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MMI Enterprises

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Everything posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. First WTW of the season

    Seems the shaded area has more natural tannins/resins and it either causes ph reaction or a stacking of the stain. Can anything be done other then sanding?.. Heck will that even work? Maybe a 2 coat wet on wet spray of the faded area blended over to a diluted single coat on the shaded area would look different..Or maybe less neutralizing of the faded area...I don't know, I don't see drips Rod sees and think it looks decent..so.. I
  2. Seal or No Seal

    Robbie, Below is part of a FAQ via The Brick Industry Association Bia Offices and the South Western Brick Institute. Perhaps it will help you understand the differences and requirements that should be present in selection of a sealant, stain, or paint in allowing outbound water vapor trasmission versus inbound moisture transmission. Mind you no one is saying that it must be sealed though.
  3. GPM love it

    Best advice I ever did ever hear ever.. !! :) The only thing left to talk about on it is how adding gpm creates higher size requirements of accessories like hose, gun, persons arms...lol..j/k No but really it is worth noting that with a cold version or dc burner setup you can get away with less engine size to run the larger pumps. Data formula sheets are available online to figure it...maybe on Hot Water Wizzard or Delco. For instance I am about maxed out with an 18hp running an AC-Diesal burner on a 5gpm. It requires generator that takes a few of the hp from pump. If I was dc I could maybe push a 6gpm.
  4. What constitutes a 'Professional' ?

    Simply put... A professional is a person that achieves the most in the least time. All else is technicalities of what a perticular job title is charged with achieving. p.s... therefore I am unable to vote in this poll..to be clear, everyones position demands image, social & conversation skill, and actual labor/duty skills...trust me I learned the deeper point of how an actual supperior result (as it relates to time) equals a professional through much delving and conversations with professionals from many fileds..trust me :)
  5. Whats your business worth?

    Ken, If I may comment within to help clear up misunderstanding...you have me backwards due to the simple little word "monthly".. (EXAMPLE- A 120k per year gross business = 10k per mon. "monthly gross receipts".... so common accounts value is at least 30-60k) I want some of what you're smoking. I offer one times a company's annual gross and that's if it is an established bricks and mortar retail operation. -(Here I agree and say your right on if established and can run on its own with management..If let's say yearly profit for service business is somewheres between 20-40% then we get these figures: 120k 20%=24k 40%=48k) I have always used that formula. Some businesses might be worth more, but I wouldn't buy them. (because it becomes about speculation?.. which was my main point) You might be thinking of 3 times net earnings? (Net earnings at 20%=24k x 3= 72k or at 40%= 48k x 3= 144k ...so no for me since I was speaking of really only the account value. It be close for you though as a fully intact self supportive business that requires only a little bit of baby sitting. Equals about what you would pay- 1 times the gross of 128k as you state above) For a service business I would probably offer .25 times its gross earnings if the company ran tight with good margins. (Don't understand this at all as it conflicts- 120k x .25 = 30k = not even it's account value) Yes, but not much value. A business has value when: • It has been narrowed down to a group of hands-off systems. • When every problem has been solved before it arises. • When management and internal structure are honed and efficient. (ie every job title is defined) (I sort of agree in the sense that for a business to be worth more then it's assets it must be self supportive to the point of being able to withstand trying times or be able to limit or manage tangeable or untangeable market effects..They all have problems no matter the size) Not totally true.. More important to me (ie more valuable to me) is how well an investment generates income with minimal interaction on my part. (aka. non participating investor.. a savvy one would not over pay for speculations beyond a certain amount unlesshe is already filthy rich and wants a toy like a baseball team..) Pressure wahsing businesses have two major downfalls working against giving it sellable value. 1) Cheap startup means the market can get flooded and drive down net earnings (This applies to almost every service business. Remember I am coming from a janitorial back ground which is almost the king of such flooding theory...we should not worry about that as folks like us are of high quality work, planning, and we limit our material risks..people (mom/pops) still buy franchises galore from Janiking or the like don't they?) 2) 98% of them have very high level of owner interaction for daily operation. That's a job, not an investment. (A job doesn't entail owning assets (accounts, equipment, etc.) nor can it be passed onto others or sold...but I get your point :) .... My view point is not much different than yours if you boil it down really. Difference being that I would seriously boil the numbers down into consideration of what goes on withthe numbers monthly and work up from there on value of other assets. I would never look at a company on the surface and think it in order by looking at the people first then the money figures second. I have seen plenty of business sold for heaps and actually worth less then account/sales value due to legal burdens that follow the new owners or changing trends not accounted for. You can loose shirt if you buy a company that makes buggy whips.. But so anyways my view of the boiled down figures comes from speaking with folks that actually sell business's out here on left coast. Has to be taken with a grain of salt I suppose.
  6. The Latest Hot Movies

    Ahh the momentos of youth and being one shy of over the hill...Good to hear yer not removed Ken :) On the other hand my one short of over the hill body feels like one of these horror flicks removed something of it...haha. .. It don't move or get out of bed near as fast as it used to. Hence my thoughts turn to two of the greatest classic scifi flicks of all time in Logans Run and Soylent Green..
  7. Seal or No Seal

    Cody, What is it that your saying exactly? Are you saying that industry has not developed waterbased silicate penetrating sealers suitable for concrete and brick or just not suitable for brick? I wonder if your basing brittle outcomes and film whitening on solvent based penetration attempts and plain old acrylic topcoating type sealers... They been making the silicate stuff for over a decade now for concrete and has been engineered for the wood care field recently as well.. First I heard and read literature about it was while working for a concrete engineering facility that did the compression testing of field cores about 15 years ago. It was marketed for bridges or structures that weren't originally made dense enough to keep water out. One would think it has been tested long enough now to say it works or doesn't.. If you are refering to these type products as not working then maybe Keith and many other people don't know what they are doing in recommending it for brick.. Go figure..it won't bethe first time industry sold us lies .. :)
  8. Xjet?

    No..just going by what Xjet and others have said about loosing some of the chemical draw rate as gpm increases. You trade some chem strength for flow hence height or you don't. Is up to you.. Apparently other folk like Wesley that actually use them don't notice or mind and find the higher shooting ability more important. Is why I first mentioned higher gpm machine. Might be important for you to consider how strong you need chems before you go switching anything. Maybe even do a measure of how much you draw now.
  9. Olympic Stain

    Right on!!. looks seriously productive.. That tip swivel and adjust in pattern both?
  10. The Latest Hot Movies

    How you got similar taste Ken?.. you know being yer so old and all..lol :) Ok so I had the Children of Men for a week and never watched it. Went and got it again along with the Pursuit of Happiness. Kid talked meout of Balboa for Micky Mouse... Now if I can just curb my TGC addiction!!!
  11. No I won't care much about HO neither... I have floor blends as pictured in my avitar used at commercial accounts that go 3 to 4 times longer without needing service than my competitors...
  12. Seal or No Seal

    Robbie & Cody... iwould take what Keith said straight to the bank...
  13. I kid you not that I use generic labeled jugs for to head that horse off at the pass.
  14. Xjet?

    Without first speaking to the xjet question....If you can manage it go with just a tad higher flow of 6gpm. You'll be way more productive on flat hard surfaces, that's if you do any of that or if you don't rely totally on surface cleaners that is.... Wand guys with 6's go way faster than I can.. Don't think so. Both distance and psi is a product of flow firstly. The faster the water escapes out an ever smaller orifice (psi) the more likely it will atomize (become smaller drops-aka-less mass) and loose it's kinetic energy (mass+ movement) that carries it farther into the sky. Picture it like your backing up the column of water with more water(flow) and your just pushing it. Speed is less important than the water being there behind it to begin with... The speed at which the column moves mainly effects it's trajectory...Trajectory is less important than how high the column would go if it were as example a straight up and down fountain. The obvious exception to what speed does is that gravity will collapse the collumn if there is no speed left in the column which again is subject tot he kinetic energy. (I deal with speed and trajectory in my archery hobby so I tend to understand it decent enough :) )..message is.. keep your kinetic energy intact...With that said, you also must realize that the higher the gpm the less efficient an xjet chemical draw rate will be. Hence you got a catch 22 and are led up on the roof with straight chems or sticking with your lower flow machine... Where is Chris from Apple Roof??
  15. The Latest Hot Movies

    How about Devils Rejects, or Little Miss Sunshine. that be a good pair to watch.. :) Although not purely true to history I hear 300 is very entertaining..
  16. You make a pretty good point there Rando and I somewhat back you on it under the premise that perhaps some of those that might now offer critisizm or go mute were but questionative newbies a few years ago. Everyones gotta start somewhere right?.... In contrast though I'd have to say that if the horse aint budgin then it dead and one ought not to beat it too much.. haha.....Some these threads get rolling so good that a simple thoughtless question can inspire a riot of a half dozen guys saying same thing and the outcome seems that the target fella is getting whipped and tarred. You've certainly been aroundlong enough to know the search function and am sure you've paid some dues by offering help to others so I'd be one of the first to offer you what I know...Don't know nothin though of what others do so back to your point of when people post pics they should expect questions unless they disclaim they don't want questions. Anyways...enough of my thesis..just wanted to let ya know yer feeling does not go unnoticed.. p.s... oh but really.. the guys here using tounge in cheek are great guys that will give you their left *** if they don't need it.. :)
  17. Wagner infomercial on the Fx channel right now beating the dickens out of staining pad or lambswool with their $90 Control Spray hvlp. Wish I was spraying a wtw sample with one about now.....Oh well, RS samples in my $15 Ebay-Harbor Freight HVLP will have to do. Least til I get tired of filling up it's dinky 2 quart container.. ..doo do doo..twiddling thumbs..thinking shurflow or large pressure pot is calling my name..
  18. The internet has changed the world

    So does this mean sheep cloning is going to be back in style? Here little Elby.. come to daddy.. :)
  19. Fuzzies on Cedar Poll

    I bought the pneumatic 6" random orbital from HF last week. Anyone think the Osborne run off it or do I need an pnuematic angle grinder. Am trying to go all air tool. p.s... just now noticed how old this thread is...anyone got newer info on availability and pricing of the osbornes?
  20. Although I don't see it online I did see some such thing perhaps at the actual HD store. It was some very cheap looking thing called a 'soaper' tip. I passed over it so fast that I am unsure now whether it had chem draw hose or was supposed to suck chemical like an xjet. Maybe your pulling our leg...Maybe I go back and rig it in as a high draw chem injector if it does suck chems....
  21. Sounds conflicted in a nuclear confused way :) p.s. j/k..yer really saying that you almost went clear but that some pigment is there in bottom picture?...looks almost clear, wet,or very slightly pigmented.. I really like that look as does alot of folks out this way..Please tell us the color or mix you used for that Ken...Oh and where is that powerpoint you said I could get off you?
  22. The Jim Carroll

    ...You said the "D" word....almost sounds as if you died, went to hell, and got a second chance!..lol Are you the second best masonry guy out there after that Gunn guy that hangs out on the other forums?
  23. Clear as in shiny top coated modified alklyd, or waterbased acrylic... or just plain old kerosene/mineral oil based/penetrating parafinnic oil/preservative blend?....lol :)
  24. Rust stains on white paint

    Good follow up Ben!
  25. Landa with 700 PSI

    That's not what I said..I said "And about the 700 psi... it don't feel like much which is good for what your using it on in vehicles " For engines yer fine and that would be what a steam machine is for. When you say "bays" I assume your meaning the hard floor surfaces. So if your doing this commercially and doing some shops floors you might want to think again on gpm..