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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. After the conventions are all over I hope both parties talk about the issues. Its time to find out the cold hard facts of what these two candidates are offering. FACTS is what its all about

    True true.. Things get underway tonight. Last night Palin did a lite impailing of Obama and but tonight O'Reilly is likely to dig around inside the wound with a big fish hook...

    Hey how about that Cindy McCain!.. she sure comes off as a warm spirit. Watched her at the convention just now and her speech was so sincere that it seemed unprepared and straight from the heart.

    For me these two woman in the course of but 2 days have sqwelched much concern I been having about McCain being just another one of the Old Boy group.

    Maybe tonight I'll be able to get off the fence. Obama 8pm et, McCain 10:15pm et

  2. Help!.. I have blown seal in my main quik connect female that comes out through bulkhead off my units thermostat. Can't seem to break free to change it out. I've braced thermo from turning back behind bulkhead with pipe wrench and but smaller vice grips used up front on the quik connect just stripping it after first trying open end wrenches and crescent wrench. The connects design is too thin where wrench goes to get a pipe wrench on.... what to do what to do??

    Heat?. saw off the sliding quik part and use a socket?.. HELP!! :).

  3. I see what your talking about. What game is their usual intruder? Image to me resembles a barely exposed dark object. Like maybe just enough light reflecting off the back and shoulders of a pig or bear. Could also perhaps be a whisp of dust kicked up while it ran through on a misadjust system. Well that assumes abit much so...

    The place to ask about this would be the hunting folk over at Hags House. Lots of hunting cam experts over there.

  4. They utilize pilot light?..never woulda thunk it being so in this day and age of auto this or that. Shouldn't they have an autoignitor like natural gas home heating units?

    I would think process for deducing issue should be something like David describes. I mean bypassing things in the loop always finds problem no matter the technology.

    I'd tend to look to the switch technology (flow,pressure, vac, thermo) first before thinking electrodes or parts of the propane system being at fault or lesser than a deisel. Personally I would prefure the clean burning nature of the propane unit but perhaps the valving and efficiency they seem to be offering in their current state isn't worth it. Before switching to deisel perhaps some focus on what Rod said about the heat is worht considering. He did mention 'propane in itself does not burn as hot' and that leads me to think that the forced air/ratio can make all the difference on how well these units can produce. After all look at the btu rating of them things. Is it a lie or should those things get hot? If their not keeping up to spec I would think it has to be electronic switch/thermostatic issues or freezing issues of the valving. Propane at high pressure goes liquid and freezes stuff up. I know internal combustion machines that utilizes diaphragm regulation via vacuum are susceptable to tank overfill. Diapragm can freeze or crack and yer done for. Perhaps some part on these burner type machines are just as prone..Seems a high flow of propane through a fuel plumb system would also cause freezing of things.

  5. If she is such a bad choice, why are the democrats so scared of her?

    Dems or Republican alike don't know what to think in this case.

    Perhaps them personal/family issues sensationalized by the media smells abit of her being moderate if not liberal in social life but then don't they know her to be fiscal conservative and corruption watchdog?

    All I know is I hear she is a real NRA member unlike Kerry and her fav food is moose stew or some such. Not only that but she can field dress that thar moose too!

    It'll take time for some to warm up to her. I'm workin on it..

  6. Beth - he doesn't need to ph balance it - he won't stain it.

    Perhaps worthy point related would be that changing natural ph of some surface can promote a faster decay of a structure.

    For instance, alkaline level above 9 is desired in concrete if not coated with impermeable coatings due to both carbonation and chloride ions effecting metal reinforcements and fasteners. Is a serious concern surrounding the overall lifespan and safety of public buildings. Without neither alkalinity to diffuse CO2 or a seal to keep it out the world would fall apart in these days of reinforced crete. Is why when we are all dead and gone that all the crete will fall apart and it all go back to mother nature once the alkaline involved in crete is leached out over time.

    ...Case for wood would be similar in that carbon dioxide from rainwater is diffused by higher wood ph level thus protecting screws, nails, and fastners. So rule of thumb is if not sealing it ya clean it and leave it alone.

  7. Kyle I would think what matters is what brand/model parts and technology a perticular unit is utilizing. Perhaps some brands are using cheap junky parts but that would not be my experinece with my Mi-t-m. In considering the age of a used unit you may run across any number of brands useing outdated switching or even engines. For instance I was not fond of the Briggs L engine or the vac type switch on mine due to technology of the time yet the brands involved are top quality. Can't really get better then Beckett or General really. Mine has general pump, becket burner,stainless coil. Engine wise I advise picking a brand/design with overhead valves so ya can change valves out with heads. Kawasaki or Honda is good.

  8. So I'm watching fox and they are reviewing how the industrial wall held and talkin to the Army Corps of Engineers about it...Part they looking at they say it designed to hold to the top which is from about 12-15' depending on section.It was being topped by this relatively small storm. If I understand correctly that part they consider done and is at a 100 year level?. Are they serious and only call the 10-12' surge they got from a cat 2 hurricane as being only on average a 100 year thing? Anyone know what level surge a 500 year plan would hold or why they shoot so low in their protection goal? I just don't get it I guess.. I mean all this talk about how much money, time, and effort they putting into it over last few year and the area is still a disaster waiting to happen.

    I do not believe that the level of protection being shot for by 2011 is what the American people expect...just a silly band aid if ya ask me!

    What's that country that built a huge wall with doors to keep the ocean out?
