gained you some power such as less hose, corrected a pump or unloader issue, etc. If you goto 2.5 sizing you drop too low perhaps for your taste at about 2600psi. . Some nozzles of 2.25 size would be ideal giving you about 3100 or so, if you can find such that is. ps- you using heat? Even though it wouldn't account for your sudden change it sure does make a big difference on dirt.
  19. Questions from the new guy

    True true Scott. I was welcoming him as that is just the kinda fella I am :) Ok I'll hold'em and you gut'em,,haha..Wesley and you got me thinkin deer huntin now and I got to wait til Oct. fer my draw season..
  20. Bad day for me...

    Pics probably don't do justice in figuring out if it very thin paint totally oxidized and done for or if it mold. Odd it all around window area as if maybe smoke came out there at one point. If it just the wood showing through some citric or oxalic may have lightened it..just write it off at this point.
  21. Questions from the new guy

    new guy, Please feel welcome as the next. There are various forum sections you can showcase your work, discuss beliefs on things of the day, personality, etc.. Give it some time and browse abit as browsing TGS is like opening a complete guidebook ...or storybook..hehe..probably gotta submit to a little jivin here and there as ya go till people get to know ya.. :)
  22. Questions from the new guy

    We all got to start somewheres ...maybe they are young. I am glad them fine looking youngsters ya got there James have you to learn from. :)
  23. shurflo question

    Really depends on what your spraying and how much use you want to get out of it. Bleach will eat the metals up pretty good but thinners and lacquers will eat up the plastics just as quik or even quiker. Some say to not use mineral spirits for shurlo cleanup as it will eat the parts but then some stains can pretty much demand using it to clean it out properly. My take is that different tools/parts for different chems is a good way to go and so is keeping readily available/disposable fittings on your stuff. Sturdy mesh cupped over end of uptake hose may suffice to keep things from clogging unless you go real strong with questionably mixed solutions of caustic or tsp. With the stains, most contaminants settle pretty quik so if your uptake hose is off the bottom you won't get clogged too easy. The one you got pictured is often used for downstreamers as they can be real finnicky on getting clogged. The hose collapse you noted is a trade off always worth a mention. Am upto about 4 sprayers around here. My dual flojet sprayer has an uptake hose of about 3/4" that combines into a T. The large size of the hose allows me to slip a cut off hose end over it which then allows for slipping in a standard washer type screen mesh you would have on a pressure washer intake hose.
  24. shurflo question

    yea..orange roof 1/4 250psi 100' on sale now at Harbor Freight $15 each. Less stain in the hose is always nice via the 1/4. For chem and volume though I like the liteweight 5/8 pvc waterhose from Costco or Ace.
  25. Is this a good deal?? Help!

    concrete...commercial work will see you doing many thousands of sq.ft. and often what goes unaccounted for in the planning is the rinse issues of having to move the dirty water from the area. For most part speed is gained via gpm/overall cleaning unit calculations. 3kpsi@5gpm is 15k cleaning units..3.5kpsi@6 is 21k units and so forth. I have a 5 and wish it at least a 6.