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MMI Enterprises

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Posts posted by MMI Enterprises

  1. Hey if that is good urethane (permenant solvent borne or 2 part catylized) not really meant for exteror wood decking your not going to make a dent with standard caustic strippers even if you boost them. Soy based solvent/gel offerings will get it with a good dwell time. Lots of money though. Better off sanding with swing machine equipped with the 36grit.

    ..good luck, urethane is a whole other animal! The 2 part stuff is what is also known as antigrafiti coating as standard markers or spray paint can be removed by paint stripper or oven cleaner without hurting it.

  2. Well what's the happs down there on getting bikes?. I have seen lots of really good used deals down South of me on craigs, ebay, and through cycle shops. Maybe you plan to buy all new bikes Alan?

    In weighing out reality of my age and physical shape, planned usage, and my ladies underlying fears I switched from idea of getting a dual sport over to getting a quad. Mainly a outdoorsman hunter type guy here and I don't foresee jumping bikes in my future.(least until my younger kids get to their teens).. So what I did is I went out yesterday and stuck a slightly used Suzuki Eiger 4x4 with under 300 mi. on it in my garage. Was a monumental chore in clearing out and making room.

    Btw.. anyone see RC getting all that air on the stepup competition at the xgames? He musta been getting upwards of 37' over the bar. He took gold medal first time entering.

  3. Thats alot of spindel...belt sander for the idea I propose would be for the birds.

    Laid out up against each other it be over 50' of surface x however high they run. Would have to make a 2x4 form/jig and fill it up tight and use the swing machine sander which many aren't equiped with.Rents cheap though. With an 8' form you would have to fill maybe 7 times and turn them 3 times to get the 4 sides.

  4. Ouch..That is alot of stain..Beautiful though!

    Question, does the sturdiness of the existing spindle sway you one way or the other on whether to remove or change them out or not?

    If wood is good I wonder if the remove and dip process could be applied to the existing wood by way of laying them all out tight together within a wood form and sanding them. On my end a low speed swing machine equiped with sanding driver would make short work of it but even a belt sander should suffice. Would have to rotate for each of the 4 sides but wouldn't that negate having to purchase, deliver,measure, cut, and drill new ones? Might save HO some money too?

  5. The cleaners playing around is one thing... existing Live members from other cams coming in and displaying xxx from adult sites on their cam is another real possability. In checking out other cams on there I have seen cam4 displayed twice now down in the tray as I guess the sicko members come in wanting to see similar untamed cams on Live. Doing such is of course against Live rules and you can flag the content.

    Not sure I would say linking to Live could in anyway get anyone in trouble as surely they are compliant.. but I get the point being made.

  6. I like how they've taken their stock colors and changed them. Like Yellow has a black or a blue.

    I do take issue that Red has no dualsport offering between a 230 and 650. One too weak... the other probably not nible enough if not too heavy.

    Ran up on a 230 getting ready to leave a parking lot with a small guy on it just yesterday and the main plus I noticed for my application was that I could hardly hear it. When I get another bike I am putting a scabbard on it..:)

  7. I have question to ask.

    I hear pw use ox and soda beads but what about muraic acid I donnot hear that being used.

    Spell as muriatic or hydrochloric during searches and you may see it discussed more for various uses in the restoration/coating prep end of the PWing trade.. :)

  8. first one: no, not unless ya got a 4-5 gpm to dual it up so ya can make some time on bigger areas. Don't need heat on wood, not enough gpm for flatwork. Price probably good

    second one: price?.. maybe good for a motor shop/garage but not for serious production

    ps- i see second one is $750.. yea good deal on these probably regardless of what size. Configuration and parts alone make it good..

  9. Wrong tip, worn tip, clogged downstreamer, major leak, clogged water filters, debri in pump check valves, muffed/cracked piston seals/packings, one cylinder of engine blown or not firing, etc, etc. ....In about that order.

    Running a system that doesn't feed the bypass water back to larger tank and instead goes right back to pump in a small loop can overheat pump and mess up seals/packings. Always pull trigger every so often or have a temp based release valve off pump to prevent problem if your not routed to big tank.

    Far as pump oil goes.. No not directly, yes low oil could fry yer pump but how high or how low does not effect pressure persay. Oil side is discrete from the water section.

    ps-Update: Air entering the inlet plumbing to the pump or lack of supply water has to be added as likely cause due to learning that symptom fluctuates or presents only after trigger pull under pressure. So first thing to check is pump starvation and prime, filters, then valves.
