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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. I feel yer pain.. sorta anyways. I met up with a potential customer yesterday and not only was the job scope way beyond what we talked about but now I got calls all hours of night and morning demanding his proposal by 9am deadline. I'm like hu there was a deadline mentioned? I specifically told him that I have to bring other guys in on job and that I would need to hear back from them first. Now in his mind I ma like all these other guys that he never hears back from and I broke a code or some yaddayadda. Damn maybe if I would have had Carlos or somebody with me we coulda scored big time. Would have been about $40k. Man I could kick myself as much as the guy I was dealing with.

  2. Could be just as likely that the machines ability doesn't fully allow for stretches of mild weather or areas that hardly even experience the seasons.

    btw, one board is out of order and it tricked me for a second... I see a tad more fade than my first glance. That said, has anyone noted the fade of some other products such as woodrich or readyseal takes on in just 6 mon. in a semi weather protected situation. If that first pic is after 6 mon of sales use as well as the weather simulator I am thoroughly impressed.

  3. KVS, thank you for your posting. I considered what ya said and I wonder what it is exactly you want our goobermint, um I mean us, to pay for. If anyone has outright said they don't want people helped during crisis in way of shelter, food, clothing, or what ever basics ..I failed to see it. I think it really easy to confuse such basic help with rebuilding a whole infrastructure of a city or region as well as peoples housing. Hey heres a couple novel idea. The people and their insurance rebuilds the houses and the insurance companies are prevented via legislation from spreading the rate burden outside the region. The fed and state rebuild the basic infrastructure out of special fund and the financial burden is recouped via local taxes over so many years back to the fund sort of like a loan repayment. Heavy infrastructure for the 500 year level could be carried out at burden to the whole nation. I mean like who would complain if really robust walls, gates, etc. are put on our nations tab. Got to have a port there right?.. so but how I take it is that most people with a view outside the area don't like the idea of a bandaide.

  4. Eye rolling in family court gets you a goverment grant for an all expenses paid 6 month vaca!!!:banghead:

    Haha..what does that mean?.. j/k, yea I know what it means and have been there.

    Last time I was aparty to eye rolling in family court though I just ended oweing money and it been good ever snce.

    Judges word for me and my defense was that we 'chagrinned' the court. I took that to mean they didn't like to hear the truth and was embarrased/ mortified by the truth I spewed...LOL

    chagrin - definition of chagrin by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


  5. Yup Rick it is indeed fascinating and for sure inspires philosophical thought.

    Ya really got to wonder how many other beings elsewhere in the universe contemplate their beginings, ending, and overall relationship to the size of the universe. I mean is some other Rick or Kevin looking up at the faintest thing they can see with their naked eye and thinking 'wow! that thing is one of the closest intergalactic objects to me yet it's light took 2.2 million years to get to me'.

    Such is the case with our sister galalaxy M31 Andromada wich is the farthest thing you can see without a scope. Has intrigued me since I was a kid.

  6. See look folks...jusr look how much pride she takes in creating this place and taking care of the board.. :)

    NEVER start a board without finishing it. If you do, do not leave a drastic stop start mark, feather it out from well coated to barely coated, and then in lighter areas where you wiped off, apply less to even it up. BUT...it's better to never start a board without finishing it.


  7. If the Milky Way was the size of Beth's coffee cup, how big would the rest of the universe be?

    A. The Milky Way has a radius of about 50,000 light years. The visible universe has a radius of about 15 billion light years or 300,000 times the size of the Milky Way. So for Beth's 8-centimeter-wide coffee cup as the Milky Way, the VISIBLE universe would be a sphere about 48 kilometers (almost 30 miles) in radius...give or take.

    (ref-http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/about/information/science_faq.html )

    I also dig the one about what happens to time as you pass through a TGS topic event horizon..It all makes sense to me now actually!

    Short answer is your space becomes time and your time becomes space. Hence the internet is a universe, TGS is a galaxy, it's topics are black hole, and our thoughts are matter falling into it.

    My goodness sakes alive... Beth you are like a God after all!! I mean like shucks you created a whole dang galaxy!!

    LOL :)

  8. Yea Sullivan talked about it all afternoon yesterday on the radio. When a caller called in to say that he supposedly heard Obama give credit during previous speaches (as if that is ok) he had to correct him by noting that Obama appologized that he didn't know it was from a cartoon. Thus we have all sorts of people making excuses for him even though he admits a mistake...

    ah well..Don't we all quote cartoon sayings?. I mean that Barney Rubble sure is a great actor!!

  9. Hu..seriousley??. we don't have ability to goto traffic school to keep points off our record no more?. ..I been too good for too long to know personally.

    My wife got a safety corridor ticket in Oregon and wasn't able but her friend has had a few ticket this past year here in Cali and took class or test to keep point off. .... Classes and tests are online and study materials can be rented at some video stores is what the wife just mentioned.

  10. Rick, not trying to hijack, but you say the lapping "was mostly corrected by a second application of stain on the deck floor".

    First, How to avoid lapping in this situation?

    Second, when lapping occurs what steps can be taken to lessen or correct?

    Thanks, Ron (extreme wood novice).

    Hi Ron, I was one of the first to review and promote the Armstrong product here on TGS back in May in the 2008 Sealer Poll thread: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/wood-cleaning-restoration-decks-fences-etc/12698-2008-sealer-poll-2.html and so have been in tune to the handfull of threads that discuss AC. Make sure to use the search function if you wish to read up more on the product as some thread have guys that are familiar with using it prior to this season. They may be able to offer advice directly.

    Few of us discussed Rick's lap issue here:

