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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Missed this one..... so but yea quat would be better.. goto a bulk type supply store and get industrial strength Lysol.

    And the thing of them relieving their self on deck is all about training..

    Just like humans animals don't usually like to crap where they eat, sleep, and live.

    What some do is to put out clear milk jugs of clean water. This tricks them and they won't do it where they think they drink.

  2. and if burner software such as nero express or burning rom don't recognize format the dvr did then there are simple .ts to mpeg2 convertors like videoredo. See one .ts meaning is not the same as the next. Means transport stream file but often confused thing as it is also a folder while making a dvd that actually contains the converted mpeg2 in the form or vob's. It's all confusing what with everything being wrapped up inside containers and such...

    Ken..do I detect friendly sarcasm..lol? ...how ya doin btw?

  3. nah.. yer only runnin 3-5gpm and should be at a lower psi than most high pressure guys so I fail to see issue with using a trigger gun. Think they do make triggers that will stay on kinda like what a gas pump would use. If not just use one of those extension cord clamp thingies that tighten up like a hand cuff. Guess ya could use a ball valve also...

    Seriousley though ya just let yer water flow out now with no valving at all or what?

  4. wHta di dy do buy that soap nozzle thingy there by Dewalt. I been itching to try that but it looks flimzy and it draws at the gun if not mistaken...take it back. So yea it seems your spoiled with upstreaming and didn't realize some things. Once you switch over to a triggered gun/wand setup with the small femail quik connect off the wand tip you can do this dwnstreaming thing justice. Process is as simple as letting go the trigger and sticking in whatever 1/4 spray tip ya like from pressure wash or spray supply company. Can do by way of the colored tip kits with the quikconnect male part already attached to nozzle tips or make them yerself. What you'll like is you don't have to goto machine and pull chem hose or turn it off.. Ya just stick in the larger orifice tip that drops pressure allowing soap to be sucked. Since yer lower pressure in doing fleets you can tailor your main pressure to anywhere you desire like 1500psi or whatever..Ony need two tips

    EDIT: Pic shows 1/4meg threaded nozzles and barbs that you screw into the little qukies. These are all I need for many chores of soaping, fan rinsing by way of sqweezed barbs, or long distance rinsing.



  5. sorry..makes sense to me ;(

    Basically I mean to say it is perhaps best to keep your content in as high a quality as you can for archival sake and only compress as much as your hardware can deal with. If the content is standard size that ends you on a single layer dvd then, as Rod's figures imply, you really don't have to worry about doing any compressing or transcoding at all. The hardware/capture ability of the dvr itself may already have you at as poor a quality that you would want to go anyways so transcoding in the idea of changing file size might be regressive idea. Further compressing it is likely out the picture also as perhaps it is already in a tight mpeg4 container format?..

    No way I would depend on a TB drive to store 200 movie without having it backed up. Drives break!

    100 stack of dvd runs like $20 on sale..takes about 6-10 minute per movie to burn with Nero. If files are compressed into mpeg4/xvid and smaller size already then current burning software likely converts it into raw vob/.ts files and sets you all up automatic for them to play like a retail offerings on standard dvd players. If standard mpeg2 stuff they for sure all do this and just makes the required .ts files/folders lickity split.

  6. Since they new they wouldn't be clogged. Other reasons could be too thick a chem, too long a hose like longer than a couple hundred feet, but more likely wrong size soap tip/orifice size. Also there is certain model trigger guns known to work better.

    Steamer needs to see pressure difference and since ya say it works with no tip than I assume you'll get it working if you address some of these things mentioned. Might take a combo of them. Some also say they get better results with streamer away from unloader a bit like directly off the hose reel.

  7. Well no..

    Perhaps a bit more to think about than yer bargaining for...

    Generally speaking 2 hour of dvd starts anywhere from 4-6 gig..I mention as if you decide to ever stick the media onto dvd and have standard machines decompress it the format needs to be readable.

    What your talking about doing for storage though is different. It comes down to what bitrates the video and audio is to be and what your willing to give up to be small file size. What is the container format/compression the dvr is going to record into? Are your dvr recordings adjustable in bitrate and resolution?...I don't have such hardware, only have software capture via computer myself so but I doubt your standard dvr stuff your using will offer much on the initial recording. What are you going to be playing it back with as you may decide to compress it differently so other hardware can decompress it? Takes long time to transcode just so you know.

    But anyways, Hardware dictates what formats you can play back. Ipod that Alan is talking about is an mpeg4 format, which btw is often times tweaked into being a proprietary contaner format such as what microsoft uses for media center. Open source mpeg container format would be xvid and but am unsure if there is any suitable hardware players readily avalable that would dish it out to your tv. You would not want to transcode a movie at original resolution for say to watch on ipod and tv both. It would take up too much space on ipod hence conversion/transcoding softwares to turn bitrates, resolutions, frame rates down. Sizes for such can be anywhere from 500mb to over a gig. But again, there is no way to make such resolution really look good though. That said, some ding a lings can't tell dif between regular tv resolutions and hd..haha. Softwares I liked for transcoding work are crunchie and procoder but are probably dated now.

    All this treads on paracy if talking about commercial rentals of course so I can't really advocate what your trying to do. lol.. For those so inclined though I would ask why they just not rent from the Red Box for a dollar and then clone/anydvd it to disk? Takes about 10 min tops per disk to burn once yer setup with proper softwares. Now what if say ya don't like that route in renting and ya also hate the speed of bittorrents...ya could check into usenet and snag the iso's to burn at incredible rates. Is no different really than what your talking about doing really but the storage is dvd disks (standard single layer 4.7 btw with clone :) ). Hard dirves inevitably die so then ya get into aspecs of backing up all them gigs which is for the birds in my opinion.

    ps- I get lost for days and weeks in such stuff so I say run Celeste..run!. Such is part reason I aint been on this last bit. I spent about a week changing my Wii into a monster.. lol. Now I can play movies on it as well as backups of all the games (no matter where I get them)...all by way of legal open source stuff that Nintendo can't say crap about.

    Is funny as the making of backups of your own stuff (movie or games)always opens door for piracy. That's technology for ya. There really is no encryption that can't be compromized. Just depends where the pro's want to place their efforts. Latest high profile cases would be Dishnet and now the Wii..

  8. Assuming flat work/high pressure of say 3kpsi you would be needing more like a 6.5 tip...what are you cleaning as your at under 2kpsi now with a #8?


    If your downstreaming chems there is one main gun of choice that allows them to work proper with no problems...Someone else surely will chime in with the model #. Mines locked up in the truck right now. :)

  9. Yup..the rentable DI canisters is what I hear the car detailers use to remove the mineral salts from your rinse water...

    Some specialty house cleaners talked of on the boards or even some diy concoctions containing sheeting chems like jet dry or perhaps even car wax can work too. Have not fit time in my agenda though to actually test which mixes may actually work best. If ya trust tint installers or 3m though you may find some success with baby shampoo as part of a cleaning or rinse mix as it is known to not leave harmful residue which could contribute to the making of spots. I had good success with it for both tint and commercial office window cleaning. That said, it was not a touchless/rinsefree situation where I went without squeegee.

  10. The way i see it the word Married means the union of male and female.The holy bible states that.Also the bible states man and man/woman/woman is not right.Now dont get me wrong my wifes cousin is gay and his man is good people,but the marriage thing and in all the right thing even in the wild is female and male.That is how we are designed so we can pro create.Now if the people would word the union of a couple so they get the right that a couple gets then the issue is solved.This issue is always going to be an up and down issue.All a matter of oppinions.Now my cousin in law and his man are good people that live together and share there bills as one.So the way i see it they deserve the goverment benifits.Why not? But to share these benifits it has to be called a union or something like that. You know this country is supposed to be equal for All.Not all but the gay population. Everyone should have equal rights in the country. Thank you Marko

    Far as I understood it we as a state already been here done this union thing and gave as many rights with it as could reasonably be mustered at a state level...could be mistaken though so don't rely on such... check it out for yourself and then show us and them (the gays) too. Without the feds being onboard with similiar union speak I don't think they can get some things like SS benefits. I have nothing against unions persay or their gaining like rights..

    So but the course of events out here is a long one that many across country may tend to miss as it not their state. Even those living here get tired of hearing it and miss what's current so.. think it goes that we gave the union but then they wanted marriage. They lost by way of vote awhile back yet judges legislated from the bench against the will of the people that clearly wanted to keep the common sense defnition intact. See the lack of legal def in the books is apparently like a legal loophole of sort. So this current prop 8 is more than being just about keeping common sense in play for history sake. It is about not forgettng what has already went down and is a statement also against judges overstepping thier bounds in a way. As Ant said it is not descrimination. It is only twisted a such by people forgetting what went down already. If a judge says we have to give pigs marriage rights or any rights for that matter do we then call it descrimination or wrong if we we don't follow?

  11. Rod where you tread by asking seems to imply the current majority out here has none or that perhaps they are too slow at changing theirs to meet the oppositions or perhaps yers.(where do you stand on this anyways?) Well I'll suspect the latter applies and is what you mean to say. Things of faith, religion/belief systems, morals, common sense, etc. are not generally things changed, forced, or accepted over night and rightly so. It took all of human history to ingrain them into being commons sense if not somewhat of a relied upon instinct on how to survive yer everyday man or life's challenges.

    The oppositions only chance is by way of dumbing down the arguement into being only religious based so that generationally it becomes acceptable or natural. But ya know what, it aint happnin and they aint gettin the word and it's tradtional meaning..no how no way, not this generation anyways..and by the grace of God at that I'd have to say.

  12. Beth that dude is a total dork. Love this, love that.. blah blah.... has nothing to do with it. His assumptions of peoples reasoning being all about God and their religious beliefs is off mark. I know plenty of people that based their Yes ON 8 vote simply on common sense morals. Does he really think 52% of Cali voters were fanatic holy rollers that all goto church or something?..His attempt at inspiring voters to redefine/steal/kill marriages meaning is likely considered a sin to some the religious people and they may even hear him speaking directly to them with narsism runing rampant but others are gonna be like 'wtf, who ya talking to Mr. whoever with all yer God/compassion/love junk?..you don't know me and how dare you imply my heart is lacking and in wrong place.'

    Ant, 'tool' surely is a good definition for that dude!

  13. I've tried small tank applicators and diy backpack applicators for acrylic floor finishes over the years and they generally suck. Got to have trigger on/off for chance at success but regardless they a pain in dealing with filling them. If tank too big the swinging weight becomes a thing for the birds.

    Spraying a deck gets the cracks, or china bristle gets the cracks. Another variation I see if boards are smooth is to spray then backbrush using the same absorbant type mcrofiber finish applicators I currently use for acrylic flooring.

    In theory, a very loadable pushbroom sized china bristle followed by back brush/absorbing with a microfiber mop would be good system for breezy days or for those that don't like to spray or keep equipment up. But where to get such a broom/brush that really holds alot? Concrete staining (newlook)or carwash brush I assume might be most cost effective. Getting the stain on as fast as ya like and into the cracks with the brush and then absorbing the excess up with fiber excites me a tad. Fiber can be run along straight edge of a container to get out excess. The applicator pad is like $7 and probably last a whole season. My current use sees them going a couple month as acrylic dries a bit in them even when kept in a bag. At first I thought I could just strip it on out but they don't flow or move over flooring the same after. That is totally different application though to where I am just about jogging while doing thousands of sq. ft. at a very consistant level. The watery nature of that stuff makes for a suction actually that is not likely on a deck. So I would just say it depends if the material can hold up to oil or not. We'll see in spring.

    I suggest, if anyone wants to try them out with oil, that ya consider the likely durability of the swivel on the mop and that for safety sake ya put the fiber in yer firecan or lidded pot after each use.

  14. Gonna be stripping the failed waterbased eh?

    Don't know nothing much of the Sherwin oil offering elsewhere. Here their offering is the AC line which there is of course at least some data available now through these boards of durability and use. Am sure someone experienced with Deckscapes oil will chime in..but hey if it not custom mixed Sherwin will take it back and you can then just get the AC off Scott. You can use the prerequisate of it being Sherwins offering elsewhere as suitable product choice to your customer if ya would rather use it over their own.

  15. Kevin,

    After more than 30 yrs., I do not think I need some test to determine party affiliation.

    You must be young. The Republican party has a long tradition of being centrist on social issues, especially in the selection of Presidential candidates. In my lifetime, Eisenhower, Rockefeller, Nixon, Ford, Reagan in governance, and G.W. Bush were all "middle of the road" on social policies.

    It can be easily argued that John McCain was the most centrist Republican candidate of those running for the nomination in this election.

    The Republican party has long been a home to libertarians, and it remains so.

    Younger than you old man..lol. :)

    Centrist term is subjective to the porthole yer looking through. Whereas one fanatic follower on one end of a spectrum would call theirself a centrist so does the other. If summing or balling things up into but only current hot issues between a two party republican or democrat system we can not really use the term as there nothing outside the left or right...middle road/fence/centrist views would misapply your position as being of "" that party so to speak if you don't lock step to it.

    BalancedPolitics.org - Political Ideology Definitions

    I am speaking more along basic ideology and where one falls compared to key leader type indicators throughout history rather than just our American leaders in modern times.

    But anyways.. when I know I am fiscally conservative on many a thing (but not all) and yet socially moderate (but not always) I know I don;t belong to republcan party or the democratic party.

    Here is one test: Political Compass - Analysis

    Have seen better test though that steps a little farther into classifying one into known political partes known to history.

  16. History was made in our country a black man became president. It really is quite a thing to say for our country. I really don't look at him a black man I am seeing just a man a young man who fought hard for this job and I think he will fight hard to be a good president for all.

    All the race junk is dumb and wrong. Your view of not looking at him as a black man is commendable. In fact since he is of no more black origin than of a white origin I see no validity whatsoever in a sensationalizing that he is black. ..how dare people label him black!!!. OBAMA IS A WHITE MAN and challenge anyone to disprove it.

  17. I have been a Republican virtually all of my adult life due to economic philosophy. The party has veered too far to the right on social issues, and seems unable to govern in a centrist, forward oriented manner. We have earned this repudiation.

    Hey Rick you ever take any of the party/political leader type tests to see who your like or what party you best fit?. I have, you may learn that you've never really matched upto a republican ideal except for during a time when it was not itself. Republicans being socially centrist is not something I remember as being historical or reflected in the tests..But yea some them tests are really good at defining a person and who they most like in history..Gotta try drumming the better ones up off some old forums I used to frequent for ya.. :)

  18. This cartoon really speaks volumes. What an amazing day in our history.

    God Bless America.


    Should read 'Repealed Nov. 4, 2008' ..least for all folk that gonna pay more tax AND not get same stimulous/rebate/free money, etc.. :)

    Funny thing about such cartoons are they represent joke sarcasm plenty a times...

  19. Don't worry Matt C...as Gerald Celente iterated last night on Coast to Coast, the euphoria will fade by March as reality sets in. In summing up why the world is happy...he got into howthey look forward to our inflationary times ahead which he feels is sure to come from the welfare spending. He believes we can't spend our way out and that the printing of more and more dollars won't work. Apparently thinks the current system isn't able to fix or save itself and we need a whole new one. What system that would be I do not know.....But yes we might as well start calling this the USSA as Russ said and plan on the Amero too. Guy calls in last night making poigent point how the reserve is private. His description was that you find them listed under the yellowpages rather than goobermint pages in the phone book while your in the reserve cities. He mentions how if you goto their websites they talk about the Amero right on main pages as if it is for sure coming... have to check out myself though....Celente conveyed he not so against it now for some reasoning.

  20. James, Why the mention of '2008 bailout' as reason? Many were for it including your candidate. Heck he pushed for and inspired the thing. It will go down in history as a failed 700+bil welfare expendature for big biz cause all the dummies involved didn't place restrictions or mandates on spending it...how clever that Obama, he's got immunity.

  21. Ant, Haven't seen the numbers but I suspect McCain lost because Obama was able to get a larger amount of new voters to vote for him...lol. Can't say whether the popular vote indicates a landslide but I think so far it doesn't.

    The early media charisma & money spent, wanting change whether good or bad, people wanting war over at any cost, transferance of Bush's economy upon McCain, and too much of lower class wanting the government to give or literally provide more for them HAD MUCH to do with a Obama win.

    That said, I have to give it up to my wife and her ideas why. She is very smart lady...Her idea is that besides him being an excellent speaker, the tele show 24 is the reason. People first saw a warm, calm, compassionate, and smart television president that listened to Jack and it opened a doorway to gain the white vote is what I assume she meant. :)
