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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. God will help us Mike, maybe God is helping us by Obama possibly being President and maybe hopefully God will help Obama be a great president. Ever look at it that way?

    From what I understand God can work in many different ways.

    Surely Mike will have an opinion on that Jeff but if I may I'll just say that God gave us free will and frontal lobes in which to guide it with. So in spirit of JFK.. 'Ask not what yer God will do for you but rather ask what you can do for yer God'. Do otherwise and the next thing ya know people be blaiming God for a bad term, high taxes, etc. etc.

  2. Personally, I can't imagine any business-minded entrepreneur favoring a ticket whose head thinks it is important to "spread the wealth around" and whose VP nominee thinks it is patriotic to want to pay more taxes.

    I can't imagine any sensible person voting for someone who could sit under the likes of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and not have a problem with the hatred he spews.

    I can't imagine any freedom-minded person voting for someone who thinks clinging to God and guns is a problem.

    I have no problem with his being black, I don't think he's a terrorist, though his associations show either very poor judgement or a very self-serving dishonesty. I don't think he's muslim, though I don't know that. I really don't think he thinks much of God, and his position on abortion shows that he doesn't know much about God. I simply think he's got a socialistic agenda for this county, and I think he's not qualified nor experienced enough to be President.

    If He wins this November, God help us all.

    WOW..I do believe we have a bell ringer and a true American in our midst!!

    I would not doubt if 50 voters in this here poll believe you read their hearts and minds. Are you running for office Mike??:lgbow:

  3. And he's a muslim terrost who is trying to sign up millions of voters through Acorn and Obamas Mamma is a ***** too. Oh ya he's a socialist liberal pig. can muslims be called pigs. Oh ya did I mention he's BLACK.........oh my god. Plus he's going to bring more goobermint to you and I.

    Ha Ha Na Na

    Don't confuse me now with others there Jeff..I tend to focus on what matters. I don't care if he muslim, a pig, or black. I don't believe him to be terrorist natured, black, or a pig. He maybe a little squirrel though. They like nuts, don't like guns, and hang around with socialists.

  4. This just in...

    10/22/2008-"In a recent poll of a well respected cross section of American small business McCain currently leads Obama by a whopping 38.97%.

    If small business is correct McCain is to win in a landslide!!"


    ref. Pressure Washing and Contractor Cleaning Forums - The Grime Scene - View Poll Results

    ps- correction.. is now 39.74%..Mike voted..lol :lol:

  5. .....My English is fine. I also have decent comprehension skills which allow me to understand the questions asked of me so I may properly answer them. Comprehension keeps us all from failing to correctly answer questions, or from answering them like unrehersed idiots.


    Then maybe ya could beat Jeff to answering the question:

    What has he done???. tell me, I really want to know. people talk about talking up yer own position, ability, or acts. Let's hear some and see if there any substance. Please I'm begging to hear what he's done here at home or concerning world affair..

    Here I'll help you out...He mainly voted yes's and no's where applicable to stay on fence or keep lib status quo on things such as abortion. But I'll give bennefit of doubt and wait patiently to hear from you n all the valuable legislation he wrote or sponsored. I assume he surely a good wholesome guy just like the next guy that has contributed plenty to protect American way of life and surely we can relate to him..

    Ooop. sorry, I forgot... he spent lots of time trying to thwart the 2nd amendment via the Joyce Foundation. So forget that assumption.

  6. I suggest you sloooowwwww down and either plan a higher budget or less of the 'doing it all'. Dems may come down on ya like they do on McCain..lol..

    But yea so anyways, all the important tools that go with each of them fields ya mention can on their own add up to your budget. That's not counting the main machine, trailer, or tanks. Most these folk here that are dedicated to just a single field carry more like 10-15k of equipment. If yer that commited then think about financing proper equipment. ..i.e. 4gpm and 20" surfacer is not gonna cut the mustard of being competative in the commercial flat work world.

  7. Unfocused, I think thats how a lot of people think he will be as a president. You can talk bad or go after your opponent but thats all he does. Like I said he has no real anything, for people to cling onto, except his past. We need a forward thinker and I think that is how Obama is being seen now and not all over the place McCain. I think its his age, his personality nd definitely his handlers

    Hey during a campaign it probably true that focusing more on specific issue over and over can be shown as a winning strategy. If there is problem with McCain on this it is due to handlers cause that dude is way used to being all over the place and working on many things at once. He is always in shop mode. That is the kinda pres I want. But hey btw.. if ya consider his promoting and inspiring the surge as 'the past' or unimportant then we should look to Obama for what acts he has achomplished or taken part in the past.. What has he done???. tell me, I really want to know. people talk about talking up yer own position, ability, or acts. Let's hear some and see if there any substance. Please I'm begging to hear what he's done here at home or concerning world affair..

  8. I been prefuring the rv winterizing pg. (kragen, napa, walmart, etc.) The sierra is a bit thick and green. (apparently has other stuff in it that ya may not want). And if not mistaken I believe pg recommendation is like 10%. But don't quote me on that.

    ps- so yea that be 1/2gal per fiver then for standard pg.. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/wood-cleaning-restoration-decks-fences-etc/13180-boosted-hd-80-a.html

    Not sure if I ever actually got at the info on how much the prediluted rv winterizer is diluted compared to what other offerings suggest diluting theirs but I think it works out to just adding your caustics right to it.

  9. Haaaaaa, lmaof..OMG that is hysterically funny stuff Beth!!

    Yea that's it, side with or listen to world citizen populations that has 43% of ther population believing who becomes American president doesn't effect their country. What was it..63% had no opinion even? Guess they feel their markets are flourishing and things aren't interconnected as much as we hear in our media.

    Rule of thumb... always side the opposite of friend or foe that tend to have their best interest at heart at your expense.

  10. Jeff, Likewise it was just yesterday that Sullivan's show pointed to an unfocused nature of McCain's campaign and how the past elected presidents had their managers on them constantly keeping them on poiint.

    Hey I like the idea in general of playing up your abilities and acheivements. Works in business and personal life. I think McCain could do better at such. But hey since when there been a 'running against' that doesn't include and expect candidates addressing the wrongs in each other's plan or past actions?. Is silly calling foul on 'negativety'. It is all McCain has to work with concerning Obama. I mean how ya gonna make a silk purse out a sows ear? Above all I thank all those that speak the truth of a candidates past or their intentions. Consider it fair warning to the people if you will. Yea being calm and serene has its place in certain atmosphere but in this day and the current crisis befalling America??. That is just dumb. Obama so slow and calm today in responding to tax plan concerns that he looked to be falling asleep. Yea that's it folks. Stick head in sand and vote for a slow calm regression/resession. Repealing Bush's tax cut is what he said. How dumb a statement was that today??

  11. Thanx Beth...thought the title sounded funny as I was writing. But yea Jeff it not political, is sound advice for both work and personal life and based around the hem and haw analogy mindset. Came out back when big business had to under go restructuring in order to survive. May have been required reading someplaces...I know I first happened upon it while working for none other than Philip Morris...Perhaps some of it needs applied to goobermint.

  12. No one here is relating ding dong Obama as being at fault for current economic woes so why ya freaken out on that Jeff?

    Jeff it is just like pressure washing..we can deal with the here and now of how much we paying for gas or chems, how many customers we got coming through the door, how much time we are taking to do a job, etc. etc. all the while planning for our next few years of big expendatures, marketing plans, and basically contemplating and working on our future moves OR we can sit around hemmin and hawin about what we only got now with not a shread of plan for the future. I suggest a little book for you to read. It take you 30 minutes or less to read..read Where's my Cheese.

  13. 'Where is the money coming from' is a good question..especially as it applies to yer Obama candidate's plan...

    Obama Talks Nonsense on Tax Cuts

    Revenues will inevitably be diverted from Social Security


    Now we know: 95% of Americans will get a "tax cut" under Barack Obama after all. Those on the receiving end of a check will include the estimated 44% of Americans who will owe no federal income taxes under his plan.

    In most parts of America, getting money back on taxes you haven't paid sounds a lot like welfare. Ah, say the Obama people, you forget: Even those who pay no income taxes pay payroll taxes for Social Security. Under the Obama plan, they say, these Americans would get an income tax credit up to $500 based on what they are paying into Social Security.

    Just two little questions: If people are going to get a tax refund based on what they pay into Social Security, then we're not really talking about income tax relief, are we? And if what we're really talking about is payroll tax relief, doesn't that mean billions of dollars in lost revenue for a Social Security trust fund that is already badly underfinanced?

    Austan Goolsbee, the University of Chicago economic professor who serves as one of Sen. Obama's top advisers, discussed these issues during a recent appearance on Fox News. There he stated that the answer to the first question is that these Americans are getting an income tax rebate. And the answer to the second is that the money would not actually come out of Social Security.

    "You can't just cut the payroll tax because that's what funds Social Security," Mr. Goolsbee told Fox's Shepard Smith. "So if you tried to do that, you would undermine the Social Security Trust Fund."

    Now, if you have been following this so far, you have learned that people who pay no income tax will get an income tax refund. You have also learned that this check will represent relief for the payroll taxes these people do pay. And you have been assured that this rebate check won't actually come out of payroll taxes, lest we harm Social Security.

    You have to admire the audacity. With one touch of the Obama magic, what otherwise would be described as taking money from Peter to pay Paul is now transformed into Paul's tax relief. Where a tax cut for payroll taxes paid will not in fact come from payroll taxes. And where all these plans come together under the rhetorical umbrella of "Making Work Pay."

    Not everyone is persuaded. Andrew Biggs is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a former Social Security Administration official who has written a great deal about Mr. Obama's plans on his blog (AndrewBiggs.blogspot.com). He notes that to understand the unintended consequences, it helps to remember that while people at the bottom pay a higher percentage of their income in payroll taxes, they are accruing benefits in excess of what they pay in.

    "It's interesting that Mr. Obama calls his plan 'Making Work Pay,'" says Mr. Biggs, "because the incentives are just the opposite. By expanding benefits for people whose benefits exceed their taxes, you're increasing their disincentive for work. And you're doing the same at the top of the income scale, where you are raising their taxes so you can distribute the revenue to others."

    Even more interesting is what Mr. Obama's "tax cuts" do to Social Security financing. As Mr. Biggs notes, had Mr. Obama proposed to pay for payroll tax relief out of, well, payroll taxes, his plan would never have a chance in Congress. Most members would look at a plan that defunded a trust fund that seniors are counting on for their retirement as political suicide.

    And that leads us to the heart of this problem. If the government is going to give tax cuts to 44% of American based on their Social Security taxes -- without actually refunding to them the money they are paying into Social Security -- Mr. Obama will have to get the funds elsewhere. And this is where "general revenues" turns out to be a more agreeable way of saying "Other People's Money."

    When asked about his priorities during the second presidential debate, Mr. Obama said that reform of programs like Social Security would have to go on the back burner for two years or so. "We're not going to solve Social Security and Medicare unless we understand the rest of our tax policies," he said.

    The senator is right. But you have to read the fine print of his tax cuts to know why.

  14. Kev, Man the stuff you put on the boards is pointless, full of speculation and rhetoric. Why don't you look into and put some Factual information about the the last 8 years of the of the Bush / Cheney administration ? How many Amendments where broken ? Did they lie to the American people and how many times? Was it the worst Presidency in history? That could be speculation? Should the American people vote for someone that will follow the same Ideology ( McCan't/Phalin)?

    McCan't Do it !!!

    What's more laughable than a fella not offering a single thing of meaning to ponder in a thread about his candidate yet focuses on someone that isn't even running?... Maybe a dem or two here think this thread is a dem luv fest or a circle jerk competition..lmaof :)

    I can really tell how much some you value your constitution by how much you belittle the protecting of it.

    James go ahead and tell us all about all the non factual events the Joyce foundation didn't fund or take part in while Obama was with them.

  15. Well then Dane if yer on the flats all the time and 3.0 did fine then there ya go..4.9 will be world of difference. I remember back when I used minivans the difference between just the 3.0 caravan and the 3.3 was pretty huge. My Xterra has a 6 in it and I plan to stick a hitch on it at some point here for backup use. One thing helping you out is you don't have the full size hotwater unit to haul. They can add about 700lb compared to a cold washer.

    ps- far as van compared to truck or trailer...Depends on many things like lifestyle or vehicle is to be dedicated soley to work or not. No way am I ever putting a hot water machine in a van unless it is purely a cargo van that is all crapped up. Deisel or gas stinks running in vehicles and if there ever a fire the vehicle is done for. Trailer can limit where ya can park. Sometimes in downtown situations parking can be a challenge but I don't do much of that so... I find still having my truck bed available for large item moving or personal use so I never plan to load it full of equipment all the time. I also use my truck to transport the whole family so can't see having anything else unless it was dedicated for work only. Open trailer or flatbed can be a security issue and everything gets wet. Much to consider in vehicle choice. A dedicated box van would be my choice.

  16. Depending on how hilly your area is and how much passing power ya like to have I'd say the smaller engine be ok with that setup upto say 1200-1500 payload on the trailer. Keep the tank half full or so and it probably be fine in any case...just going off my current 4.7L truck pulling load regularly up the Sierra.
